Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and today, we continue our Dino-Rama and now, we head under the sea as we see what happens when Ariel thaws out some dinosaurs.
Episode Title
Land of The Dinosaurs
Ariel and her family go on a trip to a summer pole, where it's very cold and above them is the lost land of Prehistoria.
The Plot
The episode opens with Ariel and Flounder finding a fossil and they realize that it is from the land of Prehistoria and meanwhile, Sebastian is being super annoying and getting on Triton's nerves and Ariel suggests that they take this trip to the North Pole but alas they don't leave quick enough as the crustacean ends up coming along on the trip.

And from there, we see Ariel and her sisters enjoying their time at the North Pole, while Sebastian does various things to annoy King Triton and Ariel and Flounder go up above and try to find the land of Prehistoria. They even ask a polar bear for directions and they later come across it and find many dinosaurs frozen. And sorry but when I saw that, this played in my head.
And after they do find the dinosaurs, Flounder gets frozen in a chunk of ice and this sets Ariel off to find the trident and Trident has it and he's with Sebastian. She finds this out from one of her sisters but she once gets it, she uses it to free Flounder and then thinks that she should thaw out the dinosaurs.
She thinks the T. Rex is just smiling but Flounder thinks otherwise and decides to free them. Ariel sweetheart, I love ya. You are one of my favorite princesses but....
I think your naivety got the best of you here as freeing the T. Rex wasn't the smartest of moves as the T. Rex starts to attack but we do get a pretty cool battle between a T. Rex and a Stegosaurus.
A better fight than the dino fight from Jurassic Park III.
Ariel heads underwater swimming away from the T. Rex thinking that he won't be able to swim underwater but that is not the case as Rexy heads underwater and along with a triceratops and the stegosaurus, they head underwater and Triton sees this and wonders what's going on. One of Ariel's sisters informs her father of the fact that Ariel has his trident. And two humpback whales come and scare off the dinos. And with the aid of his trident, Triton brings Prehistoria back to life giving the dinos, a home.

All in all, this episode was pretty fun and quite a joy to watch.
Main Characters
Ariel voiced by Jodi Benson
Ariel was a lot of fun in this episode and yeah, her naivety may have led to make a big mistake but she only thought she was helping the dinosaurs but in the end, it led to the T. Rex attack.
Flounder voiced by Edan Gross
Flounder's scaredy guppy nature worked well in the face of the T. Rex as that is a dino that is truly terrifying. And you could feel the fear in him and while the dinosaurs were toned down a bit as this was a children's show, this was still pretty intense.
Supporting Characters
Triton voiced by Kenneth Mars
I briefly touched on the B Plot with Triton and Sebastian. And while, it was a good idea to have a more comedic B Plot for some levity, this B Plot just took away from the time that I've could have been spending with Ariel and the dinosaurs. Sebastian and Triton with the crab annoying the king of the merpeople or Ariel and dinosaurs. Which one sounds better?
Sebastian voiced by Samuel E. Wright
It's hard to put in words but Sebastian was really annoying. And I get that this episode needed a comic relief but there were points, where I just wanted the T. Rex to eat the crab as he was really getting on my nerves. The "Comedic" B Plot just took away from what an otherwise really fun episode with Ariel and dinosaurs.
The T. Rex
Even for a kids' cartoon, The T. Rex was pretty intense and made for a good adversary for Ariel and it seemed like all was lost, after he went underwater but the day was saved and no one had to be dino chow.
My Final Thoughts
All in all, this was a fun episode save for the B Plot with Sebastian. If that had been taken out, I think that I would have really liked this episode a lot more but as it is, this was a really fun episode and it was a great integration of dinosaurs with The Little Mermaid. Join me next time for a trip to St. Canard as we take a look at the episode...
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