Take A Look at Disney


Mickey Mouse (2013) Mondays: Stayin' Cool

Hello & welcome back to Mickey Mouse (2013) Mondays and today, we take a look at Stayin' Cool.  First,  I need to introduce someone that will be joining along the way with these reviews.  Hailing from Arendelle,  say hi to Queen Elsa.

You see after the mess that was Gasp!,  I realized that I can't go through all of these shorts getting that angry. That's why I came up with a coping mechanism for when things get really bad.  Whenever I'm about to lose my cool and go off,  I will post a picture of Elsa from Let It Go and try to calm myself down.  I don't know how long, this will work but at least I get to listen to one of my favorite songs.  Secondly,  if the shorts continue to go down the path of Gasp!,  I will be forced to once again break out the name changer. For those of you, that do not recall, the name changer is when I am so infuriated by something that is supposed to be a classic Disney character that I refuse to dignify it by using that name.  It first appeared during Dumbo Week, when I reviewed an episode of Dumbo's Circus and I changed the name of that puppet to Davis.  It has been used once more since then and right now, these shorts are on the bubble as to getting the name change.  With that out of the way, let's begin.

The Plot

It's the hottest day of the year and our three best pals are looking for a way to cool off.  May I suggest, taking a trip to Arendelle.

Thankfully though Mickey, Donald and Goofy  have found a way to cool off as they are relaxing in a pool.

 That is until the the actual owner of the pool shows up and sicks his dogs on the pals.  

AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Can't unsee that!!!   Excuse me,  a sec.

Sorry,  I had to wash my eyes out.  Anyways,  after they are kicked out, Donald chides Mickey because he promised that he would find a way for them to stay cool and Mickey promises that he will and Donald tells him that he better hurry up as Goofy isn't doing so well. As we Goofy start to melt and I have to admit that it was pretty funny.

We then get a montage of Mickey trying to find various ways to keep his pals cool such as standing in a car wash, which is great until the soap comes along.  The next  idea is to stand in front of a plane and use it's propeller but that causes their skin to blow off and just leave their skeletons.  And surprisingly,  this got a small chuckle out of me.  The next idea was a meat locker, which was great until the butcher takes Donald and is about to cut him up but Donald is able to get out of it by talking and asking about the weather.  And here's the thing, this joke unlike the fish filet joke from the previous short actually worked because it knew when to stop and not actually show Donald being chopped up.

Also,  the jet propeller joke worked because it was quick and  the short knew when to move on.    To escape the butcher,  our pals hide in an ice cream truck and the boys use ice cream for everything but eating it.

Outside the ice cream man is about to hand two kids, ice cream bars.  Our three pals dance with joy, which causes the shift stick to move and cause the truck to move.  Mickey later notices this and asks who is driving this thing as we see the truck moving and we even get the Goofy Holler.  This  is how you do it, right.

Yeah, that's not good.  The  truck lands on a fire hydrant causing all the treats to fly into the air and onto the road as it melts and turns into ice.  And then everyone in town enjoys the ice cream and cold weather.  And our heroes are now snowmen.

Uhm no, not exactly.

And Donald ends the short by complaining that he's freezing.  Oh Donald,  take this advice from Elsa.

Let the storm rage on

Now  are you ready for the most shocking part of this review?   I liked this short.  I  liked this one a lot, this was a huge improvement.  This short was fun,  it was never mean-spirited and most of the jokes were funny.  If the shorts keep improving like this,  I may be a little more forgiving from here on out.   Now let's move onto  characters.


Mickey,  Donald, & Goofy  voiced by Chris  Diamantopoulos

This short did what I always like these three. It showed how well, these three play off one another and just how much great chemistry, they have.  This short was a joy to watch because it was clear that these three had each others' backs and will always be there for each other through thick and thin.  It was such a joy to watch.

My Final Thoughts

I really liked this short.  This short was just a treat to watch and it was such a pleasure to watch a short like this as it shows that the 2013 series is capable of doing good things with these classic characters and not screwing them over.  Okay new series, you get a pass from me on this one.  Keep it up and I may go softer on you.  Let's see if we can keep this winning streak up by next week, I take a look at...


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