Take A Look at Disney


Classic Shorts Showcase: The Pied Piper

Yeah, I realize this is going up early but seeing as there won't be any Classic Shorts Showcase reviews next due to Dumbo Week, I thought why not give you 2.

Okay, now that Three Little Pigs Thursday is done, let's get things back to normal here on Classic Shorts Showcase. Today's short, The Pied Piper and  while I'm familiar with the story, the tone of  this tale is one that I have always found a bit creepy.  Seriously,  am I the only one that thinks the Pied Piper would make a decent comic book villain?   Admittedly part of this short made me feel uncomfortable but I think that was unintentional and I was looking into things more than I should have.

The Plot 

The basic plot of this short is that the town of Hamelin  has a rat infestation and they don't know how to get rid of the rats.  It is driving them up the wall and it is pretty bad, I show you after I finish talking about the plot. Anyways going back to the plot,   these rats are driving them crazy and they want them out of their town. The king of Hamelin offers a sack of gold to anyone that rid the town of the rats.  This is when the Piper comes along.  He is able to rid the town of the rats and the town cheers him for it and then he asks for his money seeing as he has done his work.  The King laughs at him and stated that how he did was play his pipe which caused the rats to leave and that isn't worth the sack of gold and this is when the Piper decides to play his pipe to lure the children of the town away from Hamelin so that they don't grow up to be dishonest like the adults. The  plot was good but as stated in the intro some of it was bit uncomfortable to watch and that was mainly the stuff involving the children and the entire time I was wondering why none of their parents tried to stop The Piper and instead looked at the King angrily.  Oh here is the picture of the rats.


For this review, I'll be breaking it down into Main and Supporting.

Main Character

The Pied Piper

The Pied Piper is a character  that is hard to describe but I believe he is meant to be noble and respectable.   This is shown when he comes into town when he goes to Hamelin to get rid of the rats. At first,  he seems like a nice guy but as time goes on and takes the children away from the town,  I started to get a "creepy old man" vibe from a la waiting in a car handing out candy to little kids.    Not a bad character but  kinda creeped me out.

Supporting Character

The only supporting character is that I'm only going to focus on is The King.

The King

The King in turn is shown to be greedy after he refuses to give the Pied Piper the sack of gold.   There really isn't much to this character but this is one of those rare times that it works for this character because not much is needed to show that he is not a good man.

My Final Thoughts

Ultimately, this was a good short even if some of it did  tend to get me creeped out but that was only because I over thought things and this is just one of those things I can't really explain. Ah well, join me next time when I look at...

The Flying Mouse


  1. Aww, the rats are so cute. :) I liked the expressions of the characters; they are so peculiar. I just watched the short and at first I thought: "Yeah, I knew that Disney would adapt this someday. This is not too bad." But the end creeped me out too! My! But I think Disney could have made this more dramatic and detailed.

    1. I'm so glad to hear that I wasn't the only one creeped out by the ending. To a certain degree, your right that they could've made it more dramatic but I think they were looking for a balance.
