Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 58: Dancing with the Stars

I've made it no secret that I love reality shows and one of my favorites is Dancing with The Stars.   And during it's run it has featured Disney music, which isn't to surprising seeing as ABC is owned by Disney but that is besides the point.  Now this Music Fridays will work a tad differently in that while I'll share my opinion on the songs,  I'm focused more on the dance numbers.  So I guess you could call this one Dance Fridays.     With that out of the way, let's begin.

Friend Like Me (Quickstep)  performed by Shawn Johnson & Mark Ballas

First up dancing the Quickstep to Friend Like Me is season nine champ,  Shawn Johnson and her partner Mark Ballas.  To me this dance this so much fun.  I love the energy here and you can really feel Mark and Shawn light up.  This was a great song choice and I really think the dance fit the song and vice versa. Of course, there are subtle little touches with their costumes to make people think of Genie such as them wearing blue but even without that, this  is pure fun and reminds me why she won. Because you  can how much she is having. Now I may not know all the technical rules of dancing and that's why the judges are there but from a viewer's perspective, this is a great dance.   

You've Got a Friend In Me (Foxtrot) performed by Hope Solo & Maksim Chmerkovskiy     

Putting aside my disdain for Maks' teaching methods,  this is another dance I really like.  It just leaves me with a feeling of "d'aww" .   And that is a lot for Maks as he is perhaps my least favorite professional dancer on the show.  This dance from the costumes to the props and oddly even the expressions on their faces feels very Toy Story esque and that is an awesome.  It doesn't hurt that this dance is just for a lack of a better word, cute.   It's strange to describe a dance as cute but really that what this. Going back to the facial expressions for a moment, there was point during the dance where I swear Maks made his face look rather plastic like.   Okay,  I do feel a little bad spending so much time talking about Maks and not touching upon Hope as she was the contestant and while she did a good job, I kinda think Maks overshadowed her in this dance.  That's probably the only downfall here.   Still, an entertaining performance  to be sure.  

Now that we've looked at the contestants,  let's take a look at the performances from The Results Shows.  Firs up, The Lion King

Circle of Life

It's funny even after seeing this play,  watching it be performed on television still sends chills up spine because of how good it is.  This is  only a sampling of how good this play is. Everything about this number is just gorgeous  and the way they use the space given to them, oh!   This is a clip I can watch again and again because of how much I enjoy this performance.   

Step In Time

Again, here is another wonderful performance.   I think the word that comes to mind when watching this is majestic.   Just everything from beginning to end has aurora to it.   Now I'd say that I prefer The Lion King performance but this is one plenty strong as well.   It is a lot of fun to watch.

Well, I hope that you've enjoyed this unique Music Fridays before I close out though I want to share with you two of my all time favorite dances from the show.  Now I won't be giving my thoughts on these two as I feel they speak for themselves. First up from the season 2 finale,  Drew Lachey and Cheryl Burke dancing their freestyle to Save A Horse, Ride a Cowboy. I often consider this the dance that won the competition for them.  Sure,  they had a lot of votes going in to that night but I think with this number, they secured that gaudy mirror ball trophy.

Okay, I'll give you one word that can sum up this dance for me, damn!

Next up, Joey Fatone and Kym Johnson dancing the Tango to the Star Wars Theme.  Lightsaber included.

I hope that you enjoyed these two bonus dances.  Join me next time as I go back to looking at songs in a special super sized Music Fridays packed with 12 Songs from...

House of Mouse, as a part of House of Mouse Week.

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