Hey guys, I have plans for another Request Month coming up and for the most part I have had not any problems with requests and I'm more than happy to review anything. However there are just those things that I won't review for one reason or another. Here is a list of the Top 6 Things I probably won't review. Let's begin.
6. Disney Era Power Rangers

Look, I enjoyed Power Rangers as a kid and even enjoyed them when Disney bought the rights. Personally, my favorite post Zordon season is Jungle Fury. But look, I don't want to review the Disney era Power Rangers because they were orinignally Saban property and with something that was not owned by Disney in the first place, I just don't think that would work with my blog. Now yes, I did do a Golden Girls review and I don't beleive that to be owned by Disney but the episode in question took place at Disney World and I felt I could get away with that because they mentioned it. With Power Rangers, I didn't even realize that Disney had bought them until I went to Disney World and saw that they had a Power Rangers float in one of their parades.
5. Disney's Doug

See Number 6. All right here's the deal with this one, I loved Doug and personally I think it was the best Nicktoon back in the day. This leads me to part of the reason why I won't review Dinsey's Doug because it first aried on Nick as a Nicktoon and to me, the Nicktoon version was the superior version. Even if I did enjoy Disney's run with the show. Yes, even the movie. As I said with Power Rangers, Disney didn't own it first, therefore I don't feel thatI should review it.
4. The Nightmare Before Christmas

Let me start off by saying I find this movie incredibly boring. It has to be one of the most boring movies that I have ever tried to watch. Honestly each time, I try to watch this film, I fall asleep. Also it's nice to look at and that's about it. I don't find any of the songs memorable nor do I find them catchy. The idea is intriguing but this movie is just so dull. Also, I'm not a big Tim Burton fan to begin with.
3. Song of The South

It pains me to this one on the list. Especially with how high it is listed. There a few reasons, I can't review this film. A. I have never seen it, so I don't have a full understanding of the film. B. Disney has never released this film stateside and I like owning a copy of the film that I'm going to review. C. I don't like the idea of using torrents because ethically as a blogger I would not feel right doing that because if I'm going to review something, I would like for it to have been obtained legally.
2. Gargoyles

Growing up as a child, I was not into shows with dark elements. Therefore I did not watch this show. Now yes, I did include the theme song on the first Music Fridays but at the time I thought about actually giving the show a chance. Then I realized, I'm not intrested enough to invest my time in watching this show. It's not a bad show at all. Honestly, I shouldn't be making that call as I have only seen one to two episodes and I had no idea what was going on. If you want to watch a good reveiw of this show, the Nostalgia Critic did a great one. This show just isn't for me.
And the number one thing I'll never review is...
1. Tron

Just like Nightmare, I gave this movie a chance but after about 20 minutes, I had to turn it off as I found it very dull and unimpressive. Also the Grid, the whole computer world to me is ugly to look at and it is hard on the eyes. The 20 minutes I watched of this film gave me a headache and I had to stop it because it made no sense. The plot was a mess. Quite honestly, I can understand the praise and cult following it has to an extent but I don't think it is a good enough film to be regarded as a Sci-fi classic in the same vein as the original Star Wars trilogy.
There you are, these are the Top 6 I Won't Review and I'm sorry to disappoint if you wanted to request one of these. Just because I won't review these doesn't mean you can't make requests and who knows maybe someday down the line, I'll change my mind. Now as I said, another Request Month will be coming up. A Return of The Requests, if you will. I'll start by covering the leftover topics from the 100th Blog. Save for the two, I said that I would not review. Here is a list of the leftovers that I'll be reviewing.
Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs
The Brave LittleToaster
Top 6 Coolest Moments of Disney Canon
Top 6 Disney Films of Genres
Top 6 Live Action Disney Films
Now I'll still be doing Music Fridays during this time, however, I'll be doing a very special Music Fridays to concide with the Return of the Requests. I'll be doing a Music Fridays where you guys get to request the song you want to hear. However, I do ask that you request them in advance. You can either tell me here or shoot me a P.M. telling me what song you want featured on that Music Fridays
While you can make a request in the comments, I would perfer it if you sent a P.M. as I would like to keep the topic a suprise for each of the upcomging Requests and know that the Requests may be gotten to for a while.
Movie Reviews
Can We Talk about
Top 6
Those are the basics but here the subjects that I'm willing to cover
Disney Canon
Disney TV shows
Disney Parks
Disney Cruise line
Disney Stage shows
Disney Channel
Disney board/video games
Live action Disney films
Walt Disney
Fan experinces
6. Disney Era Power Rangers

Look, I enjoyed Power Rangers as a kid and even enjoyed them when Disney bought the rights. Personally, my favorite post Zordon season is Jungle Fury. But look, I don't want to review the Disney era Power Rangers because they were orinignally Saban property and with something that was not owned by Disney in the first place, I just don't think that would work with my blog. Now yes, I did do a Golden Girls review and I don't beleive that to be owned by Disney but the episode in question took place at Disney World and I felt I could get away with that because they mentioned it. With Power Rangers, I didn't even realize that Disney had bought them until I went to Disney World and saw that they had a Power Rangers float in one of their parades.
5. Disney's Doug

See Number 6. All right here's the deal with this one, I loved Doug and personally I think it was the best Nicktoon back in the day. This leads me to part of the reason why I won't review Dinsey's Doug because it first aried on Nick as a Nicktoon and to me, the Nicktoon version was the superior version. Even if I did enjoy Disney's run with the show. Yes, even the movie. As I said with Power Rangers, Disney didn't own it first, therefore I don't feel thatI should review it.
4. The Nightmare Before Christmas

Let me start off by saying I find this movie incredibly boring. It has to be one of the most boring movies that I have ever tried to watch. Honestly each time, I try to watch this film, I fall asleep. Also it's nice to look at and that's about it. I don't find any of the songs memorable nor do I find them catchy. The idea is intriguing but this movie is just so dull. Also, I'm not a big Tim Burton fan to begin with.
3. Song of The South

It pains me to this one on the list. Especially with how high it is listed. There a few reasons, I can't review this film. A. I have never seen it, so I don't have a full understanding of the film. B. Disney has never released this film stateside and I like owning a copy of the film that I'm going to review. C. I don't like the idea of using torrents because ethically as a blogger I would not feel right doing that because if I'm going to review something, I would like for it to have been obtained legally.
2. Gargoyles

Growing up as a child, I was not into shows with dark elements. Therefore I did not watch this show. Now yes, I did include the theme song on the first Music Fridays but at the time I thought about actually giving the show a chance. Then I realized, I'm not intrested enough to invest my time in watching this show. It's not a bad show at all. Honestly, I shouldn't be making that call as I have only seen one to two episodes and I had no idea what was going on. If you want to watch a good reveiw of this show, the Nostalgia Critic did a great one. This show just isn't for me.
And the number one thing I'll never review is...
1. Tron

Just like Nightmare, I gave this movie a chance but after about 20 minutes, I had to turn it off as I found it very dull and unimpressive. Also the Grid, the whole computer world to me is ugly to look at and it is hard on the eyes. The 20 minutes I watched of this film gave me a headache and I had to stop it because it made no sense. The plot was a mess. Quite honestly, I can understand the praise and cult following it has to an extent but I don't think it is a good enough film to be regarded as a Sci-fi classic in the same vein as the original Star Wars trilogy.
There you are, these are the Top 6 I Won't Review and I'm sorry to disappoint if you wanted to request one of these. Just because I won't review these doesn't mean you can't make requests and who knows maybe someday down the line, I'll change my mind. Now as I said, another Request Month will be coming up. A Return of The Requests, if you will. I'll start by covering the leftover topics from the 100th Blog. Save for the two, I said that I would not review. Here is a list of the leftovers that I'll be reviewing.
Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs
The Brave LittleToaster
Top 6 Coolest Moments of Disney Canon
Top 6 Disney Films of Genres
Top 6 Live Action Disney Films
Now I'll still be doing Music Fridays during this time, however, I'll be doing a very special Music Fridays to concide with the Return of the Requests. I'll be doing a Music Fridays where you guys get to request the song you want to hear. However, I do ask that you request them in advance. You can either tell me here or shoot me a P.M. telling me what song you want featured on that Music Fridays
While you can make a request in the comments, I would perfer it if you sent a P.M. as I would like to keep the topic a suprise for each of the upcomging Requests and know that the Requests may be gotten to for a while.
Movie Reviews
Can We Talk about
Top 6
Those are the basics but here the subjects that I'm willing to cover
Disney Canon
Disney TV shows
Disney Parks
Disney Cruise line
Disney Stage shows
Disney Channel
Disney board/video games
Live action Disney films
Walt Disney
Fan experinces
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