Take A Look at Disney


Songs That Did not make the Cut

One of the most memorable aspects of a Disney movie, is the music.  The songs can stay with you long after you have seen the movie and sometimes they prove to be more memorable than the film itself.  However, for whatever reason songs are sometimes cut from the finsihed film. Today, I'll be taking a look at some Disney songs that didn't make it to movie when the film was first released.

Let's start with perhaps the two most famous songs that were cut from a Disney film.

Human Again - Beauty & the Beast

Human Again was intended for Beauty & the Beast.  While not featured in the original run of the movie, it was later used for the Broadway play based on the classic Disney movie and then the song was animated for the IMAX re-release of the film.  It is a fun little song, where all the supporting characters sing of how they can't wait to be Human Again and how they know that Belle will break the curse.

The Morning Report - The Lion King

The Morning Report is another song that was originally intended for a movie but never used in the original run.  The Morning Report was originally meant to be featured in The Lion King, when Zazu was giving the Morning Report to Mufassa.  It too, later found life in Broadway and then was animated for the IMAX re-release of the film. It is a fun little song and very neat that they decided to include it.

I Can't Believe My Heart - Intended for Hercules

Meg was supposed to sing this song in Hercules but instead ended up with I Won't Say (I'm in Love).  I feel that song is a better fit for her spunky personality than this one is. While this song is good, it just does not fit right with the character of Meg.

As Long as There's a Moon  - Intended for The Hunchback of Notre Dame

This song was meant to be sung by Clopin, when Quasimodo and Pheobous arrived at the Court of Miracles.  This is without a doubt, one song I'm glad was not used because it is slow and would slowed down the pace of the movie and I don't feel it would have measured up to the other songs in the movie.

One Dance - Intended for The Little Mermaid

This song is very cute and reminds of Part of Your World.  I find it rather sad that this song was not used. On the same token, however,  I did say this song was like Part of Your World and perhaps they did not want to use songs that were too similar.

The Middle of the River - Intended forPochantas

I was surprised by this song, whereas I expected it to be a reprise of Just around the River bend, That was not the case, this is a beautiful love song that reminded of If I Never You.  I truly like  how this songs incorporates nature into a song about love. 

I'm Odd  - Intended for  Alice in Wonderland

I'm Odd was meant to be sung by the Cheshire Cat and if you recall my post on Introduction songs. This would have qualified as an intro song because with this song, we are introduced to Cheshire Cat and learn of his personality and  just how he is odd.

Proud of Your Boy -Intended for Aladdin

This is my all time favorite Disney song that was never used.  This video can explain the song better than I can.  I'll try though, in the original draft for Aladdin, Aladdin was going to have a mother.  This song is about Aladdin saying how he will turn over a new leaf and try to make his mom proud.  Just watch the video and you'll understand why I like this song.

Thanks for reading, and as always your feedback is welcome


  1. This is an awesome blog- I had heard of the song cut from Hercules, but I hadn't heard any others, so thank you!

  2. That's surprising because the only two I knew about before going into this were the ones from Beauty and The Beast and Aladdin. Which the latter happens to be one of my favorite songs now. Happy that I was able to introduce you to some Deleted Disney songs, speaking of which on my Dumbo DVD/Blu Ray, it shows a cut song that was meant for Timothy The Mouse titled Are you Man or a Mouse.

  3. I know that Disney made a demo for Alice in Wonderland called Beyond the Laughing Sky. They ended up recycling the song and using it for Peter Pan (Second Star to the Right):


  4. Hmm, didn't know. Thanks for the info.

  5. You missed the one from Pocahontas called "If I never knew you."
