Take A Look at Disney


Dino-Rama: Mickey and The Dinosaurs

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and it is once again time for our yearly month-long theme event, we've looked at Cars, Winnie The Pooh, Disney World,  Pirates, and Toy Story. Where do we go from here?  

DINOSAURS!!!  Yes, that's right, all month long on A Look at Disney, we will be looking at various dino-related material from the Mouse House.  However unlike a rival theme park, we will  starting with things a bit tamer.

And today, we are starting with something with my youth.  Something that should make for an interesting blog as I don't think that I've ever seen anyone tackle this on a blog before.  I've made mention numerous times that Lego was my favorite toy as a kid. Well, there is one other toy that holds a lot of nostalgia for me.  

The View-Master and I still my collection of View-Master reels from when I was a wee lad and I remembered one that featured Mickey Mouse interacting with dinosaurs. It was simply titled Mickey and The Dinosaurs 

For those that don't know, View-Master can best be thought of as a slideshow with a story to go along with it and many many many franchises and even some real locations lent their likeness and rights to View-Master. And Disney was no exception, there were a plethora of View-Master adaptations of classic Disney movies and even some original stories for View-Master that featured the Disney characters. With that out of the way, let's begin.

The Plot

There is no real plot to this. There's a setup, we follow Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, & Goofy as they go to a park in the age of the dinosaurs.  It's basically like Disney's version of The Flintstones. 

We are just thrown into the setting as we see the characters interacting with various dinosaurs from Mickey trying to feed a T. Rex thinking it's a herbivore.  Or Goofy being attacked by a different T. Rex and being saved by a pterodactyl.   And my mind did go a bit dark as I thought this scene from Jurassic Park III.  

Yeah.... my mind went to a dark place considering that this is more aimed at kids.  One of the stranger parts for me at least was seeing Minnie dancing with dino. All in all, this was a pretty cute trip back to my nostalgia and look at this.


The characters were fun and felt like themselves in this View-Master story. All it really did was just take them from the modern day and put them in the stone age and it was actually pretty fun seeing them interact with dinosaurs.

My Final Thoughts

There may not be much meat to this but it was a neat little story that is a good little time passer and for me, it was a fun trip down memory lane with a toy from my youth.  Join me tomorrow as we head down under the sea as we what happens when a Little Mermaid thaws out some dinosaurs in....

Land of The Dinosaurs

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