Take A Look at Disney


Christmas: Ariel's Christmas Under The Sea

Hello and welcome back to  the Christmas festivities. Grab some scuba gear as we go Under The Sea to see how Ariel celebrated her very Christmas in Altantica. And I  think I know  Disney Blogger  that would enjoy this book from my childhood.   Sorry, I forgot to mention that this is a book, it's one of the old read along books where they had a tape with it.  I just read the book though so  I'll only be focusing on that and unlike my last book review, this book is clearly meant for a younger audience and  more of a page book but I still enjoyed it.  


I know the cover picture isn't the greatest but it's the best I could find.   I love it,  how it is showing Ariel and Flounder decorating up their coral Christmas tree.  Which they actually find by going out to the far part of the ocean and take it back to  Ariel's grotto and start their little Christmas celebration there.  The cover is simple and cute, I like it.   Not only does it do a good job of capturing the spirit of Ariel but also of Christmas decorating.

The Plot

The plot of this book is simple but ti works again in capturing the spirit of Christmas and Ariel quite well.  The basic plot starts when Ariel goes up to land one cold day to look for Scuttle but instead finds a pelican and informed that he had probably migrated due to Christmas being near.  Hearing this word sparks Ariel's curiosity, she then decides to go see Sebastian as he has lived on land and knows about human holidays.  Ariel asks Sebastian about Christmas and he decides to tell her about the holiday and he just seems to light up while talking about the holiday.   She gets Flounder to help her and they decide to bring the holiday to Altantica.  This feels like something Ariel would do and this story feels as though if expanded enough, it could have worked as a Christmas episode of the series.


Now I'll just be breaking this down into Main & Supporting.  Let's begin.

Main Characters


Even though this was done in a book format, I could still feel Ariel's personality shine through.  Especially her curiosity.  That has been one thing that I loved about Ariel, she's curious and when she wants to learn about something.  She goes to looking for answers and it just so happened that she had a book about Christmas in her grotto that showed what one should do for Christmas. Also as I stated, she went about asking Sebastian.  This felt like something Ariel would do and as I said,  this book would have worked as an episode of the TV series.   One of the cutest things about this books is when Ariel remembers what Sebastian said about sharing the holiday with others as she decides to make presents for the rest of her family.  She even made them little stockings and put her Christmas tree in the hall.  


While Ariel felt wonderful in this book, Flounder felt more like a tag along than anything else.  Granted,  he wanted to help Ariel and it appeared that he was intrigued but the idea of Christmas as well but Ariel really overshadowed the little guppy here. But I'm okay with that as I think that works best.

Supporting Characters


Again as I have stated throughout this review, Sebastian knows the most about Christmas and there is a rather cute moment at the beginning of the book when Ariel asks  about Christmas.  He just seems to beam while talking about it but quickly catches himself when reminds himself and  Ariel that is a human  holiday as  the book as underlined.   In the words of Sebastian one of the best things about Christmas is...

Everybody got de good will toward each other

One of the funniest things on the cassette tape is at the very end, it has Sebastian singing Deck The Halls. Alas that was not up on YouTube but if it was, I would have included it.

King Triton

While Triton does not appear until the very last page of the book. He stills plays a somewhat important part as we are constantly reminded that he does not like humans and Ariel tries to hide her celebration from her father as much as possible.  When Ariel does decide to share her new found holiday with the rest of her family,  Triton almost gets upset when he finds out that it's a human holiday but when he is told what it is about by both Triton and Sebastian,  he decides to let it stay.  As for his present, Ariel gave him a conch shell.

My Final Thoughts

This may just be my nostalgia goggles here but I still think that this little book holds up well.  It's a cute little Christmas tale.  It works well with the Christmas spirit and Ariel's spirit.   It's a decent read and I think young girls would probably enjoy it the most but I think anyone could find enjoyment out of it.

Before I close out, I want to include a Christmas sung by Ariel that is pretty cute. If a little cheesy.

This song has nothing to do with the book but I wanted to include it anyways.   It actually Ariel singing a cover of a Jimmy Buffet song and I do believe the voice singing is indeed Jodi Benson. Ariel's voice actress for those of you who may not know who that is.  I hope you enjoy it.   Join me next time when I review...

Mickey's Good Deed


  1. I loved this as a kid and I found this by trying to find the episode of this I loved it so much in my mind it was an episode. I am going to buy this on amazon today.

    1. Glad, I was able to bring these memories back for you.
