Take A Look at Disney


My Tribute to Stop The Hate

"Don't let your legacy be hate".  Those words closed out the final installment of Stop The Hate by Manic_Expression or as he is known in the real world, James.  For the longest time I avoided this series because of the title, I thought it was going to be someone ranting all over the place but I was wrong.  One day, I decided to click on one of ME's blogs and I enjoyed what I found.

What I found was someone trying to get a point across in a calm manner and I could respect.  Sometimes, I felt as though he presented with facts and it made me think.  As I once said in one of my comments on Stop the Hate, they make us think is this really worth getting upset over. Now I may not have always agreed with what was written but I would try to explain why in a calm manner.  

Besides being a wonderful blogger, James became much more to me, he became a great friend and in someways a mentor. As time went by, I tried to read every STH was put up and I feel that a friend between James and myself blossomed because we respected each other.  I also say that he became my mentor because through reading his blogs I saw how to be a better blogger and a better person. You could say he was my Internet Yensid

Aw come on, this wouldn't be me if I didn' include Disney somehow.  James also helped me to keep blogging because the day, he put up his STH that dealt with Bloggers, I received my first Troll on one of my blogs. I was able to go vent over there on his blog and he sort of gave me advice on how to deal with that pest. James, I can't thank you enough for that because as I said yesterday if it had not been for that STH, I would have quit blogging that day.  

Lastly he was inspiration in the same way he was a mentor. I enjoyed Stop The Hate and I thought why not do something like that. That is why I created my Can We Talk about segment.  Sure there have only two so far but more will be coming when I find other things of Disney that bug me.    

Thank You My Friend


If you know me, I like including music and well I feel this song fits the occasion. The song is "He Lives In You" from The Lion King Stage Show.  Yes the context in the play is different but the message still works. If we take every thing James said,  Stop The Hate will never be dead.

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