Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 28 : Villain Songs (Halloween)

Once more, we are here to celebrate the Villains.    This time with their songs. Join me as I take a look at 8 villain songs that I enjoy. Why 8? This is a special occasion!  Oh, if you want to know what I think the worst Disney Villain song is click here (if you wish)

The Madness of King Scar

Our first song comes from the Broadway adaption of The Lion King.  I have said in the past that I think the play is better than the film and to be honest I prefer this song over Be Prepared.  While Be Prepared sets up Scar's plans, this song shows how having all the power has gone to his head.  How he has started to go psycho and  starts fighting with himself.  That has to be one of the funniest things in this entire song.  I just the way Scar says "Who am I talking to?"  Believe it or not, I also a feel a tinge of sympathy for Scar in this song but that all goes out the window when he tries to seduce Nala.   Once that happens, he becomes that creepy uncle that nobody talk about.  I think that this song is a good example of how power can drive a person or in this case lion to go mad.

Mother Knows Best (Reprise)

Now I know that I have talked about this song in the past when I talked about reprise songs and my feelings on this song is that this is the superior villain song when compared to the first version of Mother Knows Best.  I'm not a fan of that version but I think the reprise improves upon it greatly. This song actually feels threatening.  I just love the way, how Gothel talks to Rapunzel. Yes that was there in the first version but it just feels so twisted and mean spirited here.   The way it is sung feels as though your being stabbed with a shard of glass.  Because just the way her voice sounds makes her evil.

Goodbye So Soon

Now most people like Ratigan's other song from this film but this song is just so much fun and I feel the superior song .  It has a great feel to it.  It really feels like he is trying to put on a show.  The thing that is so fun about this song is that he is a villain but  this song just makes him seem so endearing.  As I said in my co-review of this film with Patrick_O, this song can best summed by saying "One More Time!".   This is just an all and all fun song.

Cruella De Vil

Man, with how many times I have mentioned this song. It is rather surprising that this is the first time that it appears on A Look at Disney.  This is one of the greatest Disney villain songs not sung by the villain but rather sung about the villain.  The way Roger paints her with the wording of his song.  You can clearly see that he doesn't care for her.  This song is just so much fun and I love the way it is sung.   It is so funny hearing Roger singing about Cruella this way. 

Friends On The Other Side

This song is just so much fun and I say it is one of the best villain songs around.  Now I know it's just not me but this song reminds me of Poor Unfortunate Souls but better.  Keith David, the voice of Facilier sang this and I have always that Facilier was a villain that could put on a show and people would be entertained.  Do you need any proof of that then this song?   I like it varies from Facilier sounding sympathetic to the hint of sarcasm in the song.  This is probably one of my favorite villain songs.  I just love the feel of it.  It is such a fun song.I really love the ending where you see the mask on Facilier. Fun fact for yay: The ending where Facilier is dancing with the voo doo dolls is meant as a homage/parody to Bert and the Penguins  during Mary Poppins when they danced together.


This is perhaps my favorite Disney villain song. Just like King Scar, you see the villain struggle with inner demons. However unlike King Scar, while part of that song was played for laughs. This one serious, dark and brooding.  As I have said about Frollo he doesn't care about money or power. He just wants to to cleanse the town of everything that he think is against the Lord's name.  He feels that Esmeralda's job so to speak is a sin and that gypsies should be  ridden of.   Here, you see that he is attracted to her and he doesn't want these feelings.  His solution, kill her and that will get rid of these emotions.  He wishes not to have lust for her. 

A Night On Bald Mountain


For our next song, I'm doing something a tad different.  Join me as I take a look at A Night On Bald Mountain and before anyone asks you can call him The Devil or  Chernabog  but as for me, I call him by the latter.   Just the way this piece starts is so eerie and  dark. The animation helps to set the mood as well.  The Swirling sound that you hear when Chernabog see raising the dead. This piece is just so dark yet so entertaining.  The visual make this great as well.  

Be Prepared (Reprise)

For our last song, we visit Scar once more as I take  a look at a deleted reprise that Fusionater introduced to me.  This would have been a reprise of  Be Prepared.  While not as good as Be Prepared or even The Madness of King Scar in my opinion, it is still a fun song. It's a nice listen but in the end, I could see why this was cut because I think it would have Be Prepared drag out too long. Don't get wrong, I like a good reprise as examined by the reprise of Mother Knows Best. This is a fun song and nice piece of Disney history.  The sketches are nice to look at too. Maybe the reprise is too short to get exact feel for but it's all right but not my favorite unused Disney song.  No that would be a tie between Are You a Man or a Mouse, which was cut from Dumbo or Proud of Your Boy which was cut from Aladdin. Though it is always fun listening to songs that never made it in and if you wish to listen to another cut villain song, might I suggest Why Me? or Humiliate The Boy both of which were cut from Aladdin.  

I hope you have enjoyed this look at villain songs.

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