Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 177: Top 6 Beauty and The Beast Songs

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and today, I will be counting down my Top 6 favorite Beauty and The Beast songs.  Now, I will let you know straight up that I am including songs from both the movie and the Broadway musical.  With that said, it was rather hard to narrow my choices down to just 6 but I've done it and with that out of the way, let's begin.

6. Beauty and The Beast

Coming in at # 6, we have the song that I looked at last week as I looked at the titular song of this film. There, really isn't much more I can say about this song that I didn't say last week. It's a great song and one of the best love songs from Disney as you feel the love between these two and this is one of the most iconic dances in Disney history.  It's a great and iconic number that has aged very well over time.

5. Something There

Coming in at # 5, we have Something There. Truth be told, I've always preferred this in terms of the love songs from Beauty and The Beast.  Perhaps it's because like Les, love songs are better as duets but I also like this one more because I find it to be more interesting with Belle and Beast at the start of their relationship as they discover that they have romantic feelings and Robby Benson has a very sweet moment, when he realizes that Belle didn't shudder at his paw.  It's a cute song and it does a great job of showing the start of this relationship.

4.  Home

We have our first song from the Broadway musical making an appearance as Belle ponders her decision and how, she's now stuck in this position and she wonders if she can make a good situation out of what has happened.  It's a powerful song as we really get to the heart of what is eating at Belle and how, she is thinking that she'll never feel at home here.

3. Be Our Guest

Coming at # 3, we have perhaps the most fun number from this film. You just get caught up in the moment with this version and can't help but have a good time.  This number just screams big show stopping number that wants to sweep up it's audience and it does so in such a spectacular fashion.

2. Belle

This is easily one of the greatest opening numbers of any Disney movie ever.  It does such a great job of introducing you to the characters and setting up the Little Town and it shows how Belle is different from the rest by showing that she is a woman that is willing to stand out on her own and doesn't care what the rest of the town thinks of her.  And it is just such a fun number and it really stays with you after you hear it.

1. If I Can't Love Her

Ever since I saw the stage production of Beauty and The Beast, this has been my favorite song associated with Beauty and The Beast as it fleshes out the Beast and gives us more insight into his emotions and how he feels hopeless and as though, no one will ever care for him and more importantly, all he thinks that he doesn't have it in him to learn to love.  It's heartbreaking as Beast has given up because he thinks that his chances of love are gone and it makes you feel for The Beast and understand why he acts the way, he does. The reprise for this is just as strong as it comes after he has let Belle go.

And now, we get a hurt Beast as he has let Belle go and doesn't think that he'll ever have a chance of showing her, how much he truly cared for her.  It is truly the most powerful song from Beauty and The Beast in my opinion and that's why it's my favorite Beauty and The Beast song.

What's your favorite Beauty and The Beast song? Let me know in the comments. Peace! 

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