Take A Look at Disney


Request Month Bonus: More Myths

I told you guys that there was going to be a bonus review for Request Month and here it is. I give you the follow up to one of my most popular blogs. It was the first blog to gain attention on Breakthrough Blog on TWTG TV.  I'm referring to Urban Myths of Disney of  course and people have been asking for a follow up to that blog ever since I wrote and well today I present to you, More Myths I have picked  three more myths to cover.  Let's begin,  with a myth regarding "Beauty & the Beast" as that is what I started off with last time.

Myth 1: The Beast's Human name is Adam

This myth right here was started by the fans of this movie as lay claim in the stain glassed windows, you can make out the name, Adam. According to the interviews that I have read with the animators that worked on this movie they deny that The Beast has a real name but the fans have attached Adam as Beast's human name and it has stuck. Adam is the name that is give to the Beast in most Beauty & the Beast fanfics. Yes, those do exist but I cannot recommend them as I have only read one  and according to the fans, Adam is the Beast's real name.  Even if the animators did not want to give him a name the fans did.

Myth 2:  Donald Duck Comic Books were banned in Finland because Donald does not wear pants

Yes,  you did read that correctly, for the longest time there was this belief that Finland banned Donald Duck comics because Donald did not wear pants and until recently I believed this myth but it is false.  It's hard to say how this myth actually got started.  Some sources claim that  this myth was started by a newspaper when they heard someone running for office say that they wished to ban Donald but that was not the case. This myth also varies as some sources also besides the no pants issue, Donald was banned because he was not married to Daisy. The fact of the matter is our Friend in Finland let Donald stay pants-free.

Myth 3: Walt was sent to South America as a Spy

I cam across this myth on my DVD copy of "Walt & El Groupo". This is a wonderful documentary about Walt's trip to South America to get information to make Saludos amigos and The Three Callberos.  Many South Americans beleived Walt was sent over as a spy to botain information and report back. Now I do not know what kind of spy but I'm inclind to say communist spy as that seems to be a pretty good bet.  The fact of the matter is that Walt was actually sent over on a Goodwill tour to make peace with South America. The goverment picked Walt for his popularity pretty and at first Walt did not want to go until the goverement to let Walt got there to botain information to work on two films and the goverment funded the backing for these two films, which were mentioned above. In the edn Walt was not sent as a spy but to make peace with South America and I  would like to beleive that happened.

There you have three more myths of Disney and this will probably be the last set of myths, you see for a while as I'm not a big fan of sequels unless I really want to do one. Come back soon for Request Month Q  & A, where you can ask me any questions regarding Request Month but refrain yourself to three questions because I would like to give everyone a chance to ask a question .

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