Take A Look at Disney


Can We Talk about Escape From Tomorrow

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney.   Today, we are doing something a wee bit different here as the film, we are talking about, is not being distributed by Disney.  Rather, it was filmed guerrilla style in the parks.   This is Escape From Tomorrow.  Here's the trailer. Meaning that it was shot in the parks without the permission of the parks.  Here's the trailer and the plot.

Shortly after waking up on the last day of a family vacation at Walt Disney World in Florida, Jim White (Roy Abramsohn) gets a call from his boss, informing him that he has been laid off. He keeps the news to himself in order not to spoil the family's remaining time at the resort. While lounging at the swimming pool, he sees two French girls in their early teens jump in, and starts to develop an interest in them. After his son intentionally locks him out of the family's hotel room, he takes his daughter to the rides of the Magic Kingdom to spend time away from his nagging wife.
Their paths frequently cross that of the two French girls, whom Jim tries to keep up with. His son, working with a wheelchair-bound man, makes attempts on his life. The Disney characters and paraphernalia start to seem sinister and surreal, and White starts to have disturbing visions, such as the animatronic characters' faces changing and the Disney Princesses doubling as escorts for wealthy Asian businessmen visiting the park. He is not sure if what he sees is real, or if he is just having a breakdown.

Eventually he is apprehended by park security, who seem inordinately concerned about a "cat flu" sweeping the park. He is taken to a secret detention facility under Spaceship Earth at EPCOT Center and interrogated about his possible role in this. After being brainwashed, he is released, and watches as Spaceship Earth is blown up. At the end of the film, he dies at the Contemporary Resort Hotel, apparently of cat flu.

I can honestly say that as a Disney fan, there isn't too much that bugs me save for one thing and I can't explain why this little thing bugs me more then anything else.  It's the hallucination of the lead character seeing the princesses as escorts.   I have no idea, why this one little thing bugs me so much but other then that,  I'm okay with this film and there are some creepy visuals.  In particular.


From what I understand,  the director has come out and said that this film in no way, a jab at the parks but watching the trailer,  I don't get that feeling as it kinda comes across as a deconstruction of the Disney Dream. Which is fine, this film wouldn't be the first to do that.   I can't be mad at someone for wanting to do something like this and as a Disney fan,  I see very little to offend in here.   Honestly,  I found the trailer kinda lame.  It didn't sell me on the movie at all. The vibe I got off of it was look, look we shot in Disneyland and Disney World.  Whooped do!   The acting seemed so-so and  even if the trailer had been decent,  I probably wouldn't watch this movie.   Let me explain, it's not because I'm a Disney fan but rather because I'm not a fan of these types of films.  They just aren't for me and as I said, the trailer made the film look kinda boring.   For anyone that is interested in checking it out, it'll be released VOD (video-on-demand) on October 11th.   Peace!


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