Take A Look at Disney


Halloween: Lonesome Ghosts

Welcome to  another Halloween review. Today, I'll be taking a look at Lonesome Ghosts.  As mentioned yesterday, rumors have been floating around for years that this short was one of the inspirations for the '80s classic, Ghostbusters.  Goofy even says a line similar to the famous catchphrase for that film franchise. Does this mean that Mickey, Donald, & Goofy were the original Ghostbusters? Perhaps but all I know is that Mickey looks pretty cool in that uniform.

The Plot

The plot of this short is rather simple in that, four ghosts that live in an abandoned house and they are bored because they have no one to scare.  That is until they come across a "Want" ad in the paper for the Ajax  Ghost Exterminators.  They decide to give them a call just to have fun with the guys.  But the guys were able to get rid of them by accident when they thought, Mickey, Donald, & Goofy were ghosts.  Irony, how thy are?


Since this is a tad different from other things that I have reviewed, I'll just be breaking this down into main characters & ghosts.

Main Characters

Mickey Mouse voiced by Walt Disney

Mickey was the leader in this short. A role that he always has he in these Ajax shorts but it works.  Now while this short did feature Mickey, Donald, & Goofy together. The comedy actually came from seeing the guys interact with the ghosts.  Mickey was one of the first that we saw interact with the ghosts.  While it did get a chuckle out of me when he blew up Mickey's gun.  I actually think  that Mickey's moments were the lightest.  While it was fun seeing Mickey as always, Goofy and Donald had better screen presence with the ghosts due to their personalities.  With Goofy being well Goofy and Donald's short temper mixed in with the ghosts playing pranks was funnier.

Goofy voiced by Pinto Colvig

Goofy probably had some of the funniest moments in this short such as in this screen right here as the ghost was messing with him. It was very reminiscent of the Marx Brothers film,  Duck Soup that featured Harpo and Groucho doing something  similar in vein to this mirror gag.  It was just hysterical especially at the end when the ghost  appears in one of the drawers and gives Goofy a wallop in the rear.  That just got a big old chuckle out of me.

Donald Duck voiced by Clarence "Ducky" Nash

Again as I said Donald and Goofy had the better moments One such moment was when he put up his fists and tries to fight the ghost. It was great.  Just seeing the ghosts tick Donald  off and push his buttons.   In reality, I realized that while this short does have a plot, it relies more on the sight gags of the characters interacting with the ghosts.  On that end, Donald and Goofy especially Goofy ha the funnier interactions with the ghosts.

The Ghosts

Ghosts - Unlisted

The ghosts are the true stars of this short. They steal the show in every scene that they are in.  With their antics such as when one makes Mickey wet when he comes out of the closet on the ironing board surfing.  I have already talked about how they interacted Goofy & Donald up above.  Again, their interactions were just great.  The interactions with the characters were the best part about this entire short.  I was just laughing so hard seeing all the various ways they interacted with the three guys.  To think that they were defeated just by thinking that Mickey, Donald and Goofy were ghosts? Go figure.

 My Final Thoughts

In the end, this is a good short.  Now don't go in expecting this to be plot heavy because as I have been saying throughout the entire review, this short relies more on sight gags than anything else.  So, you may not like that if you like a story but if your looking for a good laugh than this short is up your alley.  Join me next time when I review...

Trick or Treat

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