Take A Look at Disney


Over Looked Walt Disney World Attractions

Walt Disney World has a huge amount of popular rides and shows but there always the ones that fall under that fall under the radar. Today,  I plan to give these rides and shows the proper attention, they deserve.   I have chosen one ride or show for each park to highlight  and try and figure why it isn't as popular as it should be.

Primeval Whirl

 Park:  Animal Kingdom

Ride Type: Roller Coaster

Located:  Dino Land USA

I have decided to start with one of my favorite rides at all of Disney World.  Primeval Whirl is a fun little roller coaster that takes you for a spin.   You step into a car, that is your time machine and are sent back to the time of Dinosaurs.  The design of this ride is very comedic as if you are riding through a comic strip from the Sunday paper.   One  of the biggest reasons I love this ride is because of the fact that it spins.  I love rides that spin and this one is no exception. You see, at every turn your spins you around faster. That's all I can say about this ride.  If you go to Animal Kingdom, check this ride out.

The Great Movie Ride

Park:   Disney's Hollywood Studios

Ride Type:  Dark Ride

Located:  Hollywood Boulevard

I find it rather heartbreaking to be putting this ride on this post.  Seeing as it was the first ride at Disney's MGM Studios (now Hollywood Studios).   This ride has become overshadowed by more popular rides such as Rock N' Roller Coaster and The Tower of Terror.  However I feel the biggest reason came when the park changed their centerpiece to the Sorrecor's Hat. 

While I love the new centerpiece,  it blocks the view of The Great Movie Ride.   This ride is a simple ride and it takes you through the history of Cinema.  On thing that always stood out to me was the story of the ride when, your car is hijacked. I find that to be very cool and this ride worth checking out.  Especially if you are a movie buff.

Sum of All Thrills


Ride Type: Simulator

Located:  Innoventions

Sum of All Thrills is an awesome ride.  It is a simulator ride that lets you build your own ride.  The best part is that you are given options as to what type of ride to build.  Such as roller coaster, a boast or bobsled.  There are many other options though.  Word of caution, you do need to know your measurements and other  basic math skills.  As those are required when building your ride.   If you have that down, you'll love this ride and it is one, that you can ride a thousand time and always ride a different ride.

Hall of Presidents

Park:  The Magic Kingdom

Located:   Liberty Square

Ride   Show Type:  Historical Show

Finding an overlooked ride or attraction for The Magic Kingdom proved to be quite difficult but then I did some research and it appeared as though The Hall of Presidents was the least popular among Disney fans.  I can't say why they did not like it but I can understand.  The Hall of Presidents certainly is an acquired taste and I did not enjoy the first time I went to this show but as I grew older  I began to appreciate it for giving his insight to our country with other Commanders-in-Chief.  If you have the chance take this in but if you have little kids with you they may not appreciate unless you explain the importance of these men on stage.  One thing I have often wondered about The Hall of Presidents is when there is election going on and it comes down to final two nominees, do the people behind this show build  two Audio-Animatronic robots, just to be safe when the winner is announced.


I just wanted to inform everyone that after Request Month, I'll be taking a short break but you can expect a few more posts before then including a special "A Look at Disney" Quiz covering all of my posts and there will be a prize for the first person to correctly answer all the questions.  They will have two options but I will reveal what those will be later.

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