Take A Look at Disney


Villains Profile: The Queen of Hearts

Hello & welcome back to A Look at Disney and after a couple weeks off, we return to Villains Profile by looking at The Queen of Hearts.  As always, this'll include Voice Actress, First Appearance, Personality, Lackey, Grand Desire, Demise, & finally, Is The Queen of Hearts A Good Villain?

Voice Actress

Verna Felton

Now, I've reviewed movies that starred Verna Felton before as she is in 2 of my favorite Disney movies, Dumbo and Cinderella as Mrs. Jumbo and The Fairy Godmother.


Now clearly, The Queen of Hearts is a different type of character from these two as she's over-the-top and is clearly a comedic villain as Felton plays her as an antagonistic bully.

First Appearance

The Queen of Hearts doesn't appear towards the end of the film, when she discovers that her roses had been painted red.

And this upsets her greatly and she sends the cards to be beheaded and this is also around the same time, she meets Alice and when Alice tries to find her way home, The Queen declares that all ways are her ways.  Then The Queen asks if Alice is good at croquet out of nowhere and during the game, it's shown that The Queen isn't very good and her subjects cheat for and The Cheshire Cat shows up and causes mayhem that gets Alice in trouble. That's the odd thing about this movie, it really isn't a movie. It's more a series of vignettes that have one connection being Alice.


The Queen of Hearts is most certainly a more comedic villain as she is over the top, short-tempered and selfish,  impulsive and impatient.  Everything has to be her way or it's no way at all. She is a big oafish bully that is the most mad out of everyone in Wonderland.  Everyone is a little crazy in Wonderland but The Queen of Hearts is a dangerous combo as she's dangerous and has power.


King of Hearts

Lackey may be the wrong term to use to describe King of Hearts as it is shown that The Queen of Hearts does have affection for him and will listen to him such as when he is able to convince The Queen to give Alice a trial.  His presence in the film is minimal but it shows that he cares for The Queen.

Grand Desire

She really doesn't have one.   The only thing that she wants in life is for things to stay her way and she gets angry, when they aren't her way.


She really isn't defeated as Alice rather just escapes from Wonderland and the trial back into her subconscious.

So, she's not really defeated as much left to her own devices in Wonderland.

Is The Queen of Hearts A Good Villain?

She certainly isn't your traditional Disney villain as she no real desire other than to keep things the way that they are.  She isn't out for revenge against someone that wronged her nor is she trying to manipulate Alice. She is just the last obstacle in Alice's way before getting home.  And in that regard, she works well as the last thing that is blocking Alice from getting home.  As Alice is so close to getting home but the film just had to throw one last obstacle in her way.  And in that regard, she works well.   Join me next time as we look at Shere Khan

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