Take A Look at Disney


Check Out These Disney Podcasts

Hey guys,  I have already said this in the past but between June 30th - July 5th, I'll be out of town. I'll be in Chicago for a July 4th trip. Now for those few days, you won't get any new A Look at Disney but if you still want your Disney fix, check out these Disney fan podcasts.

WDW Memories

This was the very first Disney podcast that I ever listened to and it is a joy. Each episode of this podcast takes you through classic Disney World rides. The best way to describe it is as an audio simulator. You hear the ride but don't see it. Just close your eyes and you'll be able to enjoy the ride. You guys should really check this one out. Here's a link to the ITunes page for this podcast

WDW Memories (ITunes Page)

Inside The Magic

Inside The Magic is a Disney podcast that deals with any and everything Disney. From the films to the parks and anything else.  Though our host, Ricky also takes the time to report on the events of non-Disney parks such as SeaWorld.  You can either head to his site, on Sunday to watch Inside The Magic live or do what I do and wait until Monday to listen to the podcast.  Now you can either listen to the podcast on his site or again as I do subscribe to it on ITunes.

Inside The Magic


When I want to get any info on Disneyland, I take a listen to Mousetalgia. Out of all the Disney podcasts that I listen to the hosts, Dave, Kristen,  Jeff and Becky have the best chemistry. They play well of each other and you can tell  that they enjoy working wit each other. Of course, that shouldn't be too suprising considering that Dave and Becky are married. Again, you can listen to the podcast on their site or subscribe to it on ITunes.


There you have it, these are just some of the Disney podcasts I listen to. There are many more but these are the 3 that stand out above the rest. I really hope you guys take the time to check them out while I'm gone.

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