Take A Look at Disney


Figment # 5 (Journey Into Imagination Part Five)

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and today, we conclude our look at Marvel's  first Figment mini series.  Join me as we look at the fifth and final issue in this fantastic mini series.  


I really like this cover as it shows how much confidence Dreamfinder has in himself now after the journey that he & Figment went on.  

The Plot

This comic skips the recap at the beginning and goes straight into action.  And like the last few issues, it opens with narration from Dreamfinder.

After a tumultuous journey into imagination, all I wanted was the comforts of of home.  Simple pleasures. Relaxation.  A nice cup of tea.  Maybe a nice home-cooked meal by my mother...  It seems that'll have to wait.  However this happened, whoever is behind it...  I have a gnawing feeling I'm somehow responsible.  And from there, we see our heroes fly over London as it has been set ablaze thanks to the reign of The Singular and his army.  Dreamfinder decides that they must head to the Academy as someone will know what is going on.  And just as he says that, Figment spots the Chairman.  And The  Singular and well, that's not a good sign.  And I would agree with Figment that he doesn't exactly look to be the most friendly of sorts.  And just as they are about to land, The Singular attacks The Chimera stating that she doesn't belong here.   Technically speaking, he doesn't either.  And in the next panel, we see  Chairman and Blair Dreamfinder reunite and get one of the best moments from this issue. 

The Chairman: Blair!  Is that you?!

Dreamfinder: In the flesh, but please call me "Dreamfinder" now. It's... it's a bit hard to explain.

That is just awesome because Blair has  completely earned that title by this point and to have him so willingly embrace it  is just such a fantastic moment.  But there isn't much time to celebrate as The Singular is still attacking the poor Chimera but Dreamfinder stands up for his friend and that gets The Singular's attention.   Stating that there are no dreams here, only rules.   Dreamfinder asks The Singular, if the metal tearing up the city, are those of The Singular's.  And he answers with affirmative but we already knew that.  Then we get a great moment as Dreamfinder and The Singular face off against each other as The Singular asks Dreamfinder, if he asks if he is one the built the Conjuring  Helmet.  And Dreamfinder responds with a yes.  The Singular says that Dreamfinder will dream for Clockwork Control now and if he doesn't everything and everyone in Lon-don will be be destroyed.  Just then, Figment attempts a feeble but noble attack against The Singular but it's to no avail.  As The Singular easily clutches my favorite Disney  dragon in his arms.  And he tells Figment that his mind is too chaotic.  Yeah, that's true but that is part of his charm.  But thankfully Figment is able to break free and Dreamfinder tells The Singular that he's never been one for listening to authority.  And just them,  Dreamfinder grabs The Chairman as they jump from the top of the Academy, where they were to get to safety as he tells Figment to get Fye, so they can help the townsfolk to battle the mechanical monsters.   And Dreamfinder tells Figment that he'll think of something.  And just at this moment, The Chimera comes in and swoops to save Dreamfinder and The Chairman.  The Singular is none too pleased with this.  And Dreamfinder realizes that they must act quickly in order but The Chairman is distracted by The Chimera or he calls her, a pink dog with wings.  After Dreamfinder asks The Chairman, where these tin men came from,  we get the explanntion that we already knew from previous issues that The Chairman brought them here by mistake.  And after hearing The Chairman call his invention, a dream machine, that sparks an idea in Dreamfinder.  So,  I guess it only took One Little Spark.  While Dreamfinder asks The Chimera to take The Chairman away from danger,  he enters the dream world and  this is when The Singular realizes exactly who or rather, what he's going up against.

He is a portal master.  An Imagineer... 

Oh yeah,  they went there and it is so delightfully awesome.  And now The Singular wants his powers. Well, I hear there's an academy to learn how to be Imaingeer at Disney World.  Maybe, just sign up for a few classes and see what best suits ya. And that way, we can skip the whole reign of terror bit. Just a thought.  Oh, this is 1920's London, Disney World doesn't exist yet.  Well as the sequel series shows, time travels exists in this universe.  And it is after this, wee see Dreamfinder enter the portal  and when  we returns, it is awesome.   As he is flying his Dream Machine.  Okay, for those that don't know.  On the original incarnation of Journey Into Imagination, Dreamfinder flewa blimp as pictured down below on the ride as guests went on the journey with him and Figment to learn about Imagination.


And  saving this for the final issue was such as brilliant touch as Mr. Zub had to know that fans were waiting for the Dream Machine to show up.  I may not have gotten to see it personally but I was still pretty awestruck, when it showed up.  And what else should Dreamfinder use in his final battle against The Singular other than this awesomely awesome super duper awesome-tastic mode of transportation. .   Well, it's a start but it still doesn't seem to be enough.  Meanwhile, we see Fye and Figment putting up a valiant fight against The Singular's army but they are having some troubles but after Figment blinds one of the robots,  they get the upper hand.  But there's dozens more robots to go and they've only taken down two. No pressure.  Meanwhile Dreamfinder has improved his Dream Machine and is putting the Dream Material into the Dream Bag, so that it can be processed.  And from there inventions are born. They're just tools such as wrenches and screw drivers that the citizens of London can use against The Singular's army and we see them use them to fight back and it is rather rewarding to see these everyday people stand up against these robots.  The army tries to get them to stand down but the citizens are going to show them, what happens when you mess with London.  And for the robots, it's not a pretty sight.  As they are taken apart one by one.  But The Singular does not think the battle is over. Dude, you are losing. Get over it! The Singular doesn't take to defeat very well and we see him jump up onto the Dream Machine and attack in midair.  Dang, this got intense.   And he tells Dreamfinder that they do not stop and do not surrender. But Dreamfinder is having none of it.

The Singular: We do not stop. We do not surrender. Control is absolute.

The Dreamfinder: Yes, yes. Keep repeating your mantra like a broken phonograph... while I figure out how to fix all this.

In other words Singular, Dreamfinder doesn't have time for your words.  He needs to figure how to fix the problem that you, yes you caused.  Just then, we see Fye attack The Singular, in order to protect Dreamfinder.  Dreamfinder realizes that the tools aren't enough and that he has to clean it up.  But I take umbrage with this line.

I made this mess and now I have to clean it up... no matter what! 

Yes, it's true that Dreamfinder did build the invention that allowed The Singular access to London but as has been established prior in the series,  The Chairman is the reason that The Singular showed up in London.  I think I get what Mr. Zub was going for as Dreamfinder sees what The Singular is doing as one final mess that he must clean up because it was brought on because of his invention but  The Singular invading London is because of The Chairman.  Minor at best.   Anyways,  Dreamfinder realizes that he needs to dream bigger than ever before and tells Figment that he'd better get out of here.  But Figment is going to stay with his friend.

No way, Dreamfinder.  I'm with you 'til the end!. A dream can a be a dream come!

And with that dream, Dreamfinder and Figment as it appeared to our supporting characters, sacrificed themselves in order to push The Singular back into the portal from which he came along with his army.  And they went in the portal, leaving their friends to think that they were gone forever.  But as we learn in Figment 2, they somehow time traveled to 2015 , when they went back through the portal but they don't know that at the end of this mini series.  The Chairman  is amazed by the noble deed that Dreamfinder and Figment preformed to save them all and realizes that the best way to keep their memories alive is to carry on in their footsteps and dream of a better world and use grand inventions to get there.  And he even offers Fye, a job at the Academy.   The comic ends in the here and now as we see Dreamfinder and Figment on the Dream Machine, happy with their victory as they are flying towards a familiar looking sphere to anyone that has ever set foot in EPCOT.  Yep,  the comic ends with them flying towards what looks like Spaceship Earth.  And funnily enough in the first issue of Figment 2, it's revealed that they landed in Florida.

I love love love this issue.  This issue was such a great ending to this fantastic mini series.  It gave the readers, such a rewarding ending to the journey that they went on with the heroes.  And while the previous issues had their fair share of fan service, this one was filled to the brimstone with fan service and it never distracted from the story.  It just added in making the story, all that much more enjoyable.


Main Characters


He has finally become Dreamfinder and put his past as Blair behind him and as Dreamfinder, he is awesome.  Seriously, Dreamfinder gets some of the best moments in this final issue.  He handles The Singular greatly.  I especially love how he basically shuts down The Singular, when he's trying to figure out how to fix this mess.  The only issue I have is I don't think it's right for Dreamfinder to the blame on himself for what The Singular did.


Who knew Figment could make for such a cool hero in fights? Seriously, he got some great moments in such as blinding the robot.  And he gave it his all in this fight and when he stood with Dreamfinder at the end,  I got a little choked up because it showed how much he cares for Dreamfinder.

Supporting Characters


Fye didn't get as much attention, this time but he is still a great character all around and just as how Dreamfinder embraced being Dreamfinder, it was nice seeing Fye using his "problems"  to save the nice people of London.

The Chairman

This is the first issue, where I felt it really got across how scared, The Chairman was of the situation at hand.  And he has every right to be as he is the one that brought The Singular to London in the first place.  Not Dreamfinder, he is the one that allowed The Singular to enter London and thus gave The Singular a gateway to start his reign of terror.

The Chimera

The Chimera like Fye didn't get much time but she's still adorable and did a good job in the fights.  And she was always there for our heroes, when they needed her.


The Singular

I made of The Singular in this review more than I have in others that was really because he was once scaring the tar out of me.  This issue just like Issue # 3 showed how much of a threat, The Singular was to our heroes and we saw what it ultimately took for Dreamfinder to defeat him.  It was no easy feat on his part.  As it looked to the people that cared about him, in order for Dreamfinder to defeat The Singular, he had to sacrifice himself.  And in a way, he did because of where the portal sent him and Figment.

My Final Thoughts

This was a great finale to this fantastic mini series.  It gave me everything that I could want from an origin story starring two of the best  Disney World characters.  And the way,  that Mr. Zub was able to take them beyond the ride and actually give them depth and and a wonderful story, just makes this story all the more rewarding.  I cannot suggest this mini series enough. If you get the chance to read it, do so.  I gotta be honest and say that I'm bit sad that my reviews of the first Figment mini series are done.  Well, there's still Figment 2.

But I've only read the first issue of that and only the first two issues have been released.  But once all the issues have been released, we will be rejoining Figment and Dreamfinder as we explore their time in 2015. Peace!

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