Take A Look at Disney


Hercules Week: Hercules and The Song of Circe

Hello & welcome back to Hercules Week here on A Look at Disney.  Today, we are heading into Herc's past as we look at an episode that featured Idina Menzel in her very first Disney performance.  Yes, Idina Menzel before she was Elsa played the villain in episode of Hercules: The Animated Series.

How was she? She was fine.  Really, the only thing of note here is that this was the very first Disney role for Idina Menzel.  With that out of the way, let's begin.

Episode Title

Hercules and The Song of Circe

All of the episode titles are pretty much like this,  it was always Hercules and something.  And here, this was in reference to the song that Circe sings, when she arrives in Greece and all the men fall for her.

The Plot

The plot is relatively simple as there's not much to this story.  It's spring break and Hercules and friends from Prometheus Academy are enjoying some fun in the sun  as Icarus, one of the most annoying Disney characters ever and as an adult kinda creepy constantly swoons over his crush, Cassandra to the point that it's unbearable and she tells him off.  And really,  I can't blame her as he was invading her space  and being really intrusive and as someone that tries to show respect to women,  I think he was being a little rude in how direct, he was being.  And the first problem here is that the episode wants us to feel bad for him. Even though,  time and time again, it's been laid out that she doesn't like you.  This is one of the big things that I remember from this show and I found it annoying as a kid and as adult, it's appalling.  Sorry, but my views on this were going to be brought up and this was really ticking me off.  Just as soon,  the loser seems to be getting over Cassandra,  Circe arrives on the beach, where Hercules and his friends are hanging out and all the men, including the male narrator fall for her and through a song number, compete for her affections.  And well, she's less Elsa and more Jessica Rabbit.  Seductive and sultry, at least as far as you can push it on a kid's cartoon. And she ends up choosing Icarus.

Ah, so that's why Elsa is single.  She dated this loser in a past life and swore off dating completely.  The relationship lasts about 5 minutes.

Because as soon as they get back to her island, she breaks up with him and turns him into a platypus.

I wish. Apparently,  this is something that Circe had done to all of ex-boyfriends.   Meanwhile, back at the beach,  Hercules and popular student/snob/prince, Adonis are jealous of the fact that Circe chose Icarus over them. Herc tries to hide it but it was no good as his jealously was sprouting up.  And Cassandra is starting to miss Icarus and confides in Adonis's girlfriend, Helen (yes, of Troy) about she misses him.  Ugh....

And that's actually rather fitting as Jodi Benson voices Helen.   Well, anyways,  Herc and Adonis go to Circe's island.  Adonis is going there to win the affection of Circe, while Hercules claims that he's going there to check on his friend. Why, anyone would want to be friends with Icarus is beyond me!  And they end up turned into animals as well as Circe turns Hercules into a lemur and Adonis into a peacock.  Cassandra and Helen go to Circe's island to check on their friends and  they end up saving the boys as Cassandra confirms that Icarus is not her boyfriend but she still considers him, her friend.  Really?  She breaks the staff that Circe had used to turn the boys into animals and all the boys but Adonis are turned back into humans.  Helen leaves Adonis as a peacock as punishment for looking at another girl.  And it seems like she was going to talk to Circe about how to get boys to notice her without using magic.  Ugh....

Yeah, this episode wasn't very good.  On the whole, this show wasn't that great and I'm only really looking at this episode because of how much I like Idina Menzel. This isn't the first time that I've reviewed an episode of the show as I reviewed the Aladdin cross over that they did years ago and according to that review, I didn't care for that episode much either.


Main Characters

Icarus voiced by French Stewart

Ah, French Stewart.  That explains so much of why I disliked this character. I don't think I've ever seen French Stewart in a role that I've liked as he always seems to play the annoying friend and this was no exception. He was overly annoying and putting front in center only brought this episode down a whole lot more.

Hercules voiced by Tate Donovan

I liked Hercules in the episode and I liked him just as much as I did in the movie and I was bummed that he was pushed to the side.   After all, he was really enjoyable and one of the big highlights but he was sadly overshadowed by Icarus.

Cassandra voiced by Sandra Bernhard

I was with Cassandra on her feelings on Icarus and the episode wanted us to feel bad for him and think that she went too far. Look, I'm sorry but sometimes you've got to tell people off like that because they don't get the message otherwise. And no, she shouldn't have felt bad for telling him off because he needed to hear that.

Supporting Characters

Adonis voiced by Diedrich Bader

Adonis was your typical stereotypical vapid shallow prince type character that thinks all women should fall at his feet. Other than that, there really wasn't a whole lot to him.

Helen voiced by Jodi Benson

Helen was nothing more than a very sweet girl that tried to see the best in everyone and I think that pairing her up with Adonis as a couple was supposed to contrast his vapid nature.


One Good Man

While, this is certainly, no Let It Go, it's always a treat to hear Idina Menzel sing. And even here, this was rather blah cartoon, she puts in a great performance with this number. And this number is what I was referring to up in the plot, when I said, Circe reminded me of Jessica Rabbit. It's an enjoyable number and one of the few things that gave me joy in the episode.


Circe voiced by Idina Menzel

It was a treat to hear Idina Menzel in an early role.  And she was fine as a villain, though I don't think playing a villain really suited her all that well. She had the best moment with her number but I never bought as a real threat to the main characters.  The only time I got that was her song with the sense of allure that she exuded.  She wasn't bad as I don't think I've ever seen Idina Menzel in something I didn't like her in but this role is at best, forgettable.

My Final Thoughts

This episode wasn't very good.  I only really checked it out because of how much I like Idina Menzel and wanted to see her in one of her early roles. And the fact that it happened to be a Disney role and on Hercules: The Animated Series made it a great time to review it for this year's birthday theme but other than  having Idina Menzel in an early role, there really is no reason to track down this episode or even this show.  Join me next time as we jump to the big screen as I look at the movie.

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