Take A Look at Disney


Dragon Week: Dragon Around

Welcome back  to Dragon Week, today's review is a bit different as there really isn't a dragon in the short.  Nonetheless, it still counts as Chip 'n' Dale believe they see a dragon and enter a dragon fight.  In that regard, it counts.

The Plot

The short opens in a dump, where Chip is reading a fairy tale book and sees a picture of a dragon.   Later, he sees the shadow of a power shovel that is being driven by Donald and believes it to be a dragon and runs to Dale to show him the dragon. Dale doesn't believe him but then Dale sees it as well and he too believes it to be a dragon. When in reality, it is just Donald.   Donald has to tear down the tree that Chip 'n' Dale live in as it is job as he setting up land for a new freeway. I must be honest here and say that this short presented an interesting scenario  as both sides here being Chip 'n' Dale and Donald are both right. Chip 'n' Dale for all intents and purposes saw a dragon that they believed was going to attack their house.     Whereas on the other side,  Donald is just trying to do his job. He may not have known that the chipmunks lived there So, really neither side is in the wrong, even though the short does try to paint Donald as the antagonist but when looking at the situation, that's not the case as neither side is wrong here.   I think that's what makes the Donald/Chip 'n' Dale shorts enjoyable. You can root for either side. Even though in the end, Donald does lose  and the chipmunks get to keep their house.

Plot Device

Power-Shovel (Dragon)

Now this is just one image of the chipmunks fighting the dragon, which the people watching the short actually know is just a power shovel.  Without the chipmunks seeing the shadow, we would have no short at all and they go to great lengths to defeat and when Donald sees them, he plays along and starts attacking them but in the end, the chipmunks come out on top. It was such a fun watch.


Chip 'n' Dale voiced by James MacDonald & Dessie Flynn

Chip 'n'  Dale were so much fun in this short and this image, they decide that in order to fight the dragon, that they need to become and knight and his steed.   Although, I must admit that it's a bit odd that Dale agreed to be a steed.  Also, you gotta love how they just took everyday objects and made Chip a knight in order to fight. Though becoming a knight didn't work. The way, they beat Donald was just by  being their old devious selves.    One of the best highlights of this short was seeing Chip be knighted after they thought they defeated the dragon. It didn't work out though.    Still, a lot of fun.

Donald voiced by Clarence "Ducky" Nash

Okay, even though I liked Donald using the power shovel to attack the chipmunks as it was rather entertaining. Donald didn't really do much in this short as this short was mostly shown from the perspective of Chip 'n' Dale and it appeared that didn't notice Donald until a little ways into the short and that's when they realized that they weren't fighting a dragon. As I said earlier, this short tried to paint Donald as the antagonist but I don't agree with that because as seen here in this image, Donald is just doing his job and from Donald's point of view, Chip 'n' Dale are just getting in his way.

My Final Thoughts

All in all, this is an entertaining short and it shows what happens when you let your mind get away from you and mistake something for something, it's not.   The big highlight of this short is watching Chip 'n' Dale try and succeed in taking down the dragon. I think that comes from the fact that audience knows that they really aren't fighting a dragon.    Join me tomorrow as I close out Dragon Week with a special Music Fridays.   

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