Take A Look at Disney


Classic Pixar Shorts Showcase: Lifted

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and welcome back to Classic Pixar Shorts Showcase.  Today, well today,  I don't know how to explain this short. Was it bad?  No, not at all.  It was hilarious but it was weird.  Good, but weird.   

The Plot

In this short, we follow a young alien, Stu, who is taking an examination, which is that of trying to abduct a human named Ernie but let's just say he isn't very good at it and through the entire time through this short,  I wanted to see Stu succeed but his failures are what make this short so funny.  My favorite gag has to be when, he thought he had Ernie but the beam had to go through a tree.  That is perhaps one of the biggest laughs, I've gotten out of any of the Pixar shorts.  So,  as I said, Stu wasn't very good and his examiner Mr. B had to fix everything.  In a touching moment,  he decides to let Stu drive the spaceship and as we that was a mistake as he crashes on Ernie's house and takes it with them leaving only Ernie.   I said that this short was weird and I say that because in the beginning of this short,  I kept asking myself "what is going on?"

Plot Device


Ernie wasn't a character, he was just a plot device that Stu used in his test.  Okay,  I have to ask, do alien use dummies to practice on.   It was funny watching Stu mess with this poor guy, who had no idea what was going on because he was asleep, the entire time.



Stu may be one of  my new favorite Pixar characters.  He was just so funny and I felt so bad for him.  I really wanted to see him succeed and he came so close too but alas it was not to be.

Mr. B

Mr. B was also pretty funny as he was so deadpanned compared to over-eagerness of Stu.  He just had this look of  "Another one of these kids". 

My Final Thoughts

I think this may be my favorite Pixar short that I've reviewed thus far but so far other then Red's Dream and For The Birds,  I've liked all of the shorts.  Join me on Monday as I start a week long look at Pixar shorts to wrap up this event hopefully before my Halloween event starts.  So join me Monday as I take a look at...


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