Take A Look at Disney


absentcommentator (TGWTG Secret Valentines)

Hey,  absentcommentator  I'm  your secret Valentine.   I hadn't seen much of your stuff before but I watched your Flight of The Navigator review.  As a Disney fan,  I'm a bit embarrassed to say that's one Disney film that I've never seen.  Though your review of it was very good and I may track down the film someday to review on my site,  which if your seeing this your on right now.     I really liked your all of your references and  that was cool to learn about Alan Silverstri that he did the score for the film along with the score to one of my favorite film trilogies.     Anyways,  I wanted to give you something with the Disney touch.  I hope you enjoy these two videos that I found online  that came from references made in your video. The first one is the trailer to Meet The Robinsons with the Back To The Future dialogue dubbed in and the other is a Disney AMV using Your The One I Want.  Enjoy.  

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