Now this request is a bit different as it was requested by my best friend. Okay, well not really but I told him that I would do this review for him. Let's begin
Yes, today we will taking a look at Bambi. One of the oldest films in this line-up. As always, I will be breaking this down in my normal fashion and yes, that will include the villain. Which some of you probably have already figured out who that is.
The Plot
The plot of Bambi is rather simple as it is the story of a young male deer as he grows up in the forest and meets new friends. He also faces the loss of a loved one at the hands of man. More on that later. The plot is simple, almost too simple in some regards if you ask me.
Now one of the things that I find a little problematic here is that each of the big characters had more than one voice. For that, I find it easier to focus on them as children nad adults. But seeing as I only view Thumper and Flower, supporting characters. I'll be talking about just Bambi, his mom and The Great Prince here.
Important Characters
Young Bambi voiced by Donnie Dunagan
As a child, Bambi was at first a rather shy child and it appeared that until he met Thumper. He did not have many friends. He loved his mother who he had lived with all his life but didn't have much of a relationship with his father, The Great Prince of The Forest. As he is never around. Though that doesn't seem to affect Bambi because after he meets Thumper and Flower, he is very happy. Though, Bambi faces loss when Man kills his mother at a young age and Bambi doesn't know how to react.
Adult Bambi voiced by John Sutherland
This is one of my little problems because the transition from child to adult is rather bumpy. I mean, it almost feels like there is a gap of time missing between these periods. A problem shared with The Lion King. Though as an adult along with his pals, Bambi gets twitterpated. And for all youngin's, that doesn't mean he signed up for Twitter and started tweeting. No, that means he was falling in love. Again, we are shown a little bit of his love life but not much.
Bambi's Mother voiced by Paula Winsloe
Here again, we run into a minor nitpick, I have. They did not give this character an actual name but rather identified her by her role. She's Bambi's Mom and that is what she is called. No name, none of that. Okay, now that I got that out of the way. She isn't a bad character as she is the one that teaches Bambi about life and how to act. She fulfills her motherly duties. But what do we really remember her for. This...
The fact of the matter is that the character of Bambi's Mother is more known for her death than any actual character traits. Now I have mixed emotions on this. I have nothing against death in movies if they are handled well. Here, I'm not sure if it was. I can understand not wanting to show the death but the scene following seems almost abrupt. Now, I will say that having Bambi call for his mother was a nice touch. Wondering where she was. Honestly, the most chilling thing about this scene wasn't the death but it was the way The Great Prince said "Your mother can't be with you, anymore". That delivery was just chilling. Though, I liked it because to an extent it makes his character seem the most realistic while the others seem a little sappy.
The Great Prince voiced by Fred Sheilds
The Great Prince is Bambi's father and the protector of the forest. Serving a role that is similar to that of Mufasa's. Though unlike Mufasa he does not play much of an active role ins his son's life. That is until after Bambi's Mom dies and he becomes the sole caretaker for Bambi. Majority of the film up til the death, he is an off screen character. As I stated above his delivery is what I found most chilling about that scene and the voice was wonderful. The voice was authoritative and also a little on the cold side. But that works because, he is the protector of the forest and he needs to let people know that he is the one in charge. Really, the only complaint I can throw towards The Great Prince is the same one I have with Bambi's Mother, they didn't give him a real name but rather identified him by his status in the Forest. Though here, I'm kind of okay with that his title lets people know who he is and waht he does and it doesn't sound boring or uninspiried unlike Bambi's Mother.
Supporting Characters
Young Thumper voiced by Peter Behn
To me, the character of Thumper steals the show as he is actually entertaining and a great comic relief character. Also he has more energy to him and it is always so much fun when he is onscreen especially as a young child. Honestly, when I look at the characters of Bambi and Thumper, I find Bambi to be bland and one-note. Whereas Thumper is always fun. I think one of the best lines comes from Thumper when he first meets Bambi. When he first meets Bambi, he states "Kinda wobbly". His mother scolds him for saying that and then he repeats what his father has always told him, "If you can't something nice, don't say nothing at all". Again, it goes back to the voice but the way that said is so cute and that principle is so ingrained into our lives nowadays too. Of course one of the most prominent things that Thumper is known throughout the film he beats his foot hence that makes a thumping sound giving Thumper his name.
Adult Thumper voiced by Sam Edwards
As a young adult, Thumper was one of the first of the three friends to become twitterpated when he saw a lovely female rabbit. Also as adult, he pretty takes on the role that his mother had with looking after the children and instilling the same lessons, he learned growing up. It was an obvious change. Nothing more, nothing less.
Young Flower voiced by Stan Alexander
Bambi meets Flower when Thumper is showing him things around the forest and telling them what they are. He mistakenly calls a young skunk, a flower. Thumper says that's not a flower but the young skunk says that Bambi can call him a Flower. Now admittedly, when I first heard Flower talk, I thought he was a girl. After listening a few more times, though, I could tell that he was a boy. Even if his voice was rather feminine.
Adult Flower voiced by Sterling Holloway
Again, Flower as an adult Flower also falls in love and that seems to be a running theme. Grow up and fall in love. Simple enough, their isn't too much else that can be said about this character.
Now I had forgotten that this film had any songs in it but there are actually two songs. Again, they fall on the sweet side but they aren't bad.
Love Is a Song
I love the way that this song is sung as this song captures the time that this film comes from quite well. Also in a way, you could look at this song as being foreshadowing because they "Love is a song that never ends". To me, I take that to elude to the fact that even if you lose a loved one, their love is never gone as it is a song that will keep playing. Everything about this song is beautiful and it fits the scenery quite well for this film.
Little April Showers
Here again, this song fits well into the environment of the film and I also believe it to be a time capsule for the year came out. This song is so much fun, in some regards to how it is sung it reminds me of Christmas Carolers with their voices and the sound effects in the background just really add to making this an all in all fun song. I also love how ti changes and it just the the way Little April Shower is sung makes this song great as well. The songs are definitely one of the best parts about this film.
The Villain
Now, I had a hard time deciding whether or not to actually include Man because he is not a traditional Disney villain. What do I mean by this, well we never see him and we don't his motives. These things allow the audience to create the character in their minds and decide what kind of person he is. He is just hunting for game or is he out there trying to find food to provide for his family. I think this may be part of the reason, people recognize him as a great villain because the minds of the audience run wild with the way we see him. I mean heck, AFI even ranked him at # 20 on their Top 50 Greatest Film Villains of All Time. Now, I want to clarify something, Man not having an actual name does not bug me because unlike Bambi's Mother, we never see Man onscreen and therefore we never spend anytime with him. So, this is one time I can put that nitpick aside.
My Final Thoughts
In the end, I think this film is okay. It's not bad and I wouldn't be reviewing it otherwise. I think at times, the film does over do the sweetness and sappiness. Though it is still good and I think Man is perhaps the most intriguing character in the film. I know that may seem odd but I think the idea of having the audience create the character makes him a fascinating character.
All right, I hope you have enjoyed this special review and here is your clue for the next Request.
Yes, today we will taking a look at Bambi. One of the oldest films in this line-up. As always, I will be breaking this down in my normal fashion and yes, that will include the villain. Which some of you probably have already figured out who that is.
The Plot
The plot of Bambi is rather simple as it is the story of a young male deer as he grows up in the forest and meets new friends. He also faces the loss of a loved one at the hands of man. More on that later. The plot is simple, almost too simple in some regards if you ask me.
Now one of the things that I find a little problematic here is that each of the big characters had more than one voice. For that, I find it easier to focus on them as children nad adults. But seeing as I only view Thumper and Flower, supporting characters. I'll be talking about just Bambi, his mom and The Great Prince here.
Important Characters
Young Bambi voiced by Donnie Dunagan
As a child, Bambi was at first a rather shy child and it appeared that until he met Thumper. He did not have many friends. He loved his mother who he had lived with all his life but didn't have much of a relationship with his father, The Great Prince of The Forest. As he is never around. Though that doesn't seem to affect Bambi because after he meets Thumper and Flower, he is very happy. Though, Bambi faces loss when Man kills his mother at a young age and Bambi doesn't know how to react.
Adult Bambi voiced by John Sutherland
This is one of my little problems because the transition from child to adult is rather bumpy. I mean, it almost feels like there is a gap of time missing between these periods. A problem shared with The Lion King. Though as an adult along with his pals, Bambi gets twitterpated. And for all youngin's, that doesn't mean he signed up for Twitter and started tweeting. No, that means he was falling in love. Again, we are shown a little bit of his love life but not much.
Bambi's Mother voiced by Paula Winsloe
Here again, we run into a minor nitpick, I have. They did not give this character an actual name but rather identified her by her role. She's Bambi's Mom and that is what she is called. No name, none of that. Okay, now that I got that out of the way. She isn't a bad character as she is the one that teaches Bambi about life and how to act. She fulfills her motherly duties. But what do we really remember her for. This...
The fact of the matter is that the character of Bambi's Mother is more known for her death than any actual character traits. Now I have mixed emotions on this. I have nothing against death in movies if they are handled well. Here, I'm not sure if it was. I can understand not wanting to show the death but the scene following seems almost abrupt. Now, I will say that having Bambi call for his mother was a nice touch. Wondering where she was. Honestly, the most chilling thing about this scene wasn't the death but it was the way The Great Prince said "Your mother can't be with you, anymore". That delivery was just chilling. Though, I liked it because to an extent it makes his character seem the most realistic while the others seem a little sappy.
The Great Prince voiced by Fred Sheilds
The Great Prince is Bambi's father and the protector of the forest. Serving a role that is similar to that of Mufasa's. Though unlike Mufasa he does not play much of an active role ins his son's life. That is until after Bambi's Mom dies and he becomes the sole caretaker for Bambi. Majority of the film up til the death, he is an off screen character. As I stated above his delivery is what I found most chilling about that scene and the voice was wonderful. The voice was authoritative and also a little on the cold side. But that works because, he is the protector of the forest and he needs to let people know that he is the one in charge. Really, the only complaint I can throw towards The Great Prince is the same one I have with Bambi's Mother, they didn't give him a real name but rather identified him by his status in the Forest. Though here, I'm kind of okay with that his title lets people know who he is and waht he does and it doesn't sound boring or uninspiried unlike Bambi's Mother.
Supporting Characters
Young Thumper voiced by Peter Behn
To me, the character of Thumper steals the show as he is actually entertaining and a great comic relief character. Also he has more energy to him and it is always so much fun when he is onscreen especially as a young child. Honestly, when I look at the characters of Bambi and Thumper, I find Bambi to be bland and one-note. Whereas Thumper is always fun. I think one of the best lines comes from Thumper when he first meets Bambi. When he first meets Bambi, he states "Kinda wobbly". His mother scolds him for saying that and then he repeats what his father has always told him, "If you can't something nice, don't say nothing at all". Again, it goes back to the voice but the way that said is so cute and that principle is so ingrained into our lives nowadays too. Of course one of the most prominent things that Thumper is known throughout the film he beats his foot hence that makes a thumping sound giving Thumper his name.
Adult Thumper voiced by Sam Edwards
As a young adult, Thumper was one of the first of the three friends to become twitterpated when he saw a lovely female rabbit. Also as adult, he pretty takes on the role that his mother had with looking after the children and instilling the same lessons, he learned growing up. It was an obvious change. Nothing more, nothing less.
Young Flower voiced by Stan Alexander
Bambi meets Flower when Thumper is showing him things around the forest and telling them what they are. He mistakenly calls a young skunk, a flower. Thumper says that's not a flower but the young skunk says that Bambi can call him a Flower. Now admittedly, when I first heard Flower talk, I thought he was a girl. After listening a few more times, though, I could tell that he was a boy. Even if his voice was rather feminine.
Adult Flower voiced by Sterling Holloway
Again, Flower as an adult Flower also falls in love and that seems to be a running theme. Grow up and fall in love. Simple enough, their isn't too much else that can be said about this character.
Now I had forgotten that this film had any songs in it but there are actually two songs. Again, they fall on the sweet side but they aren't bad.
Love Is a Song
I love the way that this song is sung as this song captures the time that this film comes from quite well. Also in a way, you could look at this song as being foreshadowing because they "Love is a song that never ends". To me, I take that to elude to the fact that even if you lose a loved one, their love is never gone as it is a song that will keep playing. Everything about this song is beautiful and it fits the scenery quite well for this film.
Little April Showers
Here again, this song fits well into the environment of the film and I also believe it to be a time capsule for the year came out. This song is so much fun, in some regards to how it is sung it reminds me of Christmas Carolers with their voices and the sound effects in the background just really add to making this an all in all fun song. I also love how ti changes and it just the the way Little April Shower is sung makes this song great as well. The songs are definitely one of the best parts about this film.
The Villain
Now, I had a hard time deciding whether or not to actually include Man because he is not a traditional Disney villain. What do I mean by this, well we never see him and we don't his motives. These things allow the audience to create the character in their minds and decide what kind of person he is. He is just hunting for game or is he out there trying to find food to provide for his family. I think this may be part of the reason, people recognize him as a great villain because the minds of the audience run wild with the way we see him. I mean heck, AFI even ranked him at # 20 on their Top 50 Greatest Film Villains of All Time. Now, I want to clarify something, Man not having an actual name does not bug me because unlike Bambi's Mother, we never see Man onscreen and therefore we never spend anytime with him. So, this is one time I can put that nitpick aside.
My Final Thoughts
In the end, I think this film is okay. It's not bad and I wouldn't be reviewing it otherwise. I think at times, the film does over do the sweetness and sappiness. Though it is still good and I think Man is perhaps the most intriguing character in the film. I know that may seem odd but I think the idea of having the audience create the character makes him a fascinating character.
All right, I hope you have enjoyed this special review and here is your clue for the next Request.
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