Take A Look at Disney


A Visit To The Hundred Acre Wood: Top 6 Tiggerific Moments

Hello and welcome back to A Look at Disney, today I'll starting my extended visit to The Hundred Acre Wood and I've decided to do this by counting down my Top 6 favorite   Tiggerific  Moments of my favorite character Winnie The Pooh character.    Let's begin.

6.  Bouncing on Rabbit - Winnie The Pooh and Tigger Too

I just this scene as when I think of Tigger is this is what I see, his bouncing on Rabbit.  Sure,  this did lead to Rabbit having Tigger make a promise to never bounce again but you know Rabbit has always been my least favorite Pooh character and anytime I get to see him bounced on, it brings a smile to my face.  Sure, Rabbit is okay in some stuff but I do find him to be a bit annoying in some things such as this short but I'll be saving for my review of it.   Now I know this is classic and it may shock people that this isn't # 1 considering how classic it is. Don't get me wrong I love this but there are just so many other great Tigger moments to choose from.      

5.   Teaching Eeyore to be a Tigger - Winnie The Pooh (2011)

I love  Jim Cummings as Tigger and I swear that while I loved the new film, Tigger teaching an unwilling Eeyore how to be a Tigger to take down the Backson is just hilarious.  I could watch this scene  for hour's on end and just be happy as it is so upbeat and is it just me or does anyone else get a Rocky esque vibe when they see Eeyore wearing the tomatoes as boxing gloves.

4.  The Whoop-De-Dooper Bounce - The Tigger Movie


This  song showcases what Tigger does best bouncing.  Again this song is just so upbeat and fits the the character of Tigger perfectly.   Watching Tigger do his special bounce is  so much fun and gotta give credit to Roo for trying as well and plus I just love seeing Tigger bounce.  I mean that is what he's known and this has to be his most intense bounce ever.

3.  Tigger's Don't Like Hunny  - Winnie The Pooh and The Blustery Day

This is perhaps one of my earliest Tigger memories and it's just so funny. I love Tigger's reaction to the Hunny,   and how he takes one paw-ful and then decides that Tigger's don't like Hunny.   It's simple and sweet and in the case of Tigger, sticky.  Tigger's reaction the the hunny though is just priceless as he that look of disgust on his face. The same way a young child would when they're forced to eat something they know they won't like.  It is just so cute.

2. The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers 

What,  you thought I forgot about this? Of course not.   This is perhaps the  definitive Tigger moment and I love this song because as with most of the other moments on the list,  it just shows how much of fun character Tigger is.  This song is a classic and just so simple but it introduces the audience to Tigger very well.    Again,  it's simple but in my opinion from the catalog of songs that The Shermans wrote, this one is the most fun.

1.  Only the best for my bestest little brother - The Tigger Movie

Now I knew that this was going to be a my number one moment  the minute I came up with this list. I love The Tigger Movie and the basic jist of the movie is that Tigger is trying to find  his family. At the end of the film, Tigger realizes that his friends are his family and throughout the entire film, he had been holding onto a locket that he thought was from his family but when along with his friends, having a party in Tigger's tree house, he gives the locket to Roo.  As has been seen many times, Roo is Tigger's best friend but as we come to see at the end of this film, Tigger and Roo are more then friends, they're brothers.  Roo looks up to Tigger the way, a little brother looks up to their older sibling and this line shows that Tigger cares for Roo like a sibling.   You know I think before we close this out, I should include the best song from this film.  

There you have it, my Top 6 Tiggerific Moments. Join me next time as we continue our visit as I take a look at what is often considered one of the most emotional episodes of The New Adventures of Winnie The Pooh as I take a look at..


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, I'm just happy to get this event started as I've been looking forward to it for a while but I do have some bad news, I had to cut my reviews of Blustery Day and Tigger Too as my copy of The Many Adventures no longer works bur no matter, there'll be 13 articles.

  2. The DVD should be quite cheap and can probably be found at used movie stores or even on the shelf of retail.

  3. Thing is, I don't have the time to get it but no matter, there will be 13 articles.
