Take A Look at Disney


Villains Profile: Lady Tremaine

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and to another edition of Villains Profile. I'd been wanting to another set but I hadn't the foggiest idea as to what to do but then I recalled that Disney is currently going through their library of films and remaking them.  So, I thought that I could back to the originals of these films that have been remade and look at 4 of the villains from these original films.  So throughout this event, I'll be looking at Lady Tremaine from Cinderella, The Queen of Hearts from Alice In Wonderland, Shere Khan from The Jungle Book and Dr. Terminus from Pete's Dragon. We will be looking at Voice Actress, First Appearance,  Personality, Grand Desire, Lackeys, Most Evil Deed, Lackeys, Demise, & finally Is Lady Tremaine A Good Villain? With that out of the way, let's begin.

Voice Actress

Eleanor Audley

Now, we've talked about Eleanor Audley in the past as she was also the voice of Maleficent, if you couldn't tell by this image.   And she does play Lady Tremaine in a similar and very cruel fashion but if you know my stance on Maleficent, you won't be too surprised to learn that I prefer Lady Tremaine to Maleficent.

First Appearance

Now technically,  Lady Tremaine is introduced in the prologue of the movie.

Even then, you get the sense that there is something sinister about her.  And she doesn't even say a word. We next see her long after Cindy's father has passed and she is just as cruel and sinister. And all she does is lay there and smirk and pet Lucifer.

This woman is evil incarnate and she has no powers nor does she need them. She gets into Cinderella's head and plays mind-games with her stepdaughter.  That's her greatest strength as she doesn't have to lift a finger to get under the skin of Cinderella.


Lady Tremaine is a lady that tries to hold herself with grace and dignity and show that she is better than her stepdaughter in every way. For any Oncers, think of Snow and Regina but condensed. It was a common trope in classic Disney films but I think it works because compared to the original Evil Queen in Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, there is a bit more to Lady Tremaine as is a bit more complex than the Evil Queen.

She is very cold and calculating and doesn't have to do much to get what she wants as she rules her household with an iron fist and will berate anyone who doesn't listen to her. But she doesn't get outright angry, well at until towards the end of the movie as she knows how to keep her calm and show that while something may be eating at her, it won't phase her.

Grand Desire

This one is a bit hard to pin down for a character like Lady Tremaine because like with her other villain, her grand desire isn't as clear defined. That is if you look too hard. It's simple really, she just wants to make Cinderella's life miserable and why. Because she is jealous of Cinderella's beauty.  Lady Tremaine is the antithesis to Cinderella's inner and outer beauty as Lady Tremaine is ugly on both the outside and inside.  Sure, she may not be horrifying ugly like other Disney villains but her ugliness is depicted with her old age.


Anastasia & Drizella

Now, admittedly there isn't much to these two as they are just bumbling lackeys to their mother and it is clearly shown that Mom can easily manipulate these two. And as mentioned with Lady Tremaine, their ugliness is also shown on the outside but it's exaggerated for comedic effect.

Most Evil Deed

Now,  I had two things in mind here. Either, when Lady Tremaine locked Cinderella in the attic or what I ultimately went with.

Because as stated before, this scene demonstrates how powerful, Lady Tremaine is as she just says one thing and gets her daughters to tear apart Cinderella's dress. I'm going to try and avoid bringing up in the remake but this is something that bugged me as they recreated this scene and tried to add more weight by  pointing out in that film, the dress once belonged to Cinderella's mother.  But unlike this scene, which left an impact, the scene in the remake felt empty. Even with that addition whereas here, you see how brutal and raw, the emotion is here.  Because the dress is just torn to shreds and Lady Tremaine just stands back and doesn't do a thing.


Lady Tremaine's demise is simple.  It doesn't involve death or being arrested. All it takes is for Cinderella to get her happy ending and boom, Lady Tremaine is done for.

Sure, she breaks the one that Duke brought but she knows it over, when Cinderella unveils the glass slipper that she still had on her.  It's so simple, yet so effective.

Is Lady Tremaine A Good Villain?

Honestly, yeah I think so.  Now I've seen others compare Lady Tremaine to Maleficent just because they share a voice actress and while they do have some base similarities, I honestly think that Tremaine is the more interesting villain as she actually is more effective in going about and causing torment without having to lift a finger.  She never gets her hands dirty because she knows that she doesn't have to as if she says the right thing, she'll crush you hard.   Join me next time as I look at...

The Queen of Hearts

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