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Classic Pixar Shorts Showcase: The Adventures of Andre and Wally B.

Hello & welcome to the first installment of Classic Pixar Shorts Showcase.  Now, I know I said that this week was going to be the Facebook choice but that didn't pan out as well as I'd hoped but no matter.  That gives me ample time to start up my new retrospective,  in this Pixar edition of Showcase, I shall be reviewing all of the theatrically released Pixar shorts sans Blue Umbrella as that one just came out with Monsters University or any of the Toy Story Toons as I have plans for those down the road and I've already reviewed every single Mater short. Today, we start by taking a look at The Adventures of Andre and Wally B.   Now technically,   is not a Pixar short as it was worked on at the Lucasfilm Computer Graphics Project, however the animation was done by John  Lasseter and it has been released on Pixar video collections.  And to be honest, there isn't a whole lotta plot in this short and I'm actually okay with that as it more shows off what computer animation could do.  I'll let this quote from the Pixar Wiki explain the importance of this short.

The animation on the feature included the first use of motion blur in CG animation. In addition, it was the first time that classic animation principles had been used in a computer animated film.[1] These principles were used to help make the characters move and look more natural. Lasseter pushed the envelope by asking for manipulatable shapes capable of the squash and stretch style, as earlier CG models had generally been restricted to rigid geometric shapes.

The Plot

I have to admit that this short is kinda forgettable.  The short starts with Wally B. annoyingly wakes up Andre and he points the bee in another direction and the bee moves on as Andre gets away.   He turns into a chase short, where Wally ends up with a bent stinger and then get hits by Andre's hat and yeah, that's pretty much it.  It's not a bad short and it's okay.  Keep in mind that Lasseter never really meant for an outside audience to see this short as he made for his son to entertain him and apparently, he was frightened by the end product.  There really isn't much to say about this short.



Andre is an okay character, there really isn't too much to him.  Though I swear, when he snickers, he sounds like Donald Duck.   And his gloves do look like Mickey's but those are the typical looking character gloves.

Wally B.

Wally was just really forgettable, that's the best thing I can say about this short.  I'm sorry,  I understand that it's the first but there and while the animation is groundbreaking is amazing with what they did,  the characters are flat.  It doesn't hold up.

My Final Thoughts

This short is at best, forgettable.  Sorry, but that's the truth.  It's not bad but it's nothing to write home about.  Join me next time as I take a look at the short that truly put Pixar on the map and has gone to become an Icon as I review...

Luxo Jr.

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