Take A Look at Disney


Classic Shorts Showcase: Feast

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney. Today, we enter the homestretch of our look at the Walt Disney Animation Studios Short Films Collection

And this short like last week's uses the style of animation invented for Paperman known as Meander. Which is a mix of 2D with CGI.  Though I must say that I think that I like this short more than Paperman.

The Plot

The team behind this short described it as seeing the growth of a relationship through the meals that they eat and this is seen through the eyes of the man's dog, Winston. Who we are first introduced as a puppy and he is just so cute.

The man gets him with a fry and as a single man, we see him and Winston eating rather unhealthy food like nachos but soon, The Man starts to date and the food doesn't taste as good as it's now healthy such as a scene, where Winston is given a plate of Brussel Sprouts and he's not a fan of them.  


And he is also given a piece of parsley. Which'll come into play, later. We cut to sometime later and see that The Man and The Woman had broken up. And Winston sees how broken his Man is by this hat he grabs a piece of parsley that was on top of The Man's takeout spaghetti and runs to the restaurant, where the woman works and the couple gets back together. and from there, we cut to The Man and The Woman getting married.

And then seeing them move in together and starting a family with their first child as he drops meatballs from his highchair and Winston loves this and as the credits roll, we see the family grow as a little girl is added to the family.


This short is simply adorable and one of the best in this collection.  Honestly, there hasn't been a dud that I've reviewed thus far.  All of these especially since Tick Tock Tale have been strong and some of the best shorts that I've seen from Disney.



Winston is simply adorable and one of the best Disney dogs to date. He is so full of energy that he can't help but put a smile on your face.  According the team behind Feast, they brought puppies into the studio to study their mannerisms and they said that was always a highlight and people that weren't even working on the short would show up on the days that they brought in puppies. Which I must say that seems like that really paid off because they must have taken the time that they spent with the puppies to heart as they did a good job of making Winston very believable.

My Final Thoughts

This is an excellent short and one that I cannot suggest enough. It is simply adorable and has a unique look at how a relationship changes with the meals through the eyes of a pup. That is such a clever idea that really seems like something that only the people at Disney could come up with. Join me next time as I close out my look at the Walt Disney Animation Studios Short Films Collection with Frozen Fever.

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