Take A Look at Disney


Classic Shorts Showcase: Lambert The sheepish Lion

Well after two rather dark and grim shorts, how about, a short of lighter fare.   Join me today as I take a look at Lambert The Sheepish Lion.  Fun fact for ya, Mr. Stork from Dumbo appears in this short with Sterling Holloway reprising the role and he is also the narrator.

The Plot

The plot of this short is rather simple,  during Mr. Stork's delivery run, he accidentally gets Lambert a lion mixed in with a herd of sheep and realizes this mistake too late as Lambert grows attached to a female sheep that becomes his mother and over the years, Lambert is the but of the others' jokes because he is different until he saves his mother from being eaten by a wolf. The plot while simple, I like and I always enjoy these stories of overcoming and adapting to your differences.


Narrator - Sterling Holloway

Oh, Sterling, how I've missed your voice?   Without a doubt, Sterling Holloway is my favorite Disney voice actor.  His narration here as always is excellent.  Now it's never said outright in the short but I like to believe that it was Mr. Stork narrating the short but that mainly comes from the fact that Mr. Stork was also in this short and unlike the dreadful Ben and Me, the narration was done from a third person perspective.  Which was the common format of narrating for Disney shorts and as always, it worked to a great effect.


This'll be broken down into Main, Supporting, and Villain. With that out of the way, let's begin. Also for Lambert, I'll be focusing on both his young and adult years.

Main Character

Young Lambert - Voice Unlisted

Young Lambert is adoarable and quite fun. He may not fit in and be the but of all the jokes but he doesn't let that get him down. He always looks for the positive  but I think part of that comes from the fact that he doesn't understand that he's difference.

Adult Lambert  - Voice Unlisted

Adult Lambert is a bit of a scaredy cat because he never had a lion to raise to teach him how to be a lion.  He's still pretty funny but he does finally come into his own when his mama is about to be eaten by a wolf. He finally becomes a lion and gives out a big old roar that scares away the wolf and he gains respect from the rest of the herd for saving them.     Again, he was fun to watch but I don't know, I think I liked young Lambert better.

Supporting Characters

Mr. Stork voiced by Sterling Holloway

This short came out nearly a decade after Dumbo but Sterling Holloway came back to reprise his role as Mr. Stork and it was so cool seeing Mr. Stork in another piece of animation.  Just as with Dumbo he wasn't in the short very long but unlike, Dumbo he got things mixed up and that's how Lambert ended up with the lambs(sheep). Now even though he wasn't in the short too much, he was still fun to watch.

Mama - Voice Unlisted

Lambert's mama loves him dearly and will do anything to protect him As with all good Disney moms, she doesn't care that her son is different.  She can look past his differences and see a beautiful little boy.

The Other Sheep

As stated out throughout the entire short,  Lambert is ridiculed by the other children of the herd.  He is the butt of all their jokes.   Every opportunity, they got they'd make fun of him but that changed once he saved them from the wolf.  They were reminiscent of the other elephants in Dumbo but this felt to be a much more realistic take because having children pick on other children is something that actually happens.


Lambert The Sheepish Lion (Song)

This video right here contains all of the song parts and it is really cute.  Again with this song, we see how poorly Lambert is treated by everyone else. That is until the Wolf comes along and they change their tune. Again, a nice song and I like it but probably the least memorable thing from this short.


Wolf - Voice Unlisted

Unlike The Big Bad Wolf,  this wolf is depicted in a much more realistic manner. He is ferocious, vicious and most importantly hungry.  He wants to eat Lambert's mama and nothing will stop him save for Lambert's roar.   Now he wasn't in the short too much but he was a good character and I did enjoy his screen time.

My Final Thoughts

This was a decent short and one that I'd suggest. It's a fun watch and Lambert is just so funny.   Plus you can rarely go wrong with Sterling Holloway. Join me next time when we go visit our pal, Casey in

Casey Bats Again

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