Take A Look at Disney


Music Fridays # 2: Sad Songs

Hello, it's once again time to put on the headphones as it is time for another installment of Music Fridays and this week's category is sad songs. The songs that make you cry your eyes out each time you hear them. So grab a kleenex as you cry a river.  Now I have decided to keep the Request segment but instead have chosen only to showcase one or two requests as I would like to share my song picks. First up are my Sad Songs. Then the request.

My Sad Songs

First up is the song, Baby Mine. This song is beautiful in every way and I love the simpilcity as Dumbo's mom singing to cheer him up. Each time I see Dumbo start crying, I get a little watery myself. 

Now I just love this song and many artist have covered it. Call me a little biased but I don't like it when a guy covers this song, I have heard Art Garfunkel and Kenny Loggins sing this song but to me it just loses the heart because well I feel like a mother should sing this.   Moving on my next sad song comes from a movie I consider very underrated in the realm of Disney and it is art of the reason why I brought Kenny Loggins. From The Tigger Movie, Your Heart Will Lead You Home.

This song is sad to me because remeber this song would always play in my head after my sister left and I would start to cry but luckily we are on good terms now. Also I feel part of the reason this song gives me goosebumps is because of the way that Kenny Loggins sings it. Fun fact: Because of this song and the others that The sherman Borthers wrote, this film was given a theartical release while it was originally going to be dirct-to-video, I believe Disney made the right choice in releasing to theaters. 

My last song comes from The Fox and The Hound, the song is  Best of Freinds.  Now on the surface this may not seem like a sad song but if you look at it as foreshadowing it is rather tragic and also I feel that this song pertains to the relationship I have with my best freind as you see we are both autisitc and I'm the worrier in the freindship and I used to always think are people judging us. Other than natural enemines line, I feel this can be used as the theme song for me and my best freind, who is practially my brother.

Now there is one other song from this film that I could nto pass up including which I feel bring Widow Tweed and Todd's relationship full circle. In the words of Hewy Lewis of Hewy's Antimated Movies Reviews, the short before the song makes this song even sadder than already is. The song is Goodbye May Seem Forever.

There you have it, my  three sad songs. Now let's move on to the requests for today's Music Fridays category. Our  request comes from Snowdrop and it is from the film Oliver & Company. The song is Once Upon a Time in New York City.

Request of The Week

Now before this song was requested, I had totally forgotten about it but I'm glad that someone did. Just  as with Dumbo, this film is set in the modern day but I find Oliver's situation more heartbreaking because he loses alll of his borthers and I don't think he know who his mom is. This may suprise you but Joey Lawerence voiced Oliver. The same guy that was best WOHA  plays that cute little kitten. This song here is sung by Hewy Lewis of Hewy Lewis & The News, who may know as the band that sang Back in Time on  the Back to the Future soundtrack. Now I may be a bit of a sap but seeing the Twin Towers took me back to 9/11 and made  this just a tad sadder.

There you have it, time to put the headphones back on.  Until next time, DJ Moviefan signing out.  Anyhoo next week is Disney videogames mainly Epic Mickey and Kingdom Hearts. Now this is different as I don't much about game music. So I'm going in uncharted waters. Peace.

Your Top 6 Songs Update

I have not given an update on the status of the voting  as it has remained the same, After Today and One Jump Ahead are still locked in. However I realized I should have set up a cutoff date which I'm announcing today.  Today is the 18th of  March and you have one month left to vote. So on Aprol 18th voting closes.  Here is a link to the updated list for voting.

12 Songs That You Can Vote For Updated List

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