Take A Look at Disney


Return To The Theater: Music Fridays # 182: Twice Charmed

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and today, we continue our Return to The Theater with something special. We've looked at numerous shows from the Disney Cruise Line including Toy Story: The Musical and Hercules: The Muse-ical and today, we are once again returning to that venue as we look at the music of a Disney cruise show that I actually had the pleasure of seeing.  Twice Charmed: An Original Twist on The Cinderella Story or Twice Charmed for short is a sequel musical to the original Cinderella movie. and what's the plot, Cinderella III: A Twist In Time.  In that Cindy has to work win back the love of Prince Charming after an outside force in this case, an evil Fairy Godfather for the Tremaines changes time.  Now, this did come out before Cinderella III was released and I recall when I watched A Twist In Time, I felt as though I was watching an inferior version of Twice Charmed. It is just one of those things that when I saw the movie that it all felt familiar to me and not in a good way. Of course, I may have put a bit more praise on this because of how much I like Cinderella as it is one of my all time favorite Disney movies and I was enamored with the production when I saw it.  

And this show is still running on the Disney Magic (that's the ship that houses) this show and just last year, the book for this show was rewritten so that it would resemble more of A Twist In In Time.   For the sake of this Music Fridays, we will be taking a look at the new songs that were written for this show.  With that out of the way, let's begin.

All Because of A Shoe

This is fun and sweet little number that does a good job of re-establishing all of the characters and where they are at after the events of the original movie.  I find myself being swept up in this number and ready to see where the show takes me next.  

It's Never Too Late

Yeah, this is one of the weaker aspects of the show. I give you the newest villain, Franco DiFortunato.  A Wicked Fairy godfather that is giving the Tremaines a chance to rewrite their ending by turning back the clock.   I'm mixed on this idea and it's the same problem that I have with Cinderella III, which is the biggest crux of both of these stories, Lady Tremaine was such a formidable villain because she didn't need magic but I do like that Twice Charmed actually give her some stakes as it shows that magic comes with a price, dearie.  Ooh, slipped into Rumple there for a moment.   As for this song, it's okay but nothing special and perhaps one of the weaker villain songs that I've heard recently.

In A Moment

Okay, this song has a strong start with Charming's singing and you can really feel his love for Cinderella but you know what is going to come for Cinderella and that makes your heart break.  This is a good song but granted, the Wicked Stepsisters are a bit much here but seeing the glass slipper break just makes me feel so bad for Cinderella here.  And I will say I really like how this becomes a villain song for Lady Tremaine and the actress playing Lady Tremaine here does a good job with her section.

Inside Out

The show had to figure out how to get Jaq and Gus Gus into the story somehow and that's why they had Franco shrink Cindy down to the size of a mouse.   This song again is so so, it's bit much for my liking.  It's not bad but I think that it may be too schmaltzy.

Chasing A Dream

This comes after Prince Charming has rejected both Anastasia and Drizella and decides to set out on his own to find the maiden that he danced and everyone has something to say about it.  I will say this much for this show because as much as I love the original movie, Prince Charming was a flat character but thankfully later versions such as this and the remake actually give him character and motivation.  And there is reason to get behind what he is doing as you want to see him succeed.

Believe In Me

This is Cindy's big number where she has to convince Prince Charming that she is the one for him not because of a slipper but because of who she is. This is my favorite song in the show as you hear all far Cinderella has come and you can hear her growth and songs like this are why I will always defend Cinderella as being a good character because there is so much more to her than people give her credit for.  This is such a beautiful song and gives me goosebumps whenever I hear it and I feel bad that I've never talked about it before as it's so good.

There you have it,  my look at Twice Charmed.  Perhaps, it isn't fair to say that this is the best Disney Cruise show as I haven't seen them all but it is my favorite and it is one of my all time favorite Disney shows as everything about it works so well.  I would love to see Disney take this on tour as more people should see it but they probably want to keep it exclusive to the Magic, which is understandable. I hope that you've enjoyed this look at the music of Twice Charmed.  Join me next time for a special Screen To Stage as we look at...

Snow White Live


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