Take A Look at Disney


Haunting Shorts Showcase: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Welcome to a special Halloween edition of Classic Shorts Showcase.  Though first  this needs a more appropriate title. So welcome to Haunting Short Showcases.  Today, I'll be taking a look at a short that is a Halloween classic as I review The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

The Plot

The plot of this short is quite a fun one in that the story follows Ichabod  Crane who is a very superstitious fellow and  just how he reacts when coming face to face with the Headless Horseman.    He is easily frightened by that but rightly so.  Also it deals with the tragic of dealing with love and competing for the affection of another.  This short is rare for Disney in that there is no true happy ending for our lead character as he doesn't end up with the lady but rather she gets hitched to the bully who had been making Ichabod's life miserable.


Narrator - Bing Crosby

Bing Crosby's narration truly sells this short.  Crosby brings all of the characters to life as these characters don't talk so this short has to rely on Crosby's narration to carry this short. He is wonderful, his voice just fits this short to a tea. Crosby just has so much with this short.  With all of the emotion that he has put into the description of each character was magnificent.   I would highly rank this as one of the best narrations that I have ever heard in a short. Bing does a great job carrying the short with his narration.


Now this is a unique area for the short because the characters didn't speak except when there was a song and most of the male singing voices were provided by Bing.  Although some of Ichabod's screaming noises were provided by veteran Disney voice actor and the first Goofy, Pinto Colvig.  Per usual I'll be breaking this down into main,  supporting, and villain.  Let's begin.

Main Character

Ichabod Crane - not voiced save for screams provided by Pinto Colvig

Ichabod was a confusing character.  In that I wasn't sure if the audience was suppose to like him or not.  The short made him out such a perfect person that could do no wrong.  I will admit that times he came across a a bit boring.  Now this is pretty funny but the entire time I couldn't help but to think of Shaggy from Scooby Doo.  Simply because  like Shaggy, Ichabod  was easily scared and also quite the appetite.  This expressions especially when being chased by the Headless Horseman  were great.  The fear and terror on his  face were better  than any words that could be expressed.   Though I do have to disagree with one thing that the narration said as they referred to Crane as a hero and I didn't get that feeling. He came across more of a coward.   Especially when being chased by the Horseman but then again how would you react if you had someone throwing a flaming pumpkin head at you.

Supporting Characters

Brom Bones - Not Voiced

Brom was just a typical out and out bully but the little town where the short is set.  He doesn't like Ichabod and wants to make his life miserable. There reasons that he dislikes Ichabod save for all the women seem to swoon over Ichabod and there is also the fact that he and Ichabod are competing for the affection of  Katrina.  In a sense Brom is a lot like Gaston in that he is considered a town her. I think it also feels that Brom doesn't like Ichabod because he feels threatened.  Not in a physical sense but that is status  as being adored by the town is being taken away from Ichabod.

Katrina  - Not Voiced

Now Katrina was another neat character in that she had no real characteristic other than being the object of Ichabod and Brom's affection.  Ichabod was truly in love with her an I think Brom just wanted her so that Ichabod couldn't have her. Her only purpose is to set up a fight between the two males.   I actually don't care for that to much myself.   In the end, she does end with Brom as one of the final scenes is the two of them in a church getting married.    Which leads the audience to think that Ichabod left the little town or implied by the short he actually died.


Fun fact for ya all of the singing for the males was done once again by our narrator, Bing Crosby.  Man, Bing did a lot in this short but it really paid off.

Ichabod Crane

This song is our introduction to Ichabod.  It's a fun and simple song.  This is actually what I remember the most about this short from when I first watched it as a little kid.  This song would go under what I call an introduction song as it introduces the audience to the character of Ichabod.  It's just a fun & simple song.  Now the one part that always stood out to me and I don't know why is when the lady in the green dress says "It's the new schoolmaster".

Headless Horseman

Now as I stated Bing Crosby did the singing for the male voices and I think with Brom's singing voice that is fairly evident.  This is such a great song that sets up the myth and story of the Headless Horseman quite well. I just love watching Ichabod as the more Brom sings the more frightened he gets.  The sweat dripping on Ichabod is such a nice touch.  This is a kind of villain song  that is similar in vein to Cruella De Vil  as this song is about the villain but not sung by the villain. Though I don't think that I would want to see the Horseman sing as he is meant to be such a frightening figure.

The Villain 

Headless Horseman - Not Voiced

Now we come to arguably the most memorable character from this entire short.  The Headless Horseman is just plain creepy and scary.   Just the way he chases after Ichabod  and let's not forget about throwing the pumpkin head at him too.  This is where the short gets really dark as up until the arrival of the Horseman, this is a pretty lighthearted short but once he appears geese does this short get dark and fast.  He has no motivation to kill Ichabod other than he is just there but this is one of the few times where I  think "Who cares about motivation?  This guy is just creepy".  How did I not put him on my Top 6 Male Villains list?   Now it is interesting that once Ichabod and the Horseman come to the bridge, the Horseman can't cross the bridge.   Which I believe stays true to the story that is the basis for this short.  Now another thing that I have noticed is that some people debate whether the Horseman was real or if it was just Brom in disguise or there is the third option that Ichabod's mind was playing tricks on him. I tend to fall into the camp that thinks the Headless Horseman is real.  Because Ichabod wasn't the only person there when he was being chased by the Horseman as Ichabod's horse was there too and his horse also reacted to the Horseman and was scared of it as well.  Now the other theory that people have and debate over is did the Horseman just run Ichabod out of town or did he actually kill Ichabod?  Now the short does show a scene of what some of the townsfolk think happened as some think Ichabod just moved onto another town and got married and had kids.  Though at the end of the short, Bing suggests that other townsfolk knew better than that and that Ichabod was gone forever. Meaning the Headless Horseman killed Ichabod.  I tend to think the Headless Horseman did kill Ichabod  and people just made up the marriage story to hide his death.

My Final Thoughts

This is a great short to watch during Halloween. This short goes to show Disney knew how to dark and not every story needed a happy ending.  Though with the ending, it is left open to the audience to decide the outcome of Ichabod.  Though I think with everything I saw Ichabod was killed off by the Headless Horseman. What do you think?  Tell me in the comments!

 Join me next time for more Halloween fun as I review a Mickey Mouse classic and some say the inspiration for the Dan Akroyd film, Ghostbusters as I take a look at...

Lonesome Ghosts

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