Take A Look at Disney


My Top 6 Goofiest Mistakes

No one is perfect and we all make mistakes.  Today, I have decided to count down my Top 6 Goofiest Mistakes.  What are they?  To find out, you'll have to read the list.

6.Why Top 6? Well, it was Suppose to be a Top 5

My very first Top 6 list.  The Top 6 Covers of Disney Songs was not supposed to be a top 6.  You see at first I had unintentonally placed two songs in the number 4 spot. I believe they A Whole New World and Kiss The Girl. I had no intention of any songs sharing a spot but luckily I  noticed this before anyone else and decided to change it to a Top 6, which since has become a staple of A Look at Disney.

5. Writing a Follow Up to Urban Myths of Disney

Urban Myths of Disney  has become one of my most popular blogs. Even though I think that it I was my weakest.  Surprisingly people loved it, enough for it to end up on Breakthrough Blogs of the Week.  A few people even wanted a sequel to it.  Honestly I was nervous about doing it as I don't like to go over the same thing and I feel writing sequels just takes up space. While the original myths has proven to be one of my most popular, its follow up is lackluster in my opinion.

4.  Redoing my Top 6 Disney Songs That Are Truly Underrated

When I first put up the original Top 6 Disney Songs That are Truly Underrated,  I had someone comment that the songs, I listed were not underrated.  Even though I thought they were and so out of frustration, I redid that Top 6.  Even though I was happy with the first version.  I only redid it to appease the readers.  After that I learned you can't make everyone happy.   While this is ranked at number 4, I'm not too upset about because this gave me the chance to showcase even more Disney songs.

3. Timothy Q. Mouse was going to be in Dumbo II

Now this one techinally comes from  before I started to label my blogs with A Look at Disney.  Still counts as a mistake though as you see in one of my earliest blogs I ranted about the idea of Disney making a sequel to Dumbo. Something that still bugs me because I hate the idea of a sequel to a film Walt Disney worked on. That is beside the point though as well I posted a link to a YouTube video that was a preview of Dumbo II and it they said was going to be in the film. However I must have been blind with fury at the prospect of this film as one of my complaints was the exclusion of Timothy The Mouse. However he was going to be in the film but luckily this film got canned.

2. Trying to be the Nostalgia Critic & Linkara

This is a common mistake that most new bloggers tend to make. I fell victim to trying to emulate my two favorite reviewers on That Guy With the Glasses.  With two of  my earliest articles I decided why not emulate the Critc and bash these two movies to pieces.  That did not work for me and I thought why not review Disney Comic Book stuff since I like Linkara and I like Disney.  That did not work out either, it took me a while to realize I need to be myself. That has worked for me and people tend to enjoy my blogs.  This is also advice for any new up and coming blogger, just be yourself.

1.Forgetting to Put A Look at Disney in front of The Subtitles

Well here we are, we have reached my number one Goofiest Mistake.  For the longest time after I started A Look at Disney, I did not put up my Blog title. Blindy thinking people would know that this blog was part of A Look at Disney.  I wondered for the longest time, why my blogs were not getting comments after  I put up my introduction. Then when I put up my Even More Christmas,  I thought it has to be because I have not been saying that this was part of a blog series.  This is another piece of advice for new up and coming bloggers. If you are going to start a series of blogs, have a title and remember to the title in the blog title in front of the subtitle as that will help people to know that blog is part of your series.

There you have it, my Top 6 Goofiest Mistakes.  As I said we all make mistakes and don't be afraid to man up and admit that you made them. People will think more of you if do in the long because it  can earn you respect and that go a long way.

Also check out this preview for an upcoming Blog, I'm very excited about

In case you were wonder what that was, it was Supercali...  No, it was video for an upcoming Blog that I will be doing that I have decided to call a Live Blog. The Live Blog is basically the idea of Request Month condensed into 1 blog.  In cas you are still not sure what you can and can't request. I'll go ahead and go over that again. You can request a Top 3, a "Can We Talk about",  Character analysis, look at a song or short. Also a look at a ride.  Please do not request a movie as well if you have read my past movie reviews, I like to go into great detail and I don't want to do that on the Live Blog as I want to give every request a chance. In case you are wondering how long this go until I say "Enough, I'm Done".

Music Fridays

Do not forget that this Friday, I start Music Fridays and you can make a request. The first 5 songs requested will be featured.  The category is Disney Afternoon Era Theme Songs. Here is an  example of one such song.

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