Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 42: Favorites

Even though Dumbo Week is now over, I have decided to turn my attention to some of my other favorites 


As some of you know one of my favorite films is A Goofy Movie and while I've talked about After Today to death, I feel another song just as good from this film deserves some lovin'.  121, this song is just pure fun and it fits to explore the relationship of Goofy and Max quite well.  It's fun and it has an upbeat feel to it, it is all around just fun.   The sound of this song is what makes it so fun to listen to.   

I Won't Say I'm In Love

As much as I love Belle and adore Ariel, this is my favorite song sung by a female lead in a Disney film because it feels the most real. I like the idea of exploring the conflicting feelings of love and that here is done well with Meg. Also the Gospels make for an awesome backup group. While not the greatest film, it has great music and to me this is the best song the film has to offer.

Ichabod Crane

Oh, Bing you made this short.   This is such a fun song and the set up for Ichabod is done well.  The description of Ichabod is so fun to listen to and I can't explain it but the line, "It's the new schoolmaster" always put a smile one my face because of the way, it's sung. This is just and out and out fun song

Small Wonders

A great song from an underrated film.  This song has stuck with me since I first heard during Meet The Robinsons, this is a song that both empowers me and makes me cry at the same time both because of the way, it's sung and the message of the song.  Seriously, this has to be one of the most beautifully sung songs that I've ever heard and I don't think anyone but Rob Thomas could sing this song with all  of the passion that he put into this performance. It's that good.   

Proud of Your Boy


Again, I know that I've talked about this song in the past but it is a crying shame that it was cut from Aladdin and Clay's performance convinces that they either need to get him in a Disney film or get him to work on the soundtrack for a Disney film.  His performance while it doesn't top the original feels genuine and it feels as though he has stepped into the role of Aladdin.  This is such a great song and I feel every child goes through this in their life feeling that they haven't done enough to make their parents proud.  I know that's always on the back of my mind, do I make my parents proud? I'd like to believe so, this song reminds me of a song by another Idol winner that I  enjoy.   By the way, I do like the Weird Al version of that song as well but I prefer the original.

I hope that you have enjoyed this look at some of my favorite songs. Join me next week when I take a look at songs of the ladies of Disney.  

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