Take A Look at Disney


A Look at Disney Vs. The Forces of Evil: Top 6 Star Vs. The Forces of Evil Episodes

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney Vs. The Forces of  Evil and today, we enter the home stretch as we countdown my top 6 favorite episodes of the first season. With that out of the way, let's begin.

6.  Mewberty

In this episode, we Star go through the Mewni version of puberty  as little hearts start sprouting all over Star's body and she turns into this rather peculiar looking butterfly creature and that in this state, Star could possibly destroy the whole school as this is where the episode is set.   We also see in this state that Star tends to go a bit boy crazy and the big thing that sells this episode is how funny it is and how it presents this transition in a very really unique way that might seem uncomfortable but that was the point.

5.   Cheer Up Star

Ah, seems Star and I have the same reaction to clowns.  This episode is really sweet, Star develops a crush on a boy at school and gives him the number of the Diaz house to call but it doesn't seem like he's going to call anytime soon and Marco sees this and decides to cheer up his best friend by bringing in monsters for Star to fight but he accidentally summons Ludo's army.  I like this episode because it shows how much of a good person, Marco is. And what he's willing to do to make Star feel better is just really sweet.

4. Blood Moon Ball

In this episode, we meet Star's ex-boyfriend, Tom (voiced by Rider Strong of Boy Meets World fame), who is from the Underworld and wants to take Star to said event, which is  their version of the prom but Marco is suspicious of Tom's intentions. And while he has a right to be suspicious, Star has more of a right to be angry at Marco for not trusting her to take care of herself. The whole message of this episode was that Star can take care of herself and she is more mature than people give her credit for. Sure, she has her quirks but she is a strong young lady and I love how this episode handles that.

3. St. Olga's Reform School For Wayward Princesses

I won't say much here as my review said everything that I wanted to but I'll repeat that this episode is one of the most powerful pieces of TV that I've seen in quite some time. The message of being yourself is always a message that I always appreciate and the way, it was handled was wonderfully done.

2. Storm The Castle

Again, I won't say much as I'll be reviewing this episode tomorrow.  This show really knew how to deliver with it's first season's finale.  Everything about this episode was intense and I was on the edge of my seat waiting to seat, what was going to happen next and it really laid the groundwork for season 2.  Which I really want.  C'mon season 2.

1.  The Banagic Incident

Bar none, this is my favorite episode.  I couldn't stop laughing throughout this episode. This episode is one laugh after the other as Star is let out on the town for her own for the first time. And with her limited understanding of earth culture makes everything so funny such as how probably my favorite moment in the episode, when she enters the restaurant that is pirate themed and she thinks that it's been taken over by pirates. This episode, where words cannot do it justice.  You need to watch it to see how gloriously funny, it can be.   This episode more than any other highlights the humor in the series and why I love it so much.

Join me tomorrow as we close out this event as I look at the season 1 finale as I look at Storm The Castle.  Peace! 

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