Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 31: Phineas and Ferb

Now if  I didn't make it clear in my review for the Phineas and Ferb film, I think this is one of the best cartoon shows in recent memory. One of the greatest aspects of this show is the music and today I'll be taking a look at 4 songs that I enjoy immensely from this show.   

When We Didn't Get Along


To kick thing off, we start this Music Fridays with my all time favorite P&F  song.  I don't know what it is about this song but the first time I heard it, I instantly loved it.  It  just so wonderful for showcasing the humor of this show and I love how they take the cheesy break up song and rework it to where instead of being about a couple, it focuses on a hero and a villain.  Thing is, I actually felt bad for Perry and as if Dr. D was cheating on him with a new agent. Weird I know but that's just how I thought.  It is just an out and out fun song that is rather somber but quite hilarious.

Impress My Professor

What can I say? Dr. D has some great  moments and this song is so much fun.  I just how big this song feels and how it takes on the feeling of a show tune along the lines of something that you would hear in a musical.  This song again is just so much fun and the back up singers really help to make this a great song. Admittedly, Dr. D doesn't have the greatest singing voice but I think his voice is part of the reason that I find this so catchy.  

I Believe We Can - Clay Aiken and Chaka Khan

This song if  from the special, Summer Belongs To You and this the first song featured in this special.  It features Clay Aiken and Chaka Khan singing and they do Besides being a good song from the show, I feel that this song does the best job of standing on it's own. I also love the reference to the Clay Aiken song, Measure of a Man.   I also have to chuckle at the fact that Clay Aiken and Chaka Khan are dressed up as Phineas and Ferb.  Fun fact for ya, Chaka Khan asked to say the line, "Where's Perry?" for this special. Of course you watched the interviews I included at the end of the film review, you would know that. As I was saying,  I find that this song does the best job of standing on its own and doesn't need the show.  Because it is that good and this does actually sound  like a song that you would hear on one of Clay Aiken's albums.

Gitchi Gtichi  Goo (Extended Version)

We will close this out with one of the most popular songs from Phineas and Ferb.  This song is just a lot of fun and just so nonsensical. Though it does emulate one of those really cute romance songs talking about love. Even if it doesn't make sense.  It is a fun and upbeat song with a nice beat.  It's easy to dance along to. I'm actually using the extended version which includes lyrics that weren't in the original but other than that. There isn't too much of a difference.  It's a fun song and easy to listen to as most of the songs on this show are.  

I hope you have enjoyed this look at the music of Phineas and Ferb but were not done with music from this show just yet. Join me next week, when I take a look at...

Love Handel

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