Take A Look at Disney


Can We Talk about Kinect Disneyland Adventures

Let me first state that this is not a review as this game has not yet been released and also I wouldn't be able to review it as I don't own a Kinect.  This is just rather my thoughts on this game. Kinect Disneyland Adventures is a new Kinect only game coming out where players can recreate their favorite rides at Disneyland as the game recreates the park and the players use their bodies to work the rides. They can also interact with the characters. Here's the trailer.

Now I'm a bit skeptical about this because Disney games are a mixed bag. Some are good while others are just so bad.  For example, the last Disney game I played on a home console before Epic Mickey was The Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse.

The controls were not that great and Mickey was hard to work with. Worst of all, it was just a boring game. That led me to think that there would never be a good Disney game. Luckily, I was proven wrong.  Though the sales for Epic Mickey were not as great as I would have liked. It still did fairly well.  Now the last Disney parks game, I remember being released was Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour. I have not played that game but I have seen some of it on YouTube and it looks like a fun game.  Though I do remember the reviews for that game being rather lackluster.

Now unlike Epic Mickey and this upcoming Kinect title, this game was released for multiple consoles such as the PS1, the Dreamcast and the Gameboy Color.   Now there is another problem I have, why not release on all of the big three consoles. Seeing as it uses motion capture technology and both the Wii and PS systems can support that now. The Wii was the first one to use motion capture and the PS3 now has the move. Yes, unlike kinect you would still need to use a controller but that shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Perhaps, you could argue that this is an Xbox exclusive and that is good thing as now three big consoles have Disney exclusive titles. The Wii has Epic Mickey, the PS systems have the main Kingdom Hearts games and this could be the Disney exclusive for the Kinect. 

Now this is just me talking but really think they are limiting this game if they are only using Disneyland.  And from the looks of it, just Disneyland. Not Calinforina Adventure. Now I will admit that Disney World can overshadow Disneyland at times but I think they could have done a lot more if they used Disney World. As it would give the player options of 4 parks to choose from. Also Disney  Parks fans would probably pick up real fast because that would be a great way to have it tie into the 40th anniversary of Disney World. I'm not saying using Disneyland is a bad choice at all.  It's just not what I would have thought of. Again who knows, maybe if this sells well enough, they'll make a Disney World version. Then again, they probably wanted to use just Disneyland to start small because using more than one park could be overwhelming to some players but I don't think it would be. I think that not only would it give the player more options but it would also give them more areas to explore.

Now I will say that I do like that the players get to interact with the characters. I do think that is a good idea and it offers something different. From the looks of and according to people that worked on this game. It is separated into 2 different parts. The main park is just like a hub where you can walk around while the rides actually takes place in lands based around the movie the ride is based on or a land that fits the theme of the ride.  Now that is a good idea because that really gives you the Disney experience. 

In the end, it doesn't look to be a bad game and it is something different. That's all I can really say at this point. What's your take on this new Disneyland game? Tell me in the comments.

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