Take A Look at Disney


Let's Mousercise

Long before Cartoon Network was telling kids to get animated, Disney Channel was getting them up and moving with Mousercise. Mousercise was kid's workout program that featured a guy in a Mickey costume and a trainer teaching kids all different kinds of exercises and today, I will share an episode with you guys. Feel free to get up and Mousercise.


We first open with a catch little song and then go into the warm ups.  We start with a little stretching to some music and maybe it is just me but I can't get over how silly the set and workout clothes the kids are wearing. But this is an '80s show.

Just for the record, I have been doing these exercises and making a fool out of myself here at my house. Also who wants to bet that the guy in the Mickey costume was sweating up a storm.

I must say that the music is rather catchy and this is fun to do again after all these years. even if I feel a tad silly but who cares.

I also like how they broke this all down into different categories to make it easier for kids and this taking me back to when I use to watch reruns of this show on TV.

Ah, the cooldown, this is important of any exercise and they made it very relaxing and peaceful for the kids to cooldown. That song is very calming and can put a person in a calm state.

The dance number was always the highlight of the show. Here every single move that was taught would be reused in a dance number.  Very fun to end the show.

In the end, this was a fun show and a nice trip down memory lane.   This show is certainly saturated with '80s all over it from the clothes to neon lights.  But I wouldn't have it any other way.  This is one show that I would not mind seeing a reboot of because the kids of this generation need a bit more exercise and what better way than to get them moving than with Mickey Mouse.

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