Moviefan12: Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney. Today, I continue my countdown of my favorite moments from The Revenge of Darkfan21 by taking a look at my favorite Fusionater moments. However joining me today to go over them with me is of course is Fusionater.
Fusionater: Happy to be here Moviefan, I had a lot of fun writing that with you, and it's always fun to take time to look back at these things.
Moviefan12: Indeed, I feel that this is one of the best things, we have ever worked on. Now onto my favorite moments starring you!
6. There's a good chance we'll end up in Narnia. - Finale
Moviefan12: For those that may not recall, this moment came after everything had finished up and our characters were ready to go home and Fusionater had built a device to take us home. Well at least myself & Fus as DisneyOtoko stayed behind. Fusionater had this one off joke about how we might end up in Narnia. I don't know what it is about this moment but I think it's funny and in my opinion, you had some of the funniest lines in the entire story. I think what made this one work though was the pay off. Though, thankfully we didn't end up in Narnia and we were able to get back home.
Fusionater: Well, I wouldn't have hated it if we had ended up in Narnia, the place is all right. I suppose it is better that we ended up back here though, you're right.
4. Stopping Moviefan12 From Sacrificing Himself - Alt. Ending
Moviefan12: As I said, when counting my moments, I feel that each of us had a big hero moment and as odd as this may seem, I feel as though, yours actually got cut because this in my opinion was your big hero moment. Though it was only featured in the alternate ending. Still, it was a great moment with you giving my character a much needed wake up call.
Fusionater: That was an example of some of my crazier writing, and as for it being my "Big hero moment", I'm just as happy fighting off a robot as I am pinning you to a wall.
3. Trying To Move The Site To Wordpress- Pt. 1
Moviefan12: I believe this is the only time that the site was mentioned in the entire arc and it was a nice shot at Which sadly, we are still here. Ah well, the site may have it's flaws and a lot of bugs and this sums my feelings. I gotta ask, what was the deal with the dark hole, though?
Fusionater: The hole was the door to Darkness, naturally, and the whole Wordpress developers thing was because at the time, I was actually looking for people.
2. The Robot Fight - Finale
Moviefan12: There was no way, this one was getting left off the list. It is one of the best moments of the entire story arc and the big thing that made this one work was how silly and over the top it was, while compared to my portion of the story, it was pretty straightforward and serious. I feel, we had a nice balance of silly and serious here. Forgive me for saying this but The Robot Fight is in my opinion, a classic.
Fusionater: Forgive you, I'm not against the compliment.
I had a lot of fun writing that, it actually came about when I was thinking "Just what would Darkfan have as his sort of battle commander that I would fight" And it ended up being robot with an adaptive tendency, much like Darkfan himself. 
Moviefan12: And my # 1 Fusionater Moment is...
1, Fusionater: Right than, good luck with that one...wanna trade? - Pt. 1
Moviefan12: This is my favorite line from the entire story because it is just so funny. For those that do not recall this was Fusionater's reaction to what we had to review. It's just so deadpan and when I saw it, I knew it was the perfect line to use as the last line for Pt. 1. A little behind the scenes, this story started out as three parts but it became so large that it had to be broken down into 5 parts. You see Pt. 1 and the review of Too Smart For Strangers were meant to be the same article. I'm actually glad that I broke them down because I feel something would've been lost from this line if it had not been used at the end of an article.
Fusionater: Now see, that's the comedy I see in it, I had never intended for it to be a climax line, it was just supposed to be a quick joke, moving on, I couldn't have expected that you would love it so much, but I'm glad you did.
Moviefan12: And that just goes to show that sometimes executive decisions can make lines that were meant to be throwaways, memorable.
Fusionater: Moviefan12 the Executive Producer, who knew? Maybe you should get in touch with Holl E Woods sometime, you seem to have ideas.
Moviefan12: Hmm....
Moviefan12: Well anyways, thank you for joining me on this trip down memory lane. It was a pleasure to get to talk about these 6 moments again.
Fusionater: It was great working with you and I look forward to seeing your next lists.
Fusionater: Happy to be here Moviefan, I had a lot of fun writing that with you, and it's always fun to take time to look back at these things.
Moviefan12: Indeed, I feel that this is one of the best things, we have ever worked on. Now onto my favorite moments starring you!
6. There's a good chance we'll end up in Narnia. - Finale
Moviefan12: For those that may not recall, this moment came after everything had finished up and our characters were ready to go home and Fusionater had built a device to take us home. Well at least myself & Fus as DisneyOtoko stayed behind. Fusionater had this one off joke about how we might end up in Narnia. I don't know what it is about this moment but I think it's funny and in my opinion, you had some of the funniest lines in the entire story. I think what made this one work though was the pay off. Though, thankfully we didn't end up in Narnia and we were able to get back home.
Fusionater: Well, I wouldn't have hated it if we had ended up in Narnia, the place is all right. I suppose it is better that we ended up back here though, you're right.
5. Seeing The Corpses of Moviefan12 & DisneyOtoko & himself - Pt. 3
Fusionater: What? Where are you!? Where am I??? *looks around* Is this some kind of cavern, is that a window? *walks over to window*
*Fusionater is on his knees, gagging, inside the window is the mutilated corpses of DisneyOtoko and Moviefan12*
Fusionater: *gag* Looks again* That's a neat trick I suppose, but we both know that you couldn't beat them...
*Fusionater is now in the room, and he is seeing DisneyOtoko and Moviefan12 looking at him*
Fusionater: What the hell...*looks down and sees his own mutilated corpse*
*Fusionater passes out*
Moviefan12: This was the ending to your review and this was a really well done creepy moment. I remember the first time, I read this part in our group inbox, it sent chills down my spine. Just the idea of seeing corpses of people you know is creepy, even if as Fusionater pointed out it was a cheap trick but then you end by seeing your own corpse. That knocks the creepy factor up another notch.
Fusionater: I had fun writing that one, I thought to myself "at this point, just how can I make this a threatening situation" and, I think I found a way.
Fusionater: I had fun writing that one, I thought to myself "at this point, just how can I make this a threatening situation" and, I think I found a way.
4. Stopping Moviefan12 From Sacrificing Himself - Alt. Ending
Moviefan12: What the...
Moviefan12: He needs to die!!!
Fusionater: He does, does he? At what cost? Is it worth the pain that I and all your friends will feel when your gone? Is it worth those endless hours of sorrow we would inevitably be plagued with!?!?
Moviefan12: He's done so much evil...
Fusionater: HE HAS! But that's no excuse, now, because of how foolish you're being, I have to take care of this.
Moviefan12: I can't let you do that. *stands to fight*
Fusionater: You're really gonna make me do this aren't you? *pulls out gun*
Moviefan12: Fusionater... *Fusionater fires, and a net comes charging from the gun, binding Moviefan12 to the wall*
Moviefan12: As I said, when counting my moments, I feel that each of us had a big hero moment and as odd as this may seem, I feel as though, yours actually got cut because this in my opinion was your big hero moment. Though it was only featured in the alternate ending. Still, it was a great moment with you giving my character a much needed wake up call.
Fusionater: That was an example of some of my crazier writing, and as for it being my "Big hero moment", I'm just as happy fighting off a robot as I am pinning you to a wall.
3. Trying To Move The Site To Wordpress- Pt. 1
Fusionater: I was busy preparing a crack team of web developers to move over to wordpress...they all ran away when the dark hole in the wall appeared...and than I was sucked in.
Moviefan12: I believe this is the only time that the site was mentioned in the entire arc and it was a nice shot at Which sadly, we are still here. Ah well, the site may have it's flaws and a lot of bugs and this sums my feelings. I gotta ask, what was the deal with the dark hole, though?
Fusionater: The hole was the door to Darkness, naturally, and the whole Wordpress developers thing was because at the time, I was actually looking for people.
2. The Robot Fight - Finale
(Meanwhile back with Fusionater)
*Fusionater has just finished a device*
Fusionater: BRILLIANT! Now, I need to get this to the other 2...
Mysterious voice: You're not going anywhere.
Fusionater...!?!? Darkfan21?!?
Darkfan21: I am a version of Darkfan21, I am the Deviously Actualized, Rebel Killing, Force Abusing, Neutralizer. Version 21.
Fusionater: That's a stretching acronym.
D.A.R.K.F.A.N. 21: I am a dangerous robot, and you shall die.
*Shoots lazer from eyes, Fusionater ducks*
Fusionater: It's a fight than! *pulls out new weapon*
D.A.R.K.F.A.N. 21: 'Analysis' Carbon based metal allow with a phase shifting nuclear core. Threat level: Intermediate.
Fusionater: ...Well your face looks funny.
D.A.R.K.F.A.N. 21: 'Analysis' Quip designed to distract enemy attention. Threat level: Zero.
Fusionater: Hm? uh...*pulls out candy bar*
D.A.R.K.F.A.N. 21: 'Analysis' Glucose based stick of fat. Threat level: Minimal.
Fusionater: Cool. *pulls out spare shoe lace*
D.A.R.K.F.A.N. 21: 'Analysis' Enemy agent attempting to take advantage of this units primary functions. Threat level: High. 'Adapting.' *fires a new lazer*
Fusionater: Oh shi...*ducks*Shoots his gun weapon thing*
D.A.R.K.F.A.N. 21: *Is hit with the weapon, no apparent affect* 'Declaration' You cannot win.
Fusionater: "correction" (God do you realize how annoying that is?) I cannot destroy you...apparently, so, later! *pulls out new device, activates it*
*a portal is opened, and D.A.R.K.F.A.N. 21 is being pulled to it*
Moviefan12: There was no way, this one was getting left off the list. It is one of the best moments of the entire story arc and the big thing that made this one work was how silly and over the top it was, while compared to my portion of the story, it was pretty straightforward and serious. I feel, we had a nice balance of silly and serious here. Forgive me for saying this but The Robot Fight is in my opinion, a classic.
Fusionater: Forgive you, I'm not against the compliment.
Moviefan12: And my # 1 Fusionater Moment is...
1, Fusionater: Right than, good luck with that one...wanna trade? - Pt. 1
Moviefan12: This is my favorite line from the entire story because it is just so funny. For those that do not recall this was Fusionater's reaction to what we had to review. It's just so deadpan and when I saw it, I knew it was the perfect line to use as the last line for Pt. 1. A little behind the scenes, this story started out as three parts but it became so large that it had to be broken down into 5 parts. You see Pt. 1 and the review of Too Smart For Strangers were meant to be the same article. I'm actually glad that I broke them down because I feel something would've been lost from this line if it had not been used at the end of an article.
Fusionater: Now see, that's the comedy I see in it, I had never intended for it to be a climax line, it was just supposed to be a quick joke, moving on, I couldn't have expected that you would love it so much, but I'm glad you did.
Moviefan12: And that just goes to show that sometimes executive decisions can make lines that were meant to be throwaways, memorable.
Fusionater: Moviefan12 the Executive Producer, who knew? Maybe you should get in touch with Holl E Woods sometime, you seem to have ideas.
Moviefan12: Hmm....
Moviefan12: Well anyways, thank you for joining me on this trip down memory lane. It was a pleasure to get to talk about these 6 moments again.
Fusionater: It was great working with you and I look forward to seeing your next lists.
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