Take A Look at Disney


Dino-Rama: Top 6 Rex Moments

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and today, we continue our Dino-Rama with one of the most loveable and popular dinosaurs from Disney.  The plastic T. Rex with an inferiority complex voiced to perfection by Wallace Shawn.  With that out of the way, let's begin.

6. Monsters.  Inc Cameo

Something that Pixar used to do in it's old days was has outtakes during the credits of there movies and they would sometimes have a character from another film and the end credits to Monsters Inc. featured a cameo from Rex as we saw him roar and the director calls cut and Rex is nervous that he wasn't scary enough. And says that he can do it again.  It's a small moment but it's funny and cute and seeing Rex so large compared to how we normally see him in the Toy Story films.  

5.  Rex Quotes Back To The Future

This one would actually be a higher if I could actually verify it but according to multiple sources from IMDb to the Pixar Wiki, they all claim that Rex quotes George McFly and Back To The Future is my favorite film trilogy of all time.  They are referring to two lines in particular.  

"I just don't think I could take that kind of rejection!"

"I don't like confrontations!"

And well, Rex does say something similar to the latter in the first Toy Story.

Well, I mean, uh, I don't like confrontations!

And  George does say something similar to this line.

I'm just not very good at... confrontations.

So, I'm a bit iffy if that actually counts but the first line seems closer to an actual line from Back To The Future, even though every site that I've read attributes to George, even though from what I recall, it seems more like Rex is  quoting Marty.

Marty: I just don't think I can take that kind of rejection.

 Rex:I just don't think I could take that kind of rejection!

I definitely think with this scene in the first Toy Story, where Rex fears Andy getting a new dinosaur and possibly a mean one, he is quoting Marty from the first BTTF after Marty tells Jennifer how he couldn't handle the rejection of of his band being turned by a record label if they go like his tape.  On it's own, it may not seem like much but putting  these two quotes side by side, it really does seem like that Rex was quoting Marty, not George.   No one from Pixar has actually come out and said this was the case but as a huge BTTF fan, that line does sound a lot like Marty's line from one of my favorite movies of all time from the greatest film trilogy of all time.  Though, this wouldn't surprise me if  this actually is a BTTF reference as these films have referenced other films such as Star Wars and Jurassic Park. Speaking of which....

4. Rex In Rear View Mirror May Appear Larger Than He Is

This is a fun little moment in Toy Story 2 as Rex fell out of the car in Al's Toy Barn that was driven by Tour Guide Barbie and Toy Story 2 (the best one) used this opportunity to recreate a scene from the most famous dinosaur movie of the'90s.

Oh, that's not right. I appear to have gotten the two films mixed up. Hold on,  here it is.

It's a small and subtle moment that if you've seen Jurassic Park, it's funny but even if you haven't, it doesn't take away from the viewing experience . It's just a nice little bonus and sorry, Rex as much as I love ya, you wouldn't last a day in Jurassic Park.

3.   I'm going for fearsome here, but I just don't feel it! I'm think I'm just coming off as annoying.

Our introduction to Rex in the first Toy Story really sets up what kind of character he is and shows that while he is trying to be scary that he couldn't hurt a fly. And it shows how he easily second guesses himself.  Like a lot of the moments on the list, it's small but it helps to establish his character and it's the first instance that we see of Rex's inferiority complex.

2.  But I Don't Wanna Use My Head

This is probably the Rex moment that gets the biggest laugh out of me because it is just so absurd as Other Buzz decides that Rex needs to use his head and then they decide to use him as a battering ram. It's such a silly little moment as Rex yells that he doesn't want to use his head.

1. Rex Is A Gamer

The opening of Toy Story 2 is great as it looks like we are watching a great Buzz Lightyear adventure but as Buzz dies, it is revealed that it is Rex playing the newest Buzz Lightyear video game. Adding this into the film, really helped to add a dimension to Rex's character as it took him beyond being just a scaredy dinosaur as being a gamer in Toy Story 2 is a big focus of his character as in Al's Toy Barn, he finds  the Manual Guide to the Buzz Lightyear video game and uses it to defeat Zurg.  This moment of Rex playing a videogame shows that there is a lot more to him than the dino with the inferiority complex that we met in the first Toy Story and this carries past Toy Story 2 as we see that Rex is still into video games long after Andy gives the toys to Bonnie as when in the special Toy Story That Time Forgot, Bonnie visits one of her friends, who got a new video game system and Rex comments that his little hands couldn't grasp the controller. Which I think is a reference to the original Xbox controller.

There you have it, my Top 6 Rex Moments. I hope that you've enjoyed this list and what are some of your favorite Rex Moments? Let me know in the comments. We aren't done with Toy Story just yet. Join me next time as we look at...

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