Take A Look at Disney


A Look a Disney Vs. The Forces of Evil: St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney Vs. The Forces of Evil as I continue my look at the first season of Star vs. The Forces of Evil. Last time, we looked at the pilot episode of Star vs. The Forces of Evil and today, we are taking a look at the first half-hour episode of the show as Star travels to her most feared place in all the dimensions as she goes to St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses to save her best bestie overall on her birthday-day.  With that out of the way, let's begin.

Episode Title

St. Olga's Reform for Wayward Princesses

The title refers to the location, where the episode takes place.

The Plot

The episode opens with Star on interdimensional mirror as she is talking to her best bestie, Pony Head (who we first saw in the second segment of the first episode) as she wishes Pony Head, a happy birthday. Pony Head gets excited at the prospects of what Star says that they could do on her birthday-day.  And this is where the trouble gets started as the guards at St. Olga's overhears Pony Head expressing excitement and is taken away for solitary conform-ment.  Star feeling bad for best bestie wants to break her out and Marco despite his dislike for Pony Head agrees to help Star break Pony Head out St. Olga's as he's seen every prison break movie ever made. Star uses her dimensional scissor to get them to St. Olga's and when there, Star uses her want to disguise herself and Marco to blend in with the other princesses.  After a brief orientation with the headmistress, Star and Marco break off from the rest of the princesses to find Pony Head.

As they sneak through the school,  Star comes to realizes that the school is much worse than she realized.   Once, they reach Pony Head's room,  they see that Pony Head has been conditioned to be a formal and civilized princess.  And while Star is horrified at this prospect while Marco thinks that she's better off this way. Perhaps due to the fact that Pony Head referred to him as Earth Turd.  They grab Pony Head and breakout and coming past a tea etiquette class and this is where Marco finally realizes why Star dislikes this place and starts a revolt against the school with one simple line.

It's not criminal to be an individual  

And with this one line, Marco and the other princesses start throwing their teacups at the guards and start to fight them.  Though the revolt is short lived as the headmistress, Miss Heinous (I thought her name was St. Olga) joins the crusade in finding in Star and Marco and it's not good for our heroes as while Marco finds a laundry chute to make an escape out of, his poofy dress gets caught. Yeah, forgot to mention that Star disguises Marco as a princess.  And alas,  Marco is taken to the solitary conform-ment room.  And things look grim and bleak for our hero and it's not good.  Meanwhile in a laundry room, Star comes across a poster that represents everything she despises about the school as this is what it reads.

Embrace a princess mentality. Wash away your individuality.

It appears that Pony Head is far too far brainwashed to help her best bestie save Marco but when she sees Star takes out her anger on this poster, she snaps out of it and starts to rip the poster with her horn.  And this brings Star back to a happy state and they crawl through the air vents to free Marco out of the solitary conform-ment chamber and we see here that Miss Heinous is somewhat affected by Star's free spirit as she much condition herself in the solitary confrom-ment chamber before Star's individuality affects her.  Using her scissor, Star opens a portal to get them out of St. Olga's and gets them to the outside of the school. This causes a complete school breakout as Star breaks a tower that had been disrupting portals as our heroes prepare to leave with Pony Head but she decides to stay at St. Olga's to make sure that what happened to her doesn't happen to anyone else.  The episode ends with Miss Heinous finding a bobby pin that Marco had brought with him in case of emergencies and after putting it in a potion discovers that the princesses that started the revolt are from Earth and she will    annihilate the princesses that disrupted her school.

Daron Nefcy, Star's creator with this episode delivered one of the most  powerful episodes of any show that I'd ever seen.  The message is one that sure, we may have seen before but it really resonated with me as I re-watched this episode. Before watching this episode again for this review, I'd not put much thought it what this episode was trying to say and while for comedic purposes alone, The Banagic Incident is my favorite episode of the first season, I have a feeling that this episode will stay with me for quite some time and I have a feeling that Miss Heinous is being set up for a larger role in the second season, which can't get here soon enough. The wait for season 2 is killing me. Sorry but I'm more excited about the prospect of season 2 for Star than I am of for season 6 of MLP.  This show is just that good and I'm willing to say that I like it more than MLP.


Main Characters

Star voiced by Eden Sher

This was a great episode for Star as it took her through a roller coaster of emotions as she had to face her worst fear in order to save her best besties and it wasn't an easy feat for our heroine but she pulled through and faced St. Olga's head on and it was great seeing her tackle this fear.

Marco voiced by Adam McArthur

Well, it looks like Marco has a new enemy in Miss Heinous and while he didn't seem to get Star's fear of this place at first, once he finally realized what it was, he stepped up and helped his friend. And it was wonderful to see him help her face this fear.

Supporting Character

Pony Head voiced by Jenny Slate

This episode made me do a turn around on Pony Head as I hated her in her first appearance as she came off as annoying jerk. Sure, she cared for Star but I couldn't get past her mistreatment of Marco but here, I actually felt bad for her and wanted to see her saved. And when she was finally snapped out of her brainwashing, I was happy for her.


Miss Heinous voiced by Jessica Walter

In many respects, Miss Heinous makes me think of Delores Umbridge from the Harry Potter series in how cruel she can be and how she demands perfection.  Now granted, she may not be as cruel as Umbridge but we've only seen her in one episode and I'm curious to see where the second season takes her.  The Star vs. The Forces of Evil expoisits an interesting theory that she may also be from Star's home planet of Mewni because of her cheeks.   That would be interesting as both her and Star have these little tattoo type freckles on their cheeks.  But once again, not much known is known of her and I'll just have to wait and see, where the show takes her in season 2.

My Final Thoughts

I greatly enjoyed this episode.  It's become one of my favorite episodes of the series after this re-watch with it's powerful message and I can't wait to watch it again and see where the show takes the central villain from this show next. Join me next time for the Music Fridays of this event. 

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