Take A Look at Disney


Let's Watch Toy Story: The Musical Parts 2 & 3

I hope you enjoyed Part 1 of Toy Story: The Musical, now it's time for part 2 and part 3.  When we left off Potato Head had opened Buzz Lightyear's box and now in part 2, Buzz joins the play.

So here,  Buzz enters and I must admit he is great.  I feel that he is the highlight of the play and his chemistry with Woody is perfect. There was only one song in this scene, "To Infinity and Beyond".  This song is fun and catchy. It's an improvement over "That's Why We're Here", which was a good song but not as memorable as this song. Also I loved the dynamic between Buzz and Rex, I thought was great. Right at the end of part two we are introduced to Sid,  who just like Andy is played by a girl.  However whereas I can buy the girl playing is acceptable, I just can't buy the girl playing Sid. That's mostly due to her voice and this isn't a hit on the actress but her voice is too  girlish for a lack of a better word. It does not feel right because in the original movie is Sid is basically an emo goth kid. Now onto Part 3.

When Part 3 opens, we see more of Sid and I still can't buy this actress playing Sid.  Also Andy's mom in this version seems cold and distant and uncaring.  I will say that the actor playing Woody is starting to grow on me.  That's mostly due to his song "One Toy", this is a song that I was most anticipating and boy did it deliver.  It's heartbreaking and fun at the same time and I also think it makes Woody seem more relatable than his actions in the movie.  For some reason though the end of that song reminds of a Disney villain song.  Which I guess a little sense because Woody's actions aren't the most honest. Come back for Parts 4 & 5, when we meet the Aliens and hear the song I'm dreading the most.

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