Take A Look at Disney


Hercules Week: Music Fridays # 168: Hercules Covers

Hello & welcome back to Hercules Week here on A Look at Disney and we are concluding this event by looking at covers of the songs from Hercules. With that out of the way, let's begin.

Go The Distance - Michael Bolton

Yeah, I'll be straight up honest,  I never got the hate for Michael Bolton.  Granted, I'm not as familiar with his library of work compared to say Phil Collins or Elton John and this was the first time that I heard a Bolton song.  And honestly, it's pretty good.  In terms of pop stars doing versions of Disney songs,  it's no Elton John "Circle of Life" but I like it more than Demi Lovato's take on "Let It Go", which itself is pretty good.   And while I prefer the film version of this song, I do like how Bolton makes it sound like this really big grand epic ballad.  It is very sweeping and gets in you in the spirit to make you feel good. Is it corny?  I don't think so but I could see how one would choose to view it as such but I don't see it that way.

Go The Distance - Lucas Grabeel

 I want to like this cover as it's not bad and I don't hate Lucas Grabeel.  I mean, you guys know I like High School Musical  but man, this cover isn't making it easy for me.  Because it's sounds overproduced and manufactured.  This song is an example as what people mean they talk of pop stars being assembled on a Disney conveyor belt.  Grabeel gives a fine performance but like I said you can the manufacturing that went to making this song so generic.

Zero To Hero - Ariana Grande 

I'll be honest, I've never been the biggest fan of Ariana Grande as an actress, I hated her as Cat.  Well, I disliked that show to begin with and she furthered playing a ditz on Scream Queens.  Shame too as she was one of the more likable characters and she was killed off in the pilot of that abysmal show.  I digress, I never paid much attention to Ms. Grande's singing career as I thought it was a flash in the pan and only took notice of it, when her brother was on Big Brother.  But I must admit after hearing her take on Zero To Hero, I'm impressed. I love this, she is really embodying the Muses here and making me want to tap my feet and get up and dance.  And the way, she sings adds a unique flavor to this number that makes it's own while staying true to the spirit of the song.  Disney should seriously consider having Ariana Grande in a future Disney movie after listening to this as I think she could nail an original piece out of the park.

Can You Feel The Love Tonight/I Won't Say/Let's Get Together/Belle - Disney's On The Record

Our last cover actually comes from a medley from one of my favorite Disney soundtracks.  Disney's On The Record was a musical revue show that while I never got the chance  to see it in person,  I would spend countless nights listening to the music. And it gave me two of my favorite covers, their version of When She Loved Me and this version of I Won't Say (I'm In Love).  It's  interesting how it works in this context as the medley starts with Can You Feel The Love Tonight as though someone is admitting that there is love in the room and then it goes into our gentlemen here singing I Won't Say I'm in Love because while even though, there is love, he like Meg is scared to admit that he is in love. And then it goes into Let's Get Together from The Parent Trap as I assume the girl that the guy likes really wants to be with him but the gentlemen continues to sing I Won't Say as to keep his guard up because he doesn't think that he can handle but right in an instant, he switches to Let's Get Together as to show that he is ready to be with the girl.  The only song that baffles me in this medley is Belle.  According to Wikipedia, these were presented as session of four musical stars are entangled in a love rectangle and they express their feelings through Disney music.  Sounds cool and I get what they were going for, I think but I wish they would explain why they chose certain songs for certain scenes. I'll just have to leave it to the imagination, I guess.   

I Can't Believe My Heart - Deleted Disney

Deleted Disney is a series that does covers of deleted Disney songs and here, we have a cover of Meg's deleted song, I Can't Believe My Heart.  I prefer I Won't Say as that fits more with the character of Meg.  But as for this cover, it's okay. Not bad but it just reminds why I don't like this song.   

There you have it, my look at covers of songs from the soundtrack of Hercules. I hopes that you've enjoyed Hercules Week. As I have enjoyed sharing my love for a Disney movie that doesn't get enough love in my opinion. Peace!

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