Take A Look at Disney


Classic Shorts Showcase: Tick Tock Tale

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and after some time off, we return to Classic Shorts Showcase as we continue our look at the shorts on the Walt Disney Animation Studios Short Films Collection as we look at a short that I hadn't seen since before watching this collection of shorts on Netflix.

Before I go much further, I must say that the animation in this short is some of the most gorgeous that I've ever seen in any of the animated shorts from Disney.  The story is unique as well and very enjoyable.  So join me as we look at Tick Tock Tale.

The Plot

The plot is simple enough as we follow a lone clock in a clock shop in London that is different and not as pristine as the other clocks in the shop and is made fun of by the other clocks.

Because of the little man on the top and the fact that his pants fall down.  And the poor clock goes through many different things to try and tear the thing off because he is tired of being mocked and we get a lot of great slapstick including a moment, where the man exposes himself to a family of clocks that could only work in a short in a short like this.  That same night, the store is broken into and a burglar tries to steal a lot of clocks but the little clock that the rest of the clocks.  The burglar steps  on the clock and in a scene that gave me the same feeling as when Facilier killed Ray, it seemed that the clock was dead.  The next morning, the owner of the clock store came into the store and saw the mess from the night before. With the little clock in the trash and wasn't going to anything about it but it somehow appeared on his desk, next to a sign that read "No repairs are too small" and the little clock is fixed and finally accepted by the other clocks in the store. This is a sweet little short that I loved and is perhaps one of my favorite shorts that I've seen in a long time.  As it is just so beautiful.



It's impressive how much, personality the clock is able to have without having a mouth or eyes.  He is a very expressive character and you feel for him throughout the entire short from when he he was being mocked by the other clocks in the shop because of how he looks.  Which in essence is him being made fun of for being different and even more so, when he was hurt by the burglar.  You truly feel bad for him throughout the entire short and just want to see him succeed.

My Final Thoughts

As I said throughout, this is one of my favorite shorts that I've watched in recent memory as just makes you want to root for the main character and it is one that I cannot suggest enough. Truthfully, do yourself a favor and check it out.  Join me next time as we look at...


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