Take A Look at Disney


Third Year Anniversary

Man,  it's been three years already.  I can't believe it.  Now,  if you read the ME thread, where I announced my Third Year, you saw that I am going to do something a little different.  I decided to not post a poll like I had in the past.  No, instead,  I announced  that I'd be tackling a well liked Pixar film, I severely dislike.    A film, that if you know this series and know me,  you know what film that is...

Yes,  The Incredibles.  Oh,  how I loathe this film.  I will say that I almost backed out of this.  Let's begin.

6.  I Was Bored

This is only at # 6 because I don't feel that it's a good enough reason to be higher but honestly,  I could not get invested into the story and I really didn't like most of the characters and  visually,  I just didn't anything all that exciting to look at. It also felt like the film dragged on,  I swear I was asking myself "When will this end?"

5.   Some of The Scenes Just Looked Ugly To Me

Yeah,  I know this one isn't good, when you don't have an example but I felt like some of the scenes were just too dark for me to stay focused on what was going on.  Now, I get that this was supposed to have the feel of a superhero film but maybe, this just goes into my problem,  with these scenes,  they just made it hard for me to have fun.

4.   The Characters Were Mostly Unlikable 

I covered this one in number 6 but again, it bares repeating and this will be brought up again, I  FREAKING HATE THESE CHARACTERS.  To me, they have no interesting qualities to them and perhaps, the only one that comes even somewhat close to being likable is Elastagirl because she is a good mother trying to work hard and do the right thing for her family, who at the beginning of the film, it seems as though a certain member put his own needs above his wife.  Yeah, we will be getting to him in 3 spots.   These characters are just  annoying and unlikable.

3.   Syndrome Was The Most Interesting Character

This is going to seem a bit silly, considering my number two but here's the thing,  I actually liked Syndrome (Gasp, I liked something in this piece of garbage)  and thought that he was the best character in the film because he had the most interesting story going on here and I just felt if the focus had been shifted to him, that this would've actually kept my attention longer.  I mean as you saw  I said wanted Syndrome because  most of the other characters were just grating on my last nerve.   Now I'm not saying that him trying to be Mr. Incredible's sidekick was the smartest thing in the world and I understand Mr. Incredible not wanting him around but using that as revenge to me is far more interesting then a story about a jerk ass washed up superhero who wants to get back in  the game.  

2.   Parts Just Felt Mean-Spirited 

This is easily one of my biggest issues with the film.  There were parts such as at Bob Parr's office with his boss, where this film seemed to revel in just being cruel to it's characters and treating them like crap.  Not saying he didn't deserve it but  even to some of the other characters and this ties back into what I was saying about how I feel this film was a little dark.  Not like in TS3, where it served a purpose (even though that is another film I've tried one of these lists for), it just seemed dark for the sake of being dark.

1.  Mr. Incredible 

THIS CHARACTER, This character is the biggest reason I hate the film. As I said up top,  I just find him to be very unlikable. Oh sure, don't get me wrong I can applaud him for wanting to help people and do the right thing and I get that during the film, he is going through a bit of a mid-life crisis but he was just such a dull character.   I mean, I normally don't mind nice guy characters but there was very little for me to be interested in with this character and the big kicker is him keeping his  new job, a secret for so long.  You are supposed to be honest in a relationship and that is not setting a good example.   I just really HATE this character.

Keep in mind, that if you like this movie, that's fine but I felt this was the right time to finally get this over with.  I've tip-toed around it for long enough.    There you have, my 6 reasons I don't like this film.  This'll be the only time, I talk about this movie on this blog.  But to close out my blog, how about something I do like.    

Hmm,  maybe I'll review that or Saving Mr. Banks for the Fourth Year.     Thanks to everyone that has read my blog for the past three years and thanks to Manic for giving me a voice and allowing me to spread my wings and try new things.  I've grown from one blog to now three, only in the course of three years. Wow, where has the time gone.  I still recall my very first article about A Goofy Movie, boy that takes me back and you know the best part about this blogging experience is that I've met a lot of great people that I've come to consider my friends.  Thank you!    

Halloween Music Fridays # 110: Counting Down My Favorite Villain Songs

Hello and welcome back to Music Fridays.   Today, there's been a slight change in plans.  Instead of giving you Tower of Terror music.  I'm going to give you my 13 favorite Disney Villains songs.  Why 13  6, it's  Halloween.  Let's begin.  Oh, and by the way, Grim Grinning Ghost does not count as a villain song in my eyes.

13. It's Our House Now   -  Mickey's House of Villains  

Admittedly,  this special isn't very good but damn, if this song isn't just so much fun.  I mean c'mon  all of the Disney villains coming together in one big rousing number to take over the House of Mouse.  That is beyond awesome.

One area, where the stage production of Mary Poppins differs is that a villain is brought during the second act,  Miss Andrews.   Miss Andrews is a nanny,  that almost everyone, she raised Mr. Banks (honestly, that explains so much)  and her view of the way to treat children is the complete opposite of Mary Poppins.  She believes  children  have no value and is not interested in having fun but rather establishing order.  It's best seen, wit the medicine, she gives to Jane and Micheal.  Whereas Mary Poppins  gives them sugar to help the medicine go down, something sweet.   Miss Andrew's medicine includes such things as cod liver oil.  Ewe, ewe, ewe!!!!   A disgusting ingredient to fit an evil woman.  Now, this song is actually into two part,  I don't a reprise but it is AWESOME, it's a battle of the nannies as we see Mary Poppins and Miss Andrews go at it while Mary Poppins sings A Spoonful of Sugar.   Easily, one of the coolest things ever.     

11. Trust In Me  - The Jungle Book 

A few things to know about me,  Sterling Holloway is my favorite Voice Actor,  I think that Kaa is seriously underrated as a villain and I intend to do a countdown of underrated villains next year and this song perfectly captures the threat that Kaa is, which people tend to forget that Kaa is a legit threat.

10.   Me  - Beauty and The Beast (Play)

Our first appearance of Gaston on this list and our first of quite a few stage songs on this list.  I think the reason, I like this song so much  is quite  simply put, it turns the notch of Gaston's arrogance up from 10 to 20.  It shows how much of a pig, he truly is.

9.   Hellfire - The Hunchback of Notre Dame 

I  know  a few people may be disappointed that this song is higher on this list but there are other villain songs I like better then this one but this one  works because of the internal conflict that Frollo is going through in regards to Esmeralda and he even though,  he knows he loves her and it is a sin,  he wants to pin the blame on her.  And just the imagery alone here such as the fire and whatever cloaked figures were.  My best guess is  they are Frollo judging himself and looking down upon himself with shame.

Coming in at # 9 from the stage production is Pulitzer's two big songs,  The Bottom Line and it's reprise.    What's so great  about these two.  Well,   it takes Pulitzer who in the movie was an okay character and actually makes him much more interesting as we get into his motive of why he's doing it and having be delivered in song.  Yeah, that's a lot of fun.    And while I do like the first number,   I think it's the reprise, where he becomes a big threat.      Just listen to the way, he talks to Jack Kelly,  one of my heroes and belittles him.  And Jack at this point in the show had all but given up and is just standing there and taking it because he knows, there is nothing he can do.   

7 . Gaston  - Beauty and The Beast  

This song is pretty much the reason, I love Gaston, just like Me, it wonderfully shows how full of himself, he is but I think the thing I really love about this number is how he has people there to fuel his ego and they just love him and follow his every whim and order.    As seen in # 6...

6.  The Mob Song - Beauty and The Beast 

In this number, Gaston has become the monster full on and this actually shows him as an intimidating force and that by using fear, he is able to convince the entire village to follow him on an attack against Beast.  It just goes to show how much power one person can have and how that can be extremely dangerous.

5.  The Madness of King Scar  - The Lion King (Play)

I've said it before and I'll always say it,  I find this song to be the superior Scar song as we get into his psyche after becoming king and he has realized that it is not how he thought it'd be and it picks apart and analyzes Scar's self-destruction and you notice that he is still living in the shadow of Mufasa and this number perfectly captures how he is not capable of ruling the Pridelands.    

4.  Poor Unfortunate Souls - The Little Mermaid 

What sells this song is the way,  Ursula is so easily able to trick Ariel and  not to mention Pat Caroll's  singing that just makes the song creepy and fun at the same time.  Plus, you gotta love that laugh.  Fun fact,  it was a recording of this song by Howard Ashman sent to Pat Caroll that convinced to take the role and she actually based some of her performance, mainly her inflections on  how Alan Menken sang it.   

3.  Friends On The Other Side  -  The Princess and The Frog

Two words,  Keith David.   Oh my gosh,  this man has a voice that can rival James Earl Jones and Morgan Freeman in terms of awesomeness.  And as for this number, I love the voodoo imagery in the background and also the foreshadowing to  what happens to Naveen with the line about needing green.  I just love picking up on stuff like that.

2.  Prince Ali (Reprise) - Aladdin  

I love the cleverness of this one of taking a song that was celebrating Al's false identity and having Jafar basically rip away the lie and reveal the truth to Jasmine.   That is just cruel and twisted.  Gotta love how Jafar is so wicked throughout this and this shows that even though I like Naveen Andrews as Jafar on Wonderland, Jonathan Freeman is the best.  Apparently,  he's so good that he'll be playing Jafar on Broadway, when the stage production opens.  Sweet.    

And my favorite villain song is Mother Knows Best (Reprise)  Ironically,  I can't stand Mother Knows Best  as I find the first number to be too over the top and silly for me to take seriously but then when we get to Gothel's reprise,   this is I want.  While yes,  Gothel was putting down  her "daughter"  in the first  one,  this song is more personal as she is playing on Rapunzel's love for Flynn and you can practically hear the knife being stabbed in Rapunzel's heart as she tried to stand up for herself and tell her "mother" that she might be wrong but Gothel just used that to bring my favorite princess down even more by  telling her that she is just a child and not an adult.   This song just goes to show how cruel and cold-hearted Gothel truly is.  And perhaps, the biggest reason,  this is my favorite villain song, is perhaps because it's the most personal  and it hurts to see someone be taken down that was supposedly caring for them.  

There you have it,  a countdown of my 12 favorite villain songs.  I hope that you enjoyed this and thus ends A Look at Disney Halloween as all next week will be dedicated to Monstrous Musicals.  

Rapunzel knows best


Halloween: Top 6 Witches

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney.  Our Halloween event continues with another Top 6.  Witches have had a long standing history with Disney.  And who better to celebrate during this Halloween these magical ladies. Now,  let's make one thing clear, The Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus will not appear on this list. Mostly because it's been so long since I've seen that film and I don't recall very much of the film. With that out of the way, let's begin.  

6.  Lucinda - Sofia The First

This cute little witch comes from Sofia The First episode,  The Little Witch.  Now so far, she's only had one appearance on the show.   Which is a shame because she could be a great character if given time to develop some more.  In her debut episode,  we learn that after Sofia became a princess, Lucinda moved into the village where Sofia used to live and would play tricks and cast hexes on the fellow children in the tow because she didn't know any other way.  With Sofia's help,  she learned to look past her old ways and made up for her past actions by righting her wrongs.   I would like to see Lucinda appear in more episodes (because she's third best character)  because I feel there is more room for things to be done with her such as you could do a follow up episode, where she comes to the castle and meets Sofia's class mates from Royal Prep and seeing how  uppity some of them can be has to resist the urge to revert to her old ways.  That's the big reason, she's only at # 6.  That's not to say, she's a bad character. Not at all,  her debut episode is in my opinion the best episode of the series as it shows that you should give people a second chance.  It was a cute, if simplistic story that is good for kids.  Plus, the song from her episode is just so darn adorable.   

Also,    like a lot of witches, she has such a cool name.  Still, the big reason, she's only at # 6 is that is her so much left to be done with her.  Perhaps I should cut the show some slack as it's only in it's first season but it's frustrating, when you get a cool character like Lucinda because I want the show to  do more with her.

5.  Witch Hazel - Trick or Treat

Coming in at # 5 from Trick or Treat is Witch Hazel.   What is I like about Witch Hazel.  She's fun and willing to stand up for Donald's nephews after he decides to play tricks on him and not give them candy on Halloween.  And we get to see her fun side of her being antagonistic towards Donald but never in a mean-spirited way.  Just more so to teach Donald a lesson and get back at him, plus you can't go wrong with June Foray.  This isn't her only appearance on the list by the way.

4.  Magica De Spell -  Uncle Scrooge Comics/DuckTales

The big thing that landed Magica on this list is her obsession with Scrooge's first dime.  She goes mad trying to get it and gets a little annoyed, when she get it because she believes that it Scrooge's wealth has caused it to obtain magical powers.   Now, I mostly remember Magica from DuckTales but she actually started out in comics.   Her obsession with this dime is borderline crazy.  Besides that though,  she's actually a quite powerful witch that is able to use her spells quite well .  Fun Fact:  in the comics, it's revealed her best friend is Mad Madam Mim .

That's kinda cool!

3.  Mother Gothel - Tangled

Oh,  you guys had to  know that Gothel was going to make this list.  Tangled is one of my favorite films and Gothel is just ruthless.  Her relationship with Rapunzel is just abusive and so real.  As I've mentioned in the past, she is so wicked in how she kidnapped Rapunzel and used the magic  found in Rapunzel's hair from the flower for herself.  And as I've mentioned,  she kept Rapunzel for so long that it was clear that Gothel started to believe her lie.  The first time,  I saw Tangled I didn't care to much for Gothel but since I got the DVD, I've fallen in love with her as a character because she is a great villain and a good witch.

2.  Ursula - The Little Mermaid

Ursula the Sea Witch from The Little Mermaid lands at the # 2 spot.  The thing that makes Ursula different from the other witches on this list is she our only sea dweller.  Though the big reason, she's at # 2 is because of how cunning and ruthless, she is.  She went to great lengths to get what she wanted just like our # 1 but let's focus on the sea witch.   The big reason, she works so well is that she was able to play on Ariel's emotions and use those against Ariel and when things started to look as though, they weren't going her way, that is when she found a back up plan and turned herself into Vanessa.    Who in a nice touch was voiced by Jodi Benson.

Ursula is smart and she knows it, that is why she carries herself, she does in the film.  She's big and she controls the room, whenever she's on screen.

1.  Evanora - Oz: The Great and Powerful

And coming at # 1 from Oz: The Great and Powerful is Evanora The Wicked Witch of The East.  What's so great about Evanora?  Well,  she's ruthless, cunning,  she was able to trick Oscar into thinking  Glinda was The Wicked Witch.  Not to mention, she is the sole cause for her younger sister's transformation into The Wicked Witch of The West as she played on her feelings for Oscar. And not to mention for the longest time, she had Oz under her control and was ruling it.   Also, her duel with Glinda is just awesome.

I think what sells her so well is that she doesn't care about anyone but herself yet, she is able to trick people into thinking that she does care about them.  And going back to her sister,  she was able to get into her sister's head by taunting her and calling her wicked.  Something Theodora tried to rebut.    Honestly, the way Rachel Weiz plays her is spine-chillingly creepy.  Because I feel she could've won had she just killed her sister.   Seriously, her sister was so useless in the grand scheme of things and Evanora overshadowed her greatly.  And I do love that we got one last fright with her before she died as we saw what she truly looked like.

Creepy!    Everything about Evanora just works in selling her as this woman who'd stop at nothing to get what she wanted.  I mean, she killed Glinda's father aka the former ruler of Oz, so that she could take his position.  And then blamed Glinda for killing him.  Whoa, that is diabolical!  With stuff like that, she had to be # 1.   Plus, it doesn't hurt that she's one of the most fun villains from a live-action Disney film in a while and one of the more memorable live-action villains.

There you have it, my Top 6 Witches.   I hope that you've enjoyed this list.  Who are some fictional witches, you like?  I know a lot of you are probably going to say Sabrina.  Can't blame ya there, she's awesome.   Join me next time as I go over how Halloween is celebrated at the parks. Peace!


Halloween Music Fridays # 109: The Haunted Mansion

Hello & welcome back to our Halloween celebration and on these next two Music Fridays, we will be delving into theme park attractions that are big hits, this time of year.  Starting with The Haunted Mansion and we will be going around the world as we take a look at different pieces of music from the varying Mansions.  Of course, we need to start with this gem.

Grim Grinning Ghosts

By the way, that includes the full ride audio.  What can one say about this song?  It's just awesome and it's a classic in every sense of the word.   Our Ghost Host voiced by Thurl Ravenscroft (a man who had a voice for Halloween)  is just great.  This is the Disney song that is pivotal for Halloween.  If you haven't listened to this one, yet.  Well, here's your chance! 

Thirteen Days of Christmas


For those of you that may not know and this'll be covered more in an upcoming article, this is from Haunted Mansion Holiday.   A Nightmare Before Christmas lay over of the attraction. yay!   Note, my excitement.   I don't like this film nor Tim Burton in general as for this number.  Pass!

Phantom Manor Medley

Now we come to one of the versions of Mansion, I'm not familiar with. Phantom Manor, which  is nothing like our Mansion, it is much darker in tone and story.  And you really get that here, your best bet to understand what this ride is about is either to read DisneyOtoko's article on it or just read about it on the DisneyWiki.   You'll note that when you hear Grim Grinning Ghosts, it has more of a western theme to it. Well, apparently that ties into the ride and just listening to this makes me want to go on this ride one day.

Lonesome Manor

Our last one doesn't come from a park but rather from a game.  My favorite game,  Epic Mickey.   All you see, the worlds in Epic Mickey are based on different attractions and if you can probably figure by the title that this one is Mansion.  Game creator, Warren  Spector has said that Manor was meant to be a combo of the mansions that were around at the time of the game's release and I can feel that with number.  And I love the intensity that composer James Dooley brought to this piece.  Even, if I'm not playing the game, I feel as if I'm there.  And while this is a great piece,  and it's in my top 3.  It's not my favorite to listen to during Halloween, that would be Clock Tower.  A demented take on Small World.  

There you have it,  my look at some different Mansion music.  I hope that you've enjoyed this Halloween Music Fridays. Peace!


Halloween: October 31st (Kim Possible Episode Review)

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney Halloween.  Today, we head back to Middleton as we take a look at Kim Possible's Halloween episode,  October 31st.

Episode Title

October 31st

Lame!  Okay,  this may be one of the weakest episode titles for any of my favorite shows.  It doesn't tell you anything about the episode other then it is set on Halloween.

The Plot

How do I sum up the plot? Lying is bad!  That's the main thing, I took away from this episode.  And  no offense to one of my favorite shows but that seems like something that would be taught on a Disney Junior show or to keep with when this show came out, a Playhouse Disney show.  Again,  I'm not saying that this is bad but seems kinda below the average audience of this show. Though to be fair,  I do like that they used KP for this because it helps to deflect arguments that KP is a Mary-Sue character.   Part of the reason I love KP is because she isn't perfect. Though to be fair,  I'm probably selling this episode a bit short as it shows the stress that rapid lying can cause.  Now let's get to the actual plot of the episode.   The episode starts off as we see Dr. Drakken and Duff Killignan about to haggle over something called The Centurion Project.  Shego  just wants to get the deal done.  And I don't blame her as who should show up but KP to get The Centurion Project.  And she does after some fighting with Shego and we see it is a bracelet and it gets attached to  KP's arm.   We find out that KP's best friend other then Ron, Monique is throwing a Halloween party but Ron doesn't want her to go as trick-or-treating dating back to Pre-K.  The first Halloween,  the year of the cowboy and the ballerina.

No matter, how many times I see this joke,  I still get a kick out of it. Later on back at KP's house, we learn  that her family is partaking in a haunted house for charity at the hospital that her mom works at.   We get a scene between KP and Wade, seeing if Wade had any found any information on how to get the Project off.   Sadly no,  and we also see Wade all dressed up for Halloween and find out that he does his trick-or-treating online.  Uh Wade, that kinda takes the fun out of it.  Yeah,   it does fit in with  Wade staying in his room in the early episodes but still,  kinda lame.

And this is where the conflict comes in as Monique calls KP to let her know that her season 1 crush, Flash Sentry, uh I mean Josh Mankey would be performing with his band at Monique's  party.    Giving KP more reason to want to go to the party.

And then,  Ron calls KP to see if  Kim is still willing to go trick-or-treating with him.  She breaks down & lies saying that she is going to be helping with her family at the haunted house.  Which also leads into her second conflict as her mom comes up and asks that if she heard Kim saying that she thought she wad going to be helping out at the haunted house.  KP gives in and lies again, saying that she is going trick-or-treating with Ron. Leading to KP's second lie.   Which slowly causes the Project to expand and cover more of KP's body. And this slowly starts to show the stress of what KP is going through.  And we also see that Duff and Drakken have gone to Middleton searching for the Project.  They listen in on the phone call that KP had and Duff ends up finding Ron trick-or-treating and takes him hostage and Dr. Drakken and  Shego but she isn't there.  No, she's at Monique's Halloween party.  Where the stress is getting to her from both lying and being around her crush (who had as much personality as cardboard).  This causes the suit to grow some more and tear her princess costume apart revealing what the whole armor looks like.

We see Wade contacting KP but Monique has to answer it as the Kimmuicatnor was stuck in her clothes.  Um,  KP why were you wearing your everyday clothes under your costume?  That seems a bit much but it was cool to see KP fight Shego in her everyday clothes.   So KP heads to the haunted house and fights Shego using the Project and we see that the Project has unlimited abilities such as healing similar to that of Wolverine.


  And it ends with the armor coming off KP,  I can't remember how.  And the fight is cut short by KP's dad as he wishes to talk with his daughter and we see Kim being reprimanded and grounded for one month.

Y'know ya done messed up, when The Tweebs (Jim and Tim) are busting you.

All in all,   I'm not sure where this episode stands with me personally.  On the one hand, it's not bad but there are a lot of better KP episodes and quite honestly,  the biggest issue I have with this one is that it didn't need to be a Halloween episode with the story that was being told.  Let's take a look at the basics here for a sec, KP  wants to go to a party but there are other engagements that her friends and family want her to help out  with.  So to get out of these engagements, KP concocts a lie.  Does anything in that remotely sound like you need Halloween for the story to be told. No, not at all.  Mind you, it isn't a bad story but I just feel that this episode at best compared to some of Kim Possible's other episodes is forgettable.  It doesn't have the same holiday spirit that say A Very Possible Christmas had.

Plot Device

The Centurion Project

The Centurion Project was interesting piece of armor as it protected the wearer as they were stressed out. And I have to say that the armor with the protection kinda reminded me of the Battle Suit from So The Drama.   This was season 1 and So The Drama came out after season 3.  I doubt they were meant to be the same thing but the idea was similar was enough.

Though, if you were to ask this hardcore KP fan, the Battle Suit is cooler.


This'll be broken down into Main, Supporting, & Villains.   With that out of the way, let's begin.

Main Character

Kim Possible voiced by Christy Carlson Romano

This was a pretty good episode for KP as it showed that even my lovely Kim can have her off days and that she isn't totally perfect.  Plus her fighting Shego in the Centurion Project was all kinds of awesome.

I know what I said up top about the moral being below the audience.  I may have to retract on that statement but I just don't think the lesson was the best episode in the series.

Supporting Characters

Ron Stoppable voiced by Will Friedle

Ron was cute in this episode as he represented the inner youth that is rarely found in many teens.  So, what he still goes trick-or-treating and he's in high school.  And the best part is that even though, KP does at one point,  ask Ron "Don't we're a little old for that?" , she doesn't mean it in a derogatory manner.  She isn't berating her best friend but rather just surprised that she still he wants to go trick-or-treating.  Ron doesn't care and there is a cute moment, where we see him trick-or-treating doing the "Smell Your Feet"  bit and he was asked by a little kid (voiced by Tara Strong,  who  also played KP's younger cousin and super fan, Joss) dressed as a bunny not to do that.

Monique voiced by Raven-Symone

I liked Monique.  I felt like she  was underused in the show throughout most of it's run but she was a recurring character.  And her party played an integral part in the plot.  And it was cool to see her house as I think this was the only episode,  we saw that.

Josh Mankey voiced by Breckin Meyer

Yeah,  even when this show was on, I never liked this character. There's a reason I called him Flash Sentry because like Flash, he had no personality. I swear most of these shows with female leads at the time and even today felt the need to give the character, a love interest that just made you scratch your head and go "Really,  just really?  What do you see in that person?"


Dr Drakken, Shego, & Duff Killigan voiced by John DiMaggio, Brian George, & Nicole Sullivan.


This had to be my biggest problem with the show.  The villains after the cold open just  took a huge backseat to the story.  It was like the show forgot about them for a bit and then they came back and other then the fight between KP and Shego,  they were pretty lackluster.  Honestly,  I'm not sure the episode even needed them.  This episode was at times, trying to do too much.

My Final Thoughts

This  episode isn't bad but I don't recall it being this sub par.  It has no chance of making a favorites list of mine.   But it isn't the worst episode from KP but it's not a good Halloween episode either.  It's okay but I think it could've been better. I don't hate it and that's about the best, I can say for it.  Man, these last two reviews have been pretty lackluster.