Take A Look at Disney


A Look at Disney Swims with Mermaids: The Deep End (Gravity Falls Episode Review)

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and we continue to look at different mermaid characters from Disney.  And today, we head to Gravity Falls as we look at the 15th episode of season one,  The Deep End.   And this episode is different from things that we have looked at in the past as we now are looking at a merman.   And this episode isn't bad but it doesn't really give a good feel as to what the show is and in that regard, it really doesn't give me a whole lot to work with in terms of content.   Do understand that it's still an early episode and this was before the show would become in the later episodes and especially in season 2.  It's perfectly fine and I don't wish to use the word filler because as I have done more reviews over time,  I've come to think that while some episodes are more important than others and in terms of Gravity Falls episodes, this episode isn't exactly an episode that one needs to watch understand what the show is about or who the characters are.   One could argue that this episode is just a simple slice of life episode that was giving the audience insight into a moment in these characters' lives. 

The Plot

I normally wouldn't do this but I'm just going to pull the overview from the Gravity Falls Wiki as that pretty much sums up everything that there is to be said about this episode. 

When Mabel befriends a cute merman trapped in the deep end of the public pool, she's determined to return him to his family in the ocean - even though that means her whirlwind romance will come to an end. Meanwhile, Dipper learns that Wendy is a lifeguard at the pool, so he decides that the best way to spend time with her is to become the assistant lifeguard

Sure, the Wiki entry for this episode does break the synopsis into more detail but there isn't a whole a lot interesting to grasp on except for one thing, this is the first episode that we really get a sense of how boy crazy Mabel is and that she has never kissed a boy before,  which in some ways is a good parallel with Dipper and his crush on Wendy. Which thankfully was eventually dropped and addressed in a funny way in season 2. 

Which yeah sure is the main crux of why Dipper wants to be an assistant lifeguard as he wants to get closer to Wendy but as the episode goes on, he starts to take the job more seriously.  And if you are curious why I'm not talking about the Stan C plot,  it's the least interesting part of this episode and doesn't really connect with the main plot of the episode.  Mabel and Dipper's plots eventually do connect at the end as Dipper is on night guard for the pool, where this episode takes place as Mabel had been stealing items from the pool to help the merman of her affection, Mermando get back to the ocean and be with his family.  Which is fun and funny and while I said that this episode isn't all that important to understand these characters, the actions here do help to establish two important things about the Pines twins that would become more evident as the show went on,  Dipper is usually more a more by-the-book type person whereas Mabel has such as big heart that she'll do anything to help those in need and that she wears her heart on her sleeve.  Which comes up more as the show goes on and we see that Mabel is the more sensitive twin.  This isn't a putdown on Mabel as I am also a sensitive person and when handled correctly, it can be a great attribute. 

And the episode does end in a satisfying way as we see Mermando returned to the ocean and that's where the Free Willy reference comes from. 


Main Characters

Mabel voiced by Kristin Schaal 

This was a good episode for Mabel as it showed her sweet side and how she is willing to help people and that she is more than just boy crazy as first stated by her brother at the start of the episode.

Mermando voiced by Matt Chapman

I don't have a whole lot to say about Mermando, he's a perfectly fine character that was funny.   But I think the importance of his character is more tied to Mabel and who she is.

Supporting Character

Dipper voiced by Jason Ritter

There's not a whole lot to say about Dipper here but you can how much of a rule follower, he is but when push comes to shove, he is willing to put the rules aside and help his family.

My Final Thoughts

I do apologize for this not being a more analytical breakdown but I honestly didn't have a whole lot to say about this episode.  It's not bad and I won't call it inconsequential but unlike future episodes in the series, it doesn't exactly lend itself to going into deeper than those episodes.  Join me next time as we look at The Thirteenth Year.

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