Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 174: For House

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney.  I've been meaning to do this one for a while now, a couple months ago I sent a private message asking House, who his favorite Disney character was and he actually gave me quite a few to work with. So, instead of just focusing on one, I'm going to look at songs for quite a few of his favorites starting with who he said, his favorite is. 

Be Prepared 

We start with one of the best villain songs here as Scar just really gets into explaining his evil plan and Jim Cummings delivers a great singing performance as Scar and The Nazi imagery is quite haunting but a perfect fit for Scar and is rather foreboding.  As is all of this song.  I just love how dark and twisted this number gets. Next up, we are taking a look at a Scar song from the Broadway musical that I like even more than this number. 

The Madness of King Scar 

It's been awhile since I've looked at this number. And I just this number for showing how crazy, Scar has gone and now he is fighting with himself.  His poor decisions as king have led him to insanity and is willing to pass the blame onto anyone that isn't him.  He has just gone mad as we see with him fighting with himself and he doesn't want to admit that he's gone cuckoo for cocoa puffs.  Next up, we keep the villain train rolling as we head to Agrabah.

Prince Ali (Reprise)

Part of me has always been disappointed that Jafar didn't get a proper villain song but at the same time taking a song from earlier in the movie that was celebrating the main character and turning it on it's head to expose his lies is a work of brilliance.  This is perhaps one of the most clever things to do with a reprise and it works so well as this song that we all were getting swept up in and is now turned on it's head and used against our hero.  It just works so well and makes it one of the best reprises in Disney history. Though I'd argue that Mother Knows Best (Reprise) is the better villainous reprise but that's neither here nor there. For our next song, we are heading to Paris and going to have a drink with someone that uses antlers in all of his decorating.


This is perhaps one of the most egocentric songs that has ever come from Disney but it is just so fun.  You can't help but cheer along with the bar patrons as they praise Gaston. Sure, we know that he's a bit of a doofus that doesn't have much terms of brain but he makes up for that with his brute force.

Get out of here.  Shouldn't you be with Linkara?  As I was saying before that joke barged in, Gaston is small in brains but he charisma to spare and that comes through in this song quite well and it shows why the townspeople love him so much. Next up, we have a song from my favorite princess.

When Will My Life Begin

Man, it feels like it's been months since I've talked about Tangled here. I'm surprised that I haven't gone into any relapses.  Thankfully, that unintentional isolation from my favorite Disney movie and now we get to talk about Rapunzel's best song for what millionth time on this blog (At this point, anybody's guess as to whether or not, I'm exaggerating).  I love love this song, I have said time and time again that this song is what won me over when I saw Tangled as I had no interest in seeing the movie in theaters but as soon as I heard this I was won over and more than willing to give Rapunzel as chance as it truly defines her character. Sure, it's an I Want song but I think it's one of the best that we've had in recent memory.  On the surface, it's a bit poppy, which I've seen people complain about but that's Mandy Moore's style of singing and when you get down to it, there's more to this song than that as we hear what Rapunzel does but as the song goes on, it's a plea from to be free.  Listen to the last part of the song, she loves her life with Mother Gothel but she's ready to see the outside world and wants to have that chance and is hoping that she'll finally get that.

I should also mention that this was playing in my head last December, when I finally got to meet Rapunzel at Disneyland.  To quote best princess for me that was...

The Best Day Ever

Man, she is so adorable but getting back on track here what makes this song is the upbeat nature as you hear the joy in Rapunzel's voice.  As she doesn't mind doing these things but she wants to see the outside world. Which in retrospect and knowing the truth that Rapunzel will learn at the end of her journey makes this kinda sad. WOW, I did not mean for that to happen.  Okay, we have one last song to look at and it's from Rapunzel's future husband or as my niece's Lego set, Rapunzel's Creativity Tower list him as, Rapunzel's Special Friend.  LOL, sure Lego. Stick with that!

Wanted Man

When Tangled: The Musical debuted on the Disney Dream last year, Flynn Rider got his own song and here it is.  It's so corny! It's so cheesy! It's so full of itself! It's so perfect!  I've always said that Flynn Rider and Eugene Fitzherbert are two different people with Flynn being the charming robber persona that Eugene uses to hide his true self.  As Flynn, he's so cocky and full of himself.  He expects everyone that he comes across to fall for him and this song perfectly emcompasses that.  If I have any complaint and it's minor, I'm not a fan of The Stabbington Brothers' singing voices. They aren't bad but they just don't gel with me.  The rest of the song is great as this song is just so silly, that I can't help but have a fun time with it.

House, you are an awesome guy and someone that I'm glad to know and I hope you enjoyed this. This is just  a sign of how much your friendship has meant to me. As you have always been a great person to talk to and you are able to make me laugh and bring a smile to my face and at times make me think.  I really appreciate that in a friend. Peace!

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