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Top 6 Newsies Characters

Yep, I'm talking about Newsies again.  What can I can say? I've become a fan and today, I've decided to return to Newsies with a countdown of who I consider the Top 6 Newsies Characters.  Now unlike my last three  movie characters Top 6's, I did not put Are Not and that's mainly because I like the main character in this film too much to leave him off this kind of list and also because Newsies isn't as big as those other three films are. Well, okay it does have it's loyal fanbase and it has been the spotlight recently because of the Broadway production, which is a huge hit but still in terms of popularity, it isn't on par with those three and also even though there is a Broadway production unlike my Lion King Top 6, where I looked at both the film and the play, I'll only be looking at the film here and just so you know, this is pretty much going to be an all male list as it was for the most an all male cast. Well, okay there were two female characters but they were useless in the grand scheme of things. So grab a newsboy hat and some papes as I countdown the Top 6 Newsies Characters. Let's Carry This Banner so The World Will Know.  Okay, I'll stop.   

6.  The DeLancey  Brothers 

Our first two characters on this list actually could be considered rivals to the Newsies.  They are almost villainous and I just love the rivalry these two have with the Newsies as they think they are better than the Newsies as they look down upon them and I just really think that having characters that are close in age that feel they are better than the Newsies was a nice touch . The best way to describe these characters is just to say that they are scummy.  I think one of the biggest moments that shows how far they are willing to go to get to the Newsies is when they attack Jack's love interest, Sarah.   They were able to get to Jack because they were messing with someone he cared about and it shook him but he was able to fight through it.  In my opinion, I just think that shows how far they were willing to go.

5. Weasel/Wiesel 


Now for # 5, we stick with the villains and Weasel is the perfect nickname for this character as he is just slimy. As stated in my review he is the one that the Newsies buy the papers from.  I also stated that that he is a bit of comedic threat to the Newsies.  I think that is part of what makes him so entertaining is his clear disdain for the Newsies made hims so entertaining. Yeah,  the Newsies made his life Hell but seeing him interact with them was always a highlight of the film for me.

4.  Crutchy 

Ah, now we get to the good guys. Again as I said I think Crutchy is one of the most relatable characters from the film and his very first conversation with Jack is what made me like him so much.

Crutchy: Jack, when I walk, does it look like I'm fakin' it?
Jack Kelly: Nah, Crutchy, who says ye'r fakin' it?
Crutchy: I don't know... It's just there's so many fake crips on the streets today, a real crip ain't got a chance. I gotta find me a new sellin'

This conversation right here struck a cord with me because being someone who also is disabled,  I'll always wonder if people think I'm faking my seizures or not but I think out of the two of us, Crutchy had it worse because he was just trying to make a living and he really need to use the crutch but back then and even today, there are people that lie about being disabled to try and use it to boost sales. Now that conversation right there shows that Crutchy is worried about people thinking he's a fraud because I assume a lot of other newsboys or news sellers probably faked being disabled just to increase the sales of their papers and that had to get to a person that was actually disabled. 

3. David "Davey" Jacobs

My opinion on Davey have changed since I watched the film. I first thought he was a forgettable character but that isn't the case at all. He's a very good character and a great second in command to Jack, though he is the thinking man of the duo. He is the more logical one and doesn't want to rush into things. Which is smart and I like him for that.  I will admit that he does get overshadowed by Jack in a lot of the film but the one area where he truly is during Seize The Day as he is the one that rallies the Newsies together in that scene.

It starts out as very quiet and tender moment but that fits for this character as he isn't as outspoken as some of the others and I honestly think this is his shining moment in the entire film. For this moment, he gets to step out of Jack's shadow and be the one that brings the Newsies together.  

2. Bryan Denton

I'll admit that my # 1 & # 2 were flipped flopped a bit as I originally had Denton at # 1 but after seeing how strongly I talked about my  # 1, I was convinced I made the right choice to flip the order. Part of the reason, Denton landed so high on my list is because of how compassionate he is for the Newsies and he is the only one that is willing to stick up for them and right their story because he believes that it needs to be told. He knows what these boys are going through is wrong and doesn't like seeing that.  In a way, he serves as the father figure to the Newsies guiding them and helping them in their cause and it's clear that he's one of the few adults that the Newsies respect and trust. Which is seen wonderfully in King of New York.


Just listen to the way, the boys talk about Denton. It's glowing and loving. They admire and respect him and  listening the song, it's mutual as Denton truly does care for these boys and only wants the best for them and  majority the boys don't have a parental figure in their life and Denton in a way serves as the father figure that was missing. The bond he has with the Newsies is a strong one and no one can deny that.   That is part of the reason, he landed so high on the list, he is just an all around good guy that you love seeing him care for the Newsies as it shows to them they are not alone in this world.  Okay, I know I said I wasn't going to talk about the Broadway production but I have to ask, why did they cut Denton out?    He was a key character! No, matter.

1. Jack "Cowboy" Kelly/Francis Sullivan 

 Poor David,  he still can't escape out of the shadow of Jack. Sorry but Jack is an awesome character.  There are so many sides to this character that make him work. He is the tough guy that stands up for what he believes is right and won't anyone get in his way.  He also has his troubled side because of his broken past which just adds more to this character and is explored quite wonderfully in Santa Fe.


With this song, we get to go into Jack's mind and see what he wants.  He wants an escape.  He wants out of this life, he's living and he feels that by going to Santa Fe, he'll be able to escape this life that he is currently living that is admittedly crummy.  In a way, it reminds of Flynn Rider in how, Flynn created the persona of Flynn Rider to escape his life as Eugene Fitzherbert, I'd argue that Jack did the same thing. He created Jack Kelly as a way to escape his old life as Francis Sullivan that was worse than the condition, he is in right now. I mean his mom is dead and his dad is in jail.  He wanted out of his old life and in a way, when Jack Kelly was created Francis Sullivan died.  Now the big difference between Jack and Flynn is that Flynn takes steps into being Eugene again that are witnessed throughout Tangled, Jack doesn't and he shouldn't because I believe if he went back to being Francis Sullivan, it would not be good for him.  He's happy as Jack Kelly and I say let him stay that way because it is what's best for the character.

There you have it,  my Top 6 Newsies Characters.  I hope that you've enjoyed this list.   Peace!


  1. I really liked Bill Pullman's character, and was quite sad to see Bryan Denton being cut out of the Broadway production; however, for both Broadway (judging from some show clips) and the film, Crutchie was a nice character. I adore the Santa Fe scene, and I mostly prefer the songs in films versions to the stage version, maybe because the film sounds more sincere.

    It's a great analysis of the character involving Flynn Rider which I never thought of before. It was a really great blog, and I loved the joke with the titles. Go Newsies!

    1. I was sad that Denton was cut as well. Crutchy is a great character and yeah, the Jack/Flynn comparison just came to me.
