Take A Look at Disney


A Look at Disney Set Sails For Adventure: Muppet Treasure Island (with Jak The Infamous)

Moivefan12:  Argh,  it be I,  the  one that they call the fan of Disney.   What's this?  There  appears to be a stowaway onboard this vessel.   Jak the Infamous,  I mean Infamous Jak, what ye be doing here?    And  while your here, would this stowaway  like to join this hearty captain in reviewing the picture called Muppet Treasure Island.  Of course, ye can always walk the plank instead.   

 Jak: Argh, I be searching for buried treasure. Alas none be here. Fer now I suppose th' Muppets shall be a worthy substitute. 

Moviefan12: Excellent lad,  will this film be worth it's weight in doubloons or will it earn the black spot. Let's journey forward.  First let's hoist up the trailer.



Moviefan12:   Aye,   they don't  make  trailers like this from the days of yore no more.    Quite a special trailer,  this be as it was a product   of it's  time.

 Jak: 'tis be true. 'tis trailer was once common in th' 90's, but they seem to have disappeared over th' years. One thin' I find a wee bit particular be that it be buildin' Kermit as th' star. When in true he be wee more than a supportin' role. 

Moviefan12:   Yes, them scallywags at marketing  musta thought that showin'  the Frog as th' star would attract more scoundrels to the cinema.  Tis be a common occurrence to this very day for marketin' to mislead the landlubbers go to see th' movies.   Anyways, sit right back as we tell the tale.

The Tale

Moviefan12:  I be thinkin'  that there ain't much to say on the tale of Muppet Treasure Island.  It's an adaption of a well known story but with a Muppety twist to it.  So instead o' normal tale telling, we can talk about what they changed.

Jak: Bein' a feared pirate, I can't read. But a mate once gave me an account of the original tale. I don't recall there be that much singing or talking animals.


Moviefan12:  Tis be the truth but what does ye expect with The Muppets.  They do indeed sing some wonderful shanties throughout th' picture but with tis bein'  a Muppet film,  one can expect th'  fourth wall to be blasted quite a few times but 'nother more noticeable change from the original tale is that Master Hawkins was not an orphan in the book but rather the child of  the people that ran that the Tortuga Benbow Inn.   In our tale with our fuzzy and furry creatures, the lad known as Jim Hawkins does s live at the Benbow but is an orphan, who be workin' there with Gonzo The Great and Rizzo.  Ah Rizzo,  a staple of Muppets in th' 90s.  

Jak: Another noticeable change be that of the first mate, Mr. Arrow. If me memory is not decevin' me, he was a heavy drinker in the original tale. Where here he be played by the straight lace Sam de Eagle. He's final fate be much different as well.

Moviefan12:  Indeed,  this be true of Mr. Arrow as he lives to see the end of th' film.   However, not all are so lucky as this is the only Muppet movie to feature a death as Billy Bones played by Billy Connolly dies at the beginning of the film.   And to quote the rat, this is a kid's picture.   

Now Ole Billy Bones warns our heroes  to be wary of the one legged man.   He is referring to Long John Silver.  This be 'nother change as in most adaptions,   Silver has peg leg that identifies him.  However being as the actor to portray Silver tried a peg leg and found it uncomfortable, they went with a crutch.  Oh,  and Tim Curry played the pirate.

Jak: Aye, but we have yet t' mention the biggest change of course. For in de original tale, our crew finds a marooned pirate by the name of Ben Gunn. While Kermit and crew do find someone, it is not ol' Ben, but instead Miss Piggy. I be fine with this change meself. For a Muppet Movie without Miss Piggy be like Long John without his trusty parrot.

What tis ya mean he doesn't have a parrot? A Lobster named Polly ye tell me? That be different says I.

Moviefan12:  Aye,  ye be speakin of ole  Benjaminna  Gunn and  I be agreein'  with ya.  A Muppet movie without Miss Piggy, just isn't a Muppet Movie. 


And what this ya talkin' about a pet lobster?  What next you goin' tell me, there's a land rule by a magical pony princess that  has wings or somethin'. This just be absurd. But it be true.

Well ain't that adorable, he has a little claw hook. This be all th'  major changes made ta th' tale of Treasure Island as the Muppets boarded their vessel.  Speakin' of which...

The Vessel 

The Hispaniola 


Moviefan12:  Now what be a crew without a hearty vessel and our crew here has The Hispaniola provided by dimwitted, Squire Trelwaney Jr.  and the man that lives in his finger, Mr. Bimbo.  Now this be a fine ship and the crew is suggested by  Mr. Bimbo and Long John Silver.   Now as for the ship itself never actually moved as the environments around  it's surroundings.  Now as for th'  ship sailin'  on the ocean blue, a miniature was used over a garbage ship on the Caribbean.  It be a fine ship indeed.  

Jak: Aye, it be a fine vessel. Me only complaints be that there be a few too many rodents for this sailor.

A mighty peculiar feature be the ship's figurehead. Now I be accustomed to th' figurehead bein' a beautiful woman. But here they be two old men. This may be the rum speakin', but i could have sworn I even heard them speak at one point. 

Moviefan12:  I musta  been  drinkin'  the same rum as I heard them talkin' as well, laddie.  

Now, we be lookin'  at the' crew of this here ship.

The Crew

Captain  Abraham Smollet  played  by Kermit  The Frog

Jak: On de Seas it is told that a ship is only as good as it's Captain. This be not lacking in this aspect as Captain Abraham Smollett be 'bout the finest seaman a sailor could ever wish to follow.

Moviefan12: Aye, tis be true lad.  Smollet  is one of the'  finest captains out there.  Many consider it an honor ta follow his orders but let's  not be like tha'  trailer up there and mislead these landlubbers as  while Smollet is a great captain,  he not bein' the star of this picture. That bein'  Jim Hawkins.

Jim  Hawkins  played by  Kevin Bishop


 Moviefan12:  Now Master Hawkins is a fine  young lad with a lot of ambition and  good hearted.  Maybe  a little too trusting at the beginning but he most certainly  not a bad character.  It just be tha'  he be overshadowed by th'  Muppets.  Tis understandable though as only so few can keep up with the zany antics of th' Muppets.  Still,  he's a fine young lad. 

Jak: Aye, he may not have his sea legs at the start tis picture, but he truly grows as the events unfold. He may not steal de picture, but he does a worth while job all de same.

Moviefan12:   Aye,  lad now let's  move on to  Mr.  Samuel  Arrow

Mr.  Samuel  Arrow played  Sam The Eagle  



Moviefan12:  Now as  me  piratin'  pardner  here mentioned,   Mr.  Arrow  not be like he was in the book  as he be a rather straight laced and serious second in command that keeps the ship in tip top shape.  

 Jak: Aye, this being me introduction to de Eagle when I was a lad, I soon took a likin' to him and he's delivery.

Moviefan12:  Aye,  now let's be movin'  onto Gonzo and Rizzo 

Gonzo & Rizzo 

Moviefan12:  Now back in th'  '90s,  this was one of th'  best pairins'  from Th' Muppets as these two characters played well off each other and they had some th'  best chemistry of any Muppet duo in th' history of the Muppets.  It be hard ta explain but when you saw these two, you be in for a treat. And this here film be no exception as they play off well one another and they too also show as bein' great support for Master Hawkins.  As Gonzo puts it,  they view Jim as family and you get the sense that these three lads will go through thick and thin for one 'nother.  

 Jak: Aye, some duos are just de perfect pair. Gonzo and Rizzo be such. There be a strong sense of family between the three. Tis be impressive considering one be just a lad, one a rat, and one a ..... whatever.

Moviefan12:   I thought th' blue one was a weirdo but  no matter, we be movin'  on to perhaps what be me least favorite character in th' picture show.

Squire  Trelwaney played  by Fozzie Bear


Moviefan12:  Now  I be havin'  a problem wit'  this here portrayal of Fozzie de Bear in tis picture as they be makin' him look a fool wit' the whole  talkin' ta a little man in his finger.  It just was never funny but it rather be grating.    

 Jak: Aye. De man in the finger gag is one that was never worthy than more a slight chuckle on de best of days. All put together he be rather forgettable in this movie.

Now,  our last member not be part of dis here crew but rather be de ta pig, they found marooned on Treasure Island.

Benjaminna Gunn played by Miss Piggy


Moviefan12:Now as we be mention'  up above,  this here be one de biggest changes ta th' story.  Making Ben Gunn, a woman but it worked for de picture as Miss Piggy needed a role and she be de one holding all de loot.  And you coul'  truly feel the love between de pig and de frog in tis movie.

 Jak: Aye. It be a change of course, but it be a good change of course. It allows Miss. Piggy to take a part that is different then her normal role, but remain tru to herself. Her introduction to de movie is truly well done.

Moviefan12:  Now what be  a voyage on de rough seas without some shanties ta pass de time.  


Shiver My  Timbers

Moviefan12:  Now tis here be de perfect way ta open a pirate picture as it sets de mood for what's ta come. It be very menacing and makes ya fer tees piratin'  scum.

Jak: AYE, like a good cannon, this be a tune that starts wit de bang the movie was needing. A favorite for I to sing along with after a bit of rum.

Something Better

Moviefan12:  Now tis not a bad number but I dunno know,  it be on of tem  "I Want" numbers but I just don'  think it's all that memorable. It's not bad bu'  it just doesn't leave an impression on me.  

Jak: I be in agreement. Tis not a bad melody, but it lacks the punch de rest in dis picture have.

Sailing For Adventure

Moviefan12:  Now tis be more lik'  it as tis number has de Muppet feel ta it, that ye expect with th' furry creatures. It be zany, silly,  and even a tad emotional.  It be one de best numbers in de film.

Jak: Aye, as a pirate of many years on the big blue, this be a perfect capture of life on de sea.

Cabin Fever 

Moviefan12: Now,  tis be ta song thais th'  most memered from de picture.  Why, every landlubber at me school was singin' tis here song, when I was but a wee lad after tis picture came out.  And it  not be hard ta see why,  it be de most Muppety thing in de film.  


Eh, what we be tolkin' bout?

A  Professional Pirate 

Moviefan12:  Now tis number just be lotta fun and it not be hard de see why, it's Tim Curry, a human Muppet singin' with de Muppets and stealin' de scene and chewin' de scenery.  Tis may be de only memorable villain song from a Muppet picture. And de only good one as well.Again, now can ye go wrong with Tim Curry, the sweet Transvestite.  Ooh, dat's 'nother picture altogether.  

Tim Curry dressed up as pirate singing along with Muppets is quite possibly the greatest thing in the exists of mankind. I want this moment framed and hung on my wall. It's so awesome in fact i totally didn't i broke character until now. ummm, AAARRGGGHHHHH. But back to de point, it be dis very tune that lead me to becoming the pirate i be today.

Boom Shakalaka

 Moviefan12:   I musta admit tat I not be a fan of tis here number.  It just doesn't stick wit me like tat Professional Pirate number from before tis here number.  And it does grate on my nerves a bit, wit it's repetitiveness.

Jak: I always be seeing this as background noise, then a song in it's own right. Tis catchy though.

Love Led Us Here 

Moviefan12:  Now tis here be 'nother number that I enjoy and probably me favorite Muppet love song.  Though, I think tat tis number works better without de visuals.  Something about de contrast of de lyrics and de pirates finding de treasure don't work for tis scallywag.  It be a cute number between de pig and de frog but  I prefer it outta de film. 

Jak: Aye, dis be a lovely tune about love. But being a pirate I be having no time for that sissy stuff. But if i were i say dis be one of de Muppets strongest. But I'm not, aye be a pirate.

The Dread Pirate

Long John Silver played by Tim Curry

Moviefan12:  Now one th' most important aspects of any adaption of this here be  Long John Silver.  And  Tim Curry does a fine  job at  playin'  th' role of the pirate as he be bringin' the camp and the heart.  He be silly and over the top but you also know that he care for Jim Hawkins.

Jak: Aye, ye be believin' the relationship between the two as it feels as genuine as me peg foot. Tim Curry be a highlight of dis picture if I be telling the truth.

Our  Final Thoughts 

Moviefan12: Argh, yeah I can't go with the pirate talk any longer.  It was hard enough to do an entire review in this style but worth it.   But this is a really good film that  is a great adaption of Treasure Island that brings the tale to life  in the only way that the Muppets could.  With heart and zaniness.  

Jak: While tis not what introduced this ol' sea dog to de Muppets, tis what made me a fan. As a result, it be holding a special place for me. Excellent film that I recommend to anyone who enjoys sailing for adventure with de Muppets.

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