Take A Look at Disney


The Tangled Posters

Hello  & welcome back to A Look at Disney.  Tangled!!!!!!   Sorry,  I love Tangled.  It stars the bestest, cutest,  my favoritest Princess EVER!!!  Sorry,  the 5 year old will stop now.  I got this idea for an article on Oh  MY  Disney about  the  international postersNow,  I got this idea for this article,  when I saw the Japanese poster for the film.  Let's begin.

Teaser Poster

Ugh,  I despise this poster with every fiber of my being.  It  is a disgrace to see this poster.  This Tangled fan boy  cannot stand this poster and y'know why.  What does it tell me about Rapunzel or her film?

This along with the original trailer made me want to hate this film.  Ironic, considering that it's one of my favorite movies now.   Now let's move onto the next poster.

Character Posing Poster

If you've seen the DVD for this film, you've seen this poster before and it's fun.  And while it is a step up from the horrid DreamWorks like poster up above,  I feel that it is selling the movie short because as someone that has seen this film at least 10 times,  it's forgetting about the emotion  and heart that these characters have.  It's fun but again,  it really doesn't tell you much about the film.   I like  it as a DVD  cover but something's missing.

Lantern Poster

This was my favorite poster for the longest time as it does have the heart as you get see Rapunzel  living her dream and there is Flynn in the back looking on happily for her.  As much as I like this one,  there is a better one.  Courtesy of Japan.

Japanese Poster

OH MY GOSH,  I LOVE THIS POSTER!!!!!   I  just discovered this one over the weekend but this is now my all time favorite Tangled poster.  And it may be one of my all time favorite posters.  It  doesn't feel lame like the first one.  It captures the beauty of the film, so well as  we get to see Rapunzel looking out her tower longing for the day that she can leave to see the floating lights.  And there they are off in the distance,  waiting for her.  This poster is so beautiful.    Y'know,  you could almost put this and the poster up from above together.


And get an idea of the story.   I  love it, these are my two  favorite Tangled posters and I wish that they had gone with one of these as the DVD cover.  Going  back to the Japanese one,  it reminds me of "When Will My Life Begin?"   As  I get the idea in this poster that Rapunzel  is waiting to find the answer to that question.  And y'know let's close this post out with that song.  It's one of my favorite Disney songs.

Tell me, what are your thoughts on these posters.  Which is your favorite? Let me know in the comments.  Peace!