Take A Look at Disney


How To Play Baseball (With Pbmirdanda)

Tim:  Hello and welcome back. Today,   I'll be taking a look at How To Play Baseball.  Joining me to give her input on the short, is one half of Old School Lane. Please give a warm welcome to pbmiranda as she makes her first appearance on A Look at Disney.   It's an honor to have you join me in looking at this short.

Patricia- It's a great honor to be here.

Tim: What do you say we start looking at this short. Now,  this will be done in my usual standard starting with the narration and then talking about the plot and finally, Goofy himself and at the end, we will give our final thoughts on the short. Which I can tell you right now that I'm very positive towards this short.

Patricia- Great. Let's get this review going. I'm so excited to be doing this!

Tim: Excellent, we'll start with the narration


Narrator  - Uncredited

This narration is top notch and it reminded of Casey at The Bat in how it actually makes you feel as though your at a real baseball game.  Especially when the short gets to the World Series,  you can just feel how excited the narrator gets and there is a ton of enthusiasm in his voice and the narrator has some of the best jokes as well.  Honestly, the narration is the driving force behind this short and it works so well in selling this short.

The Plot

Tim: We'll start off here with Patricia.

Patricia- Alright then. We start off with the explanation of baseball being a true American sport. We also get a look inside a baseball, the bat, and the baseball players. We then see our main character Goofy step up to bat.

Tim:  Though I think one thing to keep in mind here is that this is one of the shorts with Goofy, where I don't believe he is playing himself as there are multiple Goofy's in this short and they are used to repseresnt the baseball teams and as this short's title suggests, it shows or at least tries to show how this game is played with a lot of humorous sight gags.  Though in reality, it could be broken down into two parts, first the lesson and then secondly,  the World Series where the short in my opinion picks up as there is a lot of tension mounting during this period and this short does a good job of getting you the viewer invested in the game.

Patricia: Agreed. Goofy brings his classic act of showing the audience how to play baseball in a fun, simplistic way that everyone can sit down and enjoy. It does start to pick up around The World Series scene. It kind of reminds me of the trips to Yankee Stadium that my dad took me when I was a kid. So seen the World Series with Goofy made me smile.


Tim: Now you may have noticed that S, well that's there because even though,  this is a Goofy short,  it is as I said one of the Goofy shorts with multiple Goofy's.  It's really funny though in how they work in this short.  


Tim: As stated prior there are a lot of great moments with Goofy in this short such as when the narrator explains the uniform and when he we get to the socks, he says that is what the teams are named after and there is a great bit of payoff later in the short as we see this to be the case as the two teams playing are the Blue Sox and the Gray Sox.

Patricia:  Exactly. Goofy truly shows off his true "goofy" (no pun intended) style and performance. When it comes to the teams he was portraying as, he was dressing as some of the popular baseball teams at the time.

Tim: Totally agree and one of the best gags on display in this short would have to be the batter and when the bat caught on fire by the fireball.  It was such a great touch but I think that my favorite one had to be the end when two of the team members got into a fight with the ump.   I think the reason I loved this one so much is because that it felt like the most realistic out of all the jokes.  Even though, I don't watch sports,   I'm 100 percent positive that you'd see this.   How could I've forgotten  the moment where we see one of the Goofy's literally trying to sew the ball back together.  That is just too funny and the fact the player runs the diamond with the yarn around his legs is so clever.

Patricia:  Indeed! I found those gags to be completely hysterical! Just what I expect to see from Goofy.

Our Final Thoughts

Tim: At the end of the day, this is another fine from Goofy's long and varied career.  I find as with most of the How To shorts, the best things about this short are the narration and the sight gags.  This short is a blast and I imagine that if your into this sport, that you may enjoy it even more than I but the great thing about this short is that even though it's about baseball, you don't need to know the sport to enjoy this short.  So long as you like Goofy, (and really who doesn't), you'll like this short.

Patricia- I completely agree with you! If you're into baseball, Goofy, and classic Disney shorts filled with physical gags, then this is for you. I had a great time seeing this Goofy short having all my favorite elements of baseball put together in a hilarious way! I highly recommend checking it out.

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